Don't use
DApps have big delegations, use that to your advantage.
- There is no guarantee that your content will be voted on, and the voting patterns of these platforms varies from platform to platform.
Watch out for benefactor rewards
If your posts are already making a lot, then a benefactor reward of 5, 10, 15, 20% can really cut into your profits and the votes you receive may not be large enough or consistent enough to make it worthwhile to post on platforms that take benefactor rewards. But if your posts are making near-zero then it is always worth it to post on such platforms.
Check on to see the transaction history of the voting account the app uses (usually it is the same, sometimes there is something extra in the case of If there are benefactor rewards transactions then you know they are taking a % of the post reward as a fee.
Follow their guidelines
- Follow their posting guidelines and ask any questions you have in their discord channels. Make sure you are following the correct posting procedures to be eligible for votes from the platforms. Many platforms vote on content very infrequently, or only vote on people they know or who interact with the community. Do not be surprised if you do not get votes right away, or at all. Some apps are way worse about this than others.
Text+still image content
Use @esteemapp if your posts do not make that much now, they take a benefactor reward (a % of your earnings) but sometimes give you a small vote.
Use if your posts are already earning some money because they do not take a benefactor reward, and if you have followers with a lot of SP then can give you 1 vote every 12 hours. Make sure to use #busy as one of your tags and post from Many prefer the busy website even without considering the vote they give. I am posting on busy right now.
If you have a wordpress blog, check out @steempress-io. They do take a benefactor reward, but also vote on good blogs. They just got a big delegation.
Video content
@dtube takes a benefactor reward cut as well, but sometimes votes on video content. They have a large delegation so the reward can be hefty.
@dlive does not take a benefactor reward and is useful if you want to do video streaming such as video game streaming. They also vote on various content posted through their platform.
Audio content
- @dsound votes on audio content like music you create, they take a benefactor cut as well.
DApps tiene grandes delegaciones, use eso para su ventaja.
- No hay garantía de que su contenido sea votado, y los patrones de votación de estas plataformas varían de una plataforma a otra.
Cuidado con las recompensas del benefactor
Si sus publicaciones ya están ganando mucho, una recompensa benefactora de 5, 10, 15, 20% realmente puede reducir sus ganancias y los votos que reciba pueden no ser lo suficientemente grandes o consistentes como para que valga la pena publicar en plataformas. que toman recompensas de benefactores. Pero si sus publicaciones se están acercando a cero, siempre vale la pena publicar en dichas plataformas.
Verifique ení para ver el historial de transacciones de la cuenta de votación que usa la aplicación (generalmente es lo mismo, a veces hay algo adicional en el caso de Si hay transacciones de recompensas benefactor, entonces sabrá que están tomando un% de la recompensa como una tarifa.
Siga sus pautas
- Siga sus pautas de publicación y haga cualquier pregunta que tenga en sus canales de discordia. Asegúrese de estar siguiendo los procedimientos de publicación correctos para ser elegible para los votos de las plataformas. Muchas plataformas votan el contenido con poca frecuencia, o solo votan sobre personas que conocen o que interactúan con la comunidad. No se sorprenda si no obtiene votos de inmediato, o en absoluto. Algunas aplicaciones son mucho peores sobre esto que otras.
Texto + contenido de imagen fija
Use @esteemapp si sus publicaciones no ganan mucho ahora, reciben una recompensa de benefactor (un% de sus ganancias) pero a veces le dan un voto pequeño.
Use si sus publicaciones ya están ganando algo de dinero porque no reciben una recompensa de benefactor, y si tiene seguidores con mucha SP, puede darle 1 voto cada 12 horas. Asegúrese de utilizar #busy como una de sus etiquetas y publicar desde Muchos prefieren el sitio web ocupado, incluso sin considerar el voto que dan. Estoy publicando en ocupado en este momento.
Si tienes un blog de WordPress, echa un vistazo a @steempress-io. Reciben una recompensa de benefactor, pero también votan en buenos blogs. Acaban de tener una gran delegación.
Contenido de video
@dtube toma un recorte de recompensa benefactor también, pero a veces vota en contenido de video. Tienen una gran delegación, por lo que la recompensa puede ser considerable.
@dlive no toma una recompensa de benefactor y es útil si quieres hacer transmisiones de video como la transmisión de videojuegos. También votan sobre diversos contenidos publicados a través de su plataforma.
Contenido de audio
- @dsound vota sobre el contenido de audio como la música que creas, también toman un corte de benefactor.
Top advice for newbies trying to earn a few dollars. Great post my friend. Resteemed and best wishes to you :-)
Add to that list They are very generous with upvotes to people who make a big effort with their answers and don't try to spam the site with inane questions :-)
Do you mean, @musing? I'm not sure what is when I just checked.
They just came out 2 months ago, so it's possible they will get a big delegation in the future. Thanks for the tip, it does seem operational and they have been voting on people!
yes, my mistake sorry :-) and I have had some nice upvotes from them recently, especially if you also post your answer to your blog it seems. You get a tick box where your answer, which normally appears as a comment can be ticked and it appears in your feed as a post :-)
That's good to know, hopefully it can become a large and useful knowledge base!
If people ever stop typing in 'Who will win the world cup?' lol ;-)
remember that dlive also allows video uploads that are not streams. imho dlive does everything dtube can do but better, no benefactor reward and keeps your videos instead of deleting them!
I also have been having fun with letseat app.
Good point, I just list it because I think dtube has more vote diversity in their outgoing votes, which indicates a voting pattern worth checking out for those not making much.
Sounds interesting, the whole yelp debacle makes good alternatives sought after.
Thank You for explanation. Very interesting.
Of course, was hoping it could be of use to some people. Thanks for stopping by!
Good job man, useful information in this post especially for new users. Keep it up~
Thanks bro, and I agree that Assange got shafted pretty hard.
No conocía @esteemapp ni Dapps, voy a revisar. Gracias!
Bien, veo que ya estás recibiendo la votación de busy!
Creí que Dapps era una aplicación, pero en realidad en un concepto que engloba todas las aplicaciones cuya característica principal es que son descentralizadas y de código abierto. Gracias nuevamente @charitybot por compartir su conocimiento.