Why is it important to read books ?

in #books7 years ago

Reading books can change your life completely and make you a better person overall. But since we live in the age of technology, people tend to overlook books way too much. There are not that many people left who read books regularly anymore. Technology gives us a lot of activities to do that might seem more fun than simply reading a book. Either it's watching TV or playing video games on your console or PC, those things just don't give you a lot of benefits and mostly just sucking your brains out. Most people don't even have any books in their house anymore... 

Don't be one of those people. Start reading books regularly because it has way too many benefits. These are some of the benefits that I believe can attract people to read books:

Increased memory

Reading books can increase your memory a lot. You have to remember specific character traits and descriptions, certain places and memorize all the things that are going on in the book. Obviously, you won't remember everything you read but the more you read, the more you will memorize everything and not only what's going on in the book. You will just have a better memory in your daily life. You will develop a very strong memory and you'll be able to remember things with all the details that happened even 10 or 20 years ago.

Growing your personality 

When you read books, you will shape your personality. You might start borrowing specific traits from a book character because if you really get into reading, you will feel like you're the character, like you're the one that's being described there. The process of reading can feel like you are having the conversations and it can make you more understanding and empathetic. 

Better writing skills 

This one might be rather obvious. The more you read, the more words and phrases you know and remember. This helps a lot when you want to write about something. Ideas come faster to you and the ability to express your thoughts in written form increases very much. This is especially good if you find it hard to write about anything and you fail to generate any good ideas or thoughts. 


Knowledge is power... And books are one of the best sources for knowledge. You will feel more intellectual and more confident about yourself. You never know when all the knowledge from the books you read will be useful in your life.

Improved concentration

When you're reading a book, you have to immerse yourself into the book to fully enjoy and experience the book, leaving the outer world for a while. By doing so, your concentration and focus will increase. This helps a lot in your daily life. It becomes easier to do specific tasks and not only easier but faster as well. This is really good for people who fail to focus at all. 

Creativity and imagination

Reading will improve your imagination and creativity. While you're watching TV, the image is given to you and there is no need to imagine it in your head. While reading, you have to use your brain to actually imagine everything that is written and create the image in your head. You will break your creativity and imagination limitations. This helps in your daily life, since you will come up with a lot of amazing ideas and solutions to some problems that you might have in your life.

Stress reduction

You feel less stress while reading. Since you have to concentrate on reading, you will be able to escape from all the stress and worries that you might have in the daily world we live in. Of course, reading books is not the only way to reduce stress and worries, but it's definitely one of the best ways to lose yourself in your imagination without any worries at all. 

Understand people better

Most readers can look trough people very well. Simply, because while reading, you can start developing the ability to understand and feel emotions much better. You can start predicting what's going on in ones head and what is the person feeling right now. This especially works really good in a relationship since you can understand your partner much better without even the need of talking to each other much.

It makes you more attractive

Well, I guess you've heard this one a thousand times already, right ? But I feel like I should still include this benefits anyway. Reading really does make you more attractive. Of course not in the physical form. Intellect is sexy and books make you smarter. That's really all there is to it. Smarter people tend to attract more people into their life. And that means more potential for love relationships as you will be much more interesting as a person (and much more seducing)

It's fun and entertaining

Once you actually get into it, reading is fun and entertaining. Books are not only about benefits and improvements. It's really an awesome activity that brings so many benefits into your life. If you never found books to be fun or entertaining, the problem might be with the books you tried reading. If you choose the genres that you don't like, reading will be a pretty bad experience for you. For example, I don't find non-fiction books that entertaining. But I just love a good romance or a comedy book.

Just pick up a book and read it !

As you can see these are quite good benefits that you shouldn't simply overlook. Books can improve your life quite a lot and make you much smarter. It's all up to you. If you don't take action, you will never be able to improve or change your life for the better. So just pick up a book, stop making excuses and start reading something. You might just get hooked on it and you'll never imagine life without books again.

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Hello @trendo
This story made it to the ღ #steempearls of @tabea . Check it out at https://steemit.com/steempearls/@tabea/steempearls-15

Oh thank you very much for noticing and mentioning me !

Couldn't agree more! Thank you for this reminder.
I used to read more earlier. Nowadays I only read about 1-2 books a month. I tsill like to discover all these stories from other cultures, times, humans :) And nothing (screenlike) is comparable with reading a book.

Reading is practically the fundament of my existence. I've been reading constantly since I was a small child and will never stop. When I was growing up everyone in my family had a book they were reading at any given time and in down time during the day each of us would pick up our respective books. It's sad to me that anyone is shut out from the world of books by unfamiliarity, lack of reading in family background, early discouragement as a child, or simply lack of awareness of the vast treasures waiting between the covers.

I actually got in trouble at school in 3rd grade for "reading too much." My teacher called my parents in and told them that I read at every moment of the day except for in class - walking down the school hallways, eating in the cafeteria, standing outside at recess. I think it was an escape for me because I hated that particular school and for a long time didn't have any friends. That's another thing a book can do - take you away from any tedious or fearful situations you are in, at least for a temporary escape.

Thanks for doing something to encourage others to be readers.

Books can truly take you away if you really enjoy reading them ! I think that parents simply raise their children in a wrong way, never encouraging or introducing them to read a book.

Agree 1,000% thank you for getting the message out there!

Glad you agree with me !

Great advise. Reading books is becoming a lost art....kinda sad. Reading my fire department books makes me a better fireman and promoted me to my current rank. Reading fiction is a great escape from the hectic world we live in and has many on the advantages you listed. Thanks for the post.

Sometimes we all need to escape from this world :)

Nice read, check my nickname ;)

Everything you mention is so true!

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@trendo I upvoted and resteemed your post.

Thank you a lot :))