Exercise Your Brain
Few fun things to do for a healthy memory :
Consume healthy brain-foods : almonds, blueberries, avocado, green leafs.
Choose cardio as a part of your workout : you probably know that the brain and heart are connected. Try something that you enjoy, even better if you can do it outdoors.
Do a lot of crossword puzzles : a wonderful way to stimulate and exercise the brain.
Try to go somewhere with no GPS : use a map instead! When was the last time you did it, or did you ever? This will help you focus and sharpen your attention skills.
Use Brain Matrix : this is a free brain training program. Give it a try, totally worth!
Try to learn a new language : you can try Babel for that. No need to be fluent, at least a few new words, a wonderful way of enhancing your memory.
Get enough sleep : if you want you brain to give it's best , have just enough sleep. Not too much , not too little.
Try Yoga : Some of the yoga postures are very are very effective on the brain as well as the body.
Meditate : What a wonderful way to focus the mind and also concentrate.
Read : doesn't matter what but read . Books that are hard to read are actually involving the brain even more.
Stay healthy!
[source of picture] (flickr)