A Few unknown Gem Games you should check out too!

in #blog7 years ago

Hello there all of Steemit er or whoever may stumble upon this I figure I could give another shot at posting a blog. Hmm as the title of this suggests I`ll be sharing with you all a few games that I have seen or played that are rare and obscure! There are so many games out there that have such tiny followings or next to no one knows about them and that is pretty saddening because many of said gems are actually quite great games and some I had a ton of fun playing so why not share said titles and spread them about so others can find out about them eh?

1.Sutte Hakkun:This game is a rare and unheard of puzzle game it was released only in Japan on the Super Famicom/Super Nintendo. There are a bunch of puzzles within the game and it is a really cute and adorable game the character himself is cute too his name is Hakkun and he is a bubble..bird thing I have no idea what the heck he is. The puzzles are all super duper hard but fun still and the music in the game is quite good too. You most likely will have to emulate this game because wow good luck with buying a physical copy. This game had two things against it one it was released at the end of the SNES era so copies were rare to begin with and two if you do find any chances are the price will be sky high. Oh and do not let the fact that the game is in japanese scare you off you do not need to know a lick of japanese to play the game it is very simple and straight forward to play once you learn the controls that is it go and play absolutely no knowledge of the language needed if you are nervous about playing stuff in another language. Because I think when I say Japan only it may scare a few of you guys off from playing it. It`s not a text heavy game so no knowledge needed.

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2.Nage Libre:Yet another very rare unheard of game and sad that not many people know about this gem. This game was released on the Super Nintendo in Japan. This is a strategy RPG game and very creative and unique among other games in the genre probably one of the only game in the genre that plays out the way it does which sets it apart from any other game out there. You battle with various cards in battle which come up by random and there are several different types of cards. Attack, Defense, Special,Random,Change Card, Healing and Cosplay. Yep you saw correctly cosplay when used you can have your character change into different cloths and depending on what they have on affects their stats to a minor extent. Cards can also be made stronger if said card has a matching birthstone at the start of the game you choose a date of birth and a month for your characters and that changes what stones they have such as Opal, Lapis Lazuli etc. The game stars 5 girls in a mostly all girl setting (only male is Misti and even he looks a bit feminine gotta love the guys who look a bit female I know I do.) Anyway your characters are Yui, Ryoko,Mai,Ayaka and Miki each one has a different set of stats they specialize in like for example Yui the heroine will have the highest HP total of your team. AH wait forgot to mention another thing character classes there are various classes you can assign your team in this game and you can change said classes at anytime you want, so they are not locked to the same thing the whole time you can switch them up. Characters will always level up after you complete a map even if that character is defeated at the end they will still gain a level so dont be upset if someone goes down they will still be able to level up! Anyway a must play game really I wish this game had a much larger following its really well done and neat for its time. Also again you dont really need to know japanese to play this game most important things are in english and the menus which are in japanese are easy to figure out once you do them once. The game is also linear so no worries of missing anything you advance from one map to the next and the goals are usually eliminate all enemies on the map to clear.

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3.Princess Minerva:Another neat little gem this game is for the PC Engine/Turbo Grafx and of course once more a Japan only gem. I havent yet completed this game but I played a bit of it. Its an RPG game and quite text heavy. You may need some japanese knowledge to play this game even just minor knowledge. If you don`t have any there are also walkthrough of this game posted online you can find a guide easy on gamefaqs to follow to help you through. There is also another version of this game for the Super Nintendo (japan only still) However the PC Engine version is much more better than that one so if I were you I would play the superior version of the game but ultimately is up to you.

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4.Nage Libre:Rasen no Soukoku:This game is the second and last game of the Nage Libre series and the last game ever created by the company Varie before they vanished for unknown reasons. This game was released on the Playstation and is super, duper, super and I am not exaggerating either rare like harder than finding a needle in a haystack like trying to find a piece of gold that is microscopic size its that rare I am not kidding when I say this. Its hard to find copies of this game on ebay etc. and its very hard to even find this game online let alone info on it. If you wanna play this game ask me and Ill send it to you because you are gonna have a tough time finding it otherwise there is literally next to nothing on this game online even youtube I am the only person to have ever posted full gameplay of this gem up. Anyway back on topic this game plays much like the first Nage Libre I mentioned with a few changes to gameplay such as all cards being in separate sets instead of all together and random, cosplay card has been removed you can still change cloths but not during gameplay and the changed outfits dont seem to affect stats either anymore its more just visual touch. Another neat feature in this game is the class feature certain classes now have special skills attached to them you can use aswell as you having the ability to change classes on the fly during gameplay! Yep need an archer but dont have one? Welp you can class change to one while you play then change back again if you want so that is another neat touch added. You dont really need any knowledge of japanese to play this one either and it is pretty much straightforward like the first game quite linear for the most part so you shouldn`t have too much trouble. And if you played Nage Libre 1 you will know the set up of this one. Oh and I forgot the main cast of this game the main characters are different here we have Ann (the heroine) and her friends Makato, Sinobu, Mio and Ituki.

