RE: A Few unknown Gem Games you should check out too!
Yeah, I resteemed this yesterday I was hoping my followers would see it and throw it some love. A great post indeed Naglfar! I agree that you should make your gaming reviews here, and keep producing on YouTube as well.
I did a new Left4Dead video on Gamers Bay's channel yesterday, the first I did in almost a month. I'm pretty much assuming at this point that YouTube is never going to be a platform that rewards creators for their efforts again. But its still a great place to build an audience. I put too much effort into Gamers Bay's channel to let it go too.
And its true, the drowning out of posts on this platform is a real problem. In the case of Google+ my content always gets prominent placement, but when we get on here I'm no longer in control.
And here you and I spend hours upon hours writing a single article, only to realize the spammers on Steemit are getting the bulk of visibility for their junk content. Its a real shame. This platform needs to change its ranking algorithms so that they aren't based purely on upvotes. Otherwise lazy people who produce crap content will continue to game the system for their benefit.