Life is a beautiful mess
Remember: You cannot control the randomness of life, or any of its fickle flashes. Some mornings you will wake up to heaviness in your bones and you will breathe the hurt from your lungs. On other days, you will rejoice, you will laugh with all of the vigor in your body.
There are going to be moments in life that propel you forward, and there will be those that grab you by the ankles and drag you three steps in the opposite direction. Love will build you the most exquisite house made of paper and glass just to blow it down; it will grow you and it will tear you apart in the process. On most days it won’t make sense, and that is the point – life is a mess.
As William Lear famously said, ‘It’s all a mess – the hair, the bed, the words, the heart. Life.’ It is all a mess, but we cannot deny the fact that it is magic. We cannot deny the fact that it is frustrating and stunning, empty and full at the exact same time, overflowing with opportunities to feel and grow and swallow the sun whole if we truly wanted to. We must remind ourselves that life is never going to slow down, it is never going to simplify, and we must come to terms with that – for if we search for routine, the ordinary will kill us before the sadness does.
Embrace the entropy in life. You were bred from storms, that is why you are primarily water. You were created from white hot heat and from atoms that will never stop vibrating and shaking within you, so do not vilify your heart when it quakes, do not condemn your life when it surges and when it falls. Embrace its pulse, and the randomness of it all, embrace its disorder. Life is a mess — yes, but my god, is it ever a beautiful mess.