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5.Athena:Hmm do any of you remember a game called Psycho Soldier? Well Athena is the game that came before that one and the two main characters Athena Asamiya and Athena are related. This game was released in America too but only on the NES in Japan however there was the much superior arcade version. Athena Arcade is another rare gem it is a pretty darn good game however early warning this game is in no means a walk in the park this game is brutally hard it will drive you to the brink of insanity it did to me when I played the game is so hard you will be dying left and right probably on every stage. You gotta be very precise in what items you have and you have to be careful how much damage you take cause as you take hits you lose equipment and the more armor etc. you lose the weaker you become. This game shows no mercy ever so good luck making it through.

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6.Seihou:Ah the Seihou project I added this because while many may know about Touhou not near as many people notice the Seihou games which is the sister series to Touhou. Seihou is basically like Touhou it`s a bullet hell shooter however it has less shots to dodge and focuses more on grazing and speed. All shots fly very fast at you! Seihou is a very hard game though like Touhou and even on easy mode you will still have trouble. But yeah take a look at Seihou games they are easy to find and download.

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7.Satori Komeiji`s Mental Education:This game was made by Twilight Frontier whom often partner with Zun Touhou creator to on occasion do joint projects. This is a game that stars the Touhou character Satori as she tries to help guide Orin, Utsuho and Koishi around. This game is really great but quite rare and not many have actually gone and played the thing even people who like Touhou. This is a puzzle game that takes advantage of various signs that depending on where they are pointing Koishi will walk that direction.Warning this puzzle game is very hard the further you get in the game the puzzles start becoming more insane to solve and some you gotta be fast moving at too but overall a fun game and it will last awhile there aare like 120 puzzles or so in the game I managed to clear them all.

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8.Romancing SaGa:Ah Romancing SaGa this is another rare game for the Super Nintendo and no, no I am not talking about the remake of this game called Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song that was released in America. No the original version of that game Romancing SaGa many tend to look over or forget this one but come on..We cannot forget the original versions of stuff just..No. Romancing SaGa is a very great game series and you should try these out the gameplay is unique compared to other RPG games and also take note that the games are very hard even when you get stronger the enemies get stronger with you! So be careful how much you level up or should I say gain stats in Romancing SaGa one does not simply level up no certain stats increase depending on what you do most in battle. If you use magic a lot your character will gain magic or Int stat if they fight a lot they will gain Str and HP etc. and depending on the weapon you use that can level up too say you get a sword said sword can become stronger the more you use it. I should also mention this game is not linear like most RPG games it is completely open world meaning from the get go you can do stuff any order you want and wander freely about. Romancing SaGa is the first game to introduce such a style. This game is filled with a lot and gives you a lot of freedom including the choice of 8 different main characters you choose who your main character is gonna be at the start so that is really neat. Sadly in America this series is not too well known or well received by many people probably cause of the difficulty of the games XD they are no doubt hard but very fun Final Fantasy is the one that is mostly known to us but down in Japan Romancing SaGa is actually last time I read Final Fantasy`s #1 rival both are very popular so yeah give SaGa games a try they are great like Final Fantasy and in some ways better. These games need more notice than they are getting.

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9.Romancing SaGa 2:This is the second game in the Romancing SaGa trilogy this one was also released on the Super Nintendo fun fact this game actually eventually got a release in America! You can actually get this game on your mobile devices cell phones etc. Which is neat so more people will know this master piece. This game plays much like the first Romancing SaGa with a few changes one being how characters work. They now have a stat called LP/Life Points if these points reach 0 that character is forever dead and removed from the party. Magic was also changed too a bit and the thing that SaGa games are most known for tech sparking was introduced here basically if you used a certain attack you could randomly spark and learn a new technique derived from the one you used which was very neat and unique touch. Also just like every other SaGa game the music in this game is FIRE!!! Seriously the music is just..Oooh so great! If you do not like playing the SaGa games atleast go and hear the music do your ears a favor and just please...go and hear the music you will not regret it. I will not be mentioning it here on this list bit there is a 3rd Romancing SaGa game for the Super Nintendo however that game unlike these 2 seems to have a much larger following and more people (least online) seem to know this one before even knowing the 1st two games that came before it so I`ll just mention right here that there is a Romancing SaGa 3 and it plays much the same as this one but with updated mechanics and such. Also I should mention that this wonderful game recently did get released in America finally!! If none of you know yet this game is on mobile devices android etc. and even systems such as the Xbox now! I cannot stress this enough go and play this game it is great you are missing out on very good innovative RPG classic by ignoring this I am happy the Saga series is starting to see a new light in the USA after so many years hoping we get more SaGa stuff in the future.

