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RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 01/27/18 > How do you handle telemarketers? Here is how I do it …

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

I haven't answered a call like this since the days of landlines and dial-phones. I'd just set the phone receiver down on the desk and walk away. When I came back to a dial-tone I'd hang the thing up again. Evidently I was no fun at all.

What used to frost Cw's ass was when he'd get some spam on his cell phone and he was paying for it. Maybe it still does. Everything seems to piss him off these days. I've stopped keeping track. (Or paying attention. I just let him rave.)

BTW, S&P, you are a devious f**ker.


Enchanted, please when you need to use the F word just use "guzbuck" , I created that word for just these type purposes. The general public will not even know the meaning of that word until 2029. So I would actually be a devious guzbucker, and your are absolutely correct in your assessment of me.