Prevail... It's not the shit you go in prepped for that ends up getting to you... It's the "little shit" that catches you off guard. It's the husband's tears after a long battle with the C word that he's watched and helped his wife fight... It's the older sister being brave for her little sister who is about to get a couple stitches... It's the elderly woman who's kids "don't want to deal with her anymore"... That's that shit that gets under my skin... But nevertheless, we must Prevail...
Time to unwind a little...
(Photo doesn't have anything in particular to add to the message, but in my head it worked...)
Thank you for your continued support of SteemSilverGold
Sounds like you're having a bit of a rough go of it right now. I'm sorry, buddy. I hope things get easier soon. Lightness and light.
Not too rough, just realizing what actually gets to me as opposed to what is expected to get to me/what I have prepped myself for...
All good and I greatly appreciate your kind words 👍🙌🍻
I'm glad you're doing well. I hope that continues. :)