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10.BS Fire Emblem:Akaneia Senki:This game is a very short game released only in Japan on the Super Nintendo satellaview. This is one of the more unheard of Fire Emblem games and not many have played it. Pretty neat game not the greatest of Fire Emblem games but still holds up pretty well its good to run through the 5 or so chapters and finish it atleast one time. Storywise this game follows a few characters stories before they even met and joined up with Marth so its great to see what folks like Minerva and Camus were doing before they met our well known blue haired prince Marth.

11.Princess Maker:Legend of Another World:This neat game is part of the Princess Maker series. This was released only in Japan on the Super Nintendo and there are a few other games in the series too that are on other platforms. These are life simulator games and as the title suggest you..well make a princess to rule a kingdom. By raising her! Yep she is pretty much like a virtual daughter and show ages and grows through the years and depending on the choices you made will lead to what her future will be in the end of the game. Very neat games I haven`t finished mine yet but I played quite a bit. This game is very text heavy so get to learn what some of the stuff is via gamfaqs guide there is one up because everything is pretty much in Japanese.

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12:Hoshigami:Ruining of Blue Earth:Ah another rare game and underrated very underrated I think is probably more underrated than rare. This game was released international but a few reviews a checked the people rated this game badly..For all the wrong reasons what it pretty much boiled down to was the game was too hard but that doesnt make a game bad ya just gotta be skilled enough to play it or know what the heck you are doing in the first place then it wont be so bad. Anyways While I havent played this game myself a good friend of mine did and I watched him play through the entire thing and from what I watched its a good game and I plan to get to this myself at some point. Sadly there isn`t much on this game video wise online and as of now my buddy is the only one to have shown the entire game. Gameplay wise it is sorta like Final Fantasy Tactics but much, much harder overall give this game a look it is on the Playstation.

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13: Densetsu no Stafy:This game was released only in Japan on the Gameboy Advance. These games are really bright, colorful, fun and cute and stars the adorable Stafy. I liked these games because they are platform games yes but a good chunk of them take place in the water making these marine action platforming. So I found a game where you stay mostly in the water unique and rare as not many games do that. The games while being pretty text heavy dont require any knowledge really of Japanese as the stages are all pretty straightforward and there is nothing much you can really screw up. The music in these games are wonderful and yes I said games because there are 2 more Stafy games on the Gameboy. and one of these games did get released in America under the name of the Legendary Starfy but we didnt get the 1st 3 games and they were great! And these games are still rare and obscure as despite an international release many still don`t know these jewels so by all means check them they are very fun.

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And that is all for now those are just a few of the games I have been able to see or play that are quite obscure and rare. Maybe I will do another blog like this later down the line because there are a few more I will see. Hope you guys enjoy and hope this helps expand awareness on the existence of these gems and helps expand the amount of games you have played! Also wait a minute! Before you leave this blog there is a few things I need to mention, well now about the Nage Libre games both of them my good buddy @denoxblogger posted video reviews awhile back of both these games!

he is as of now the only person on youtube to have ever spoken about both wonderful games so I recommend you go and see his two videos on them which I will leave right here.


Uff!! Thanks a lot for the mention man and I am sure you are the only person in all of steemit who mentions most of these games, especially Nage Libre. Those are a lot of interesting games I see here :) I would love to explore some of these interesting hidden gems later on :) Thanks for the list! Upvoted!

P.S: I own a full physical copy of both Nage Libre games, don't you remember? xD I have a video about it too.

No problem buddy! heh you and I are one of only 2 who have really gone pretty deep into Nage Libre as a whole. And yes by all means check out these wonderful gems when you get the chance! They are all quite darn great! and yeah I remember you have both ah I wish I could have both of the physical copies sometime too I am just missing Rasen no Soukoku. And I shall have to find your videos on them I remember seeing the reviews but I think I missed any ones afterwards.


This is the video I showed my physical copy of Rasen no Soukoku :) Enjoy!

Ah okay now! yeah this is one of the videos of yours I had missed I will be checking that out later once I wake up heh. I have gotten next to no sleep. But I had been meaning to take care of some stuff here on steemit and see some posts for a bit now.

Okay sure man! Hope you enjoy and to see your comment on this video when you are able to watch it :)

WOW, you really know your console games Naglfar! One I really want to check out is Seihou Project! I'm an avid fan of shooters, so will have to check this out. What console was Seihou on? BY the way, I shared your post out on Gamers Bay's twitter account and will share elsewhere as well :)

Heh hey thanks! overtime I have come across and played many obscure games so I thought.. hey why not gathers all these wonderful games together and write about them all share them about for many more eyes to see and to share what I know about them. Ah and I had been meaning to tell you that glad you got around to it already though you and Gamers Bay you guys may use parts of my vids or share around stuff like youve done here of mine etc. I dont mind heh I remember I was able to assist a friend of mine in the making of one of his videos he made by allowing him to use clips from one of the gameplay videos I had done said game being Final Fantasy 4. So you may do the same anytime you wish.

As for Seihou it is a PC game its been awhile since I played it but I believe there is a bit of setting up ya gotta do before itll run but is quite easy to do search up Seihou download and you`ll find it. And good luck if you do decided to play it ah when I played that game wrecked me bad! haha I was forced to have to complete that one on easy mode.

Totally happy to share friend! I like how they have twitter and facebook share buttons right on the pages here. I just wish they had a G+ button as well. Maybe they will integrate one as time moves forwards though. We try and actively promote a lot of Gamers Bay's members out on our Twitter account.

I often promote my posts here on Steemit out on my own Twitter account. The only part that's bad is that not everyone on alternate social platforms has an active account on Steemit. But maybe our work in sharing posts on those platforms will help to further compel people to join.

Seihou sounds amazing! Thanks for the info on the game, I'm going to search around for it for sure. Its amazing how many of these old school games fell by the wayside. There's always hidden gems to be had in terms of the classic Playstation library, which quite enormous really.

Yeah same here I like how there are share buttons like that here on steemit you know what else I find neat? I like how when we post a video to either Dtube or Dlive etc. it also automatically creates a post here on steemit in the form of a blog post. I like how this site almost everything is connected in a way and works hand in hand. I still have no idea what the ''Promote'' button does here though you ever use it yet?

And yeah that still remains a major issue with sharing stuff from here to the outside is gonna be very hard to convince new people to join here, but this site has huge potential for growth to help people go somewhere with what they are truly passionate of. Maybe as this site continues to be around longer and such things will change and more, and more people will join here! We just gotta keep sharing stuff around from here! Also no problem buddy when ya find Seihou youll like it oh yeah one thing to note because many people who are new to either Seihou or Touhou dont notice at first.

Touhou and Seihou have a unique feature called ''focus shooting'' and ''grazing'' both work together you should use focus shooting a bunch because it changes your shots to hit more stronger and at the same time it slows down your movement some you are gonna need the slowed movement to be able to properly dodge much of the stuff to focus you have to press and hold down the ''shift'' key on the keyboard.

I actually have an old video I did of one of the Seihou games this one was Banshiryu the hardest Seihou game even on easy mode I got torched Lol took me several tries to even get the video done because I kept dying.


Oh, right on! I'm digging this game already! I love these classic vertical shooters! Reminds me so much of the 1945 series, and arcade classics like Gigawing! I did videos of the first 2 Gigawing titles a while back, such amazing games, and so similar to Seihou.

This looks like a great post to resteem given so many people probably haven't heard of these games.

In terms of Dtube, it really is a bonus how we get a post on Steemit for each video we produce as well. It effectively gives you twice the visibility for each post. Although, there's so many new posts ever minute on both platforms, and sometimes content gets drowned out.

As for the promote button, you can use your SBD (steem dollars), etc, to promote your posts in the promoted section. I tried it, and its a waste of time. I saw no results from it. I'm going to test resteem bots and see how that works. I think for a good quality post a good promotion might help. I just hate how the spammers on Steemit are always promoting junk with bots.

And here you and I both work really hard to produce our content, I see nothing wrong with promoting hard work. And just look at how much effort you put into this post Naglfar, its incredible! I can tell, you put some serious time and energy into this one.

Yes I too love classic style vertical shooters even if I am not the best skilled at them they are still very fun! And yes by all means if ya want you may resteem this the more people exposed to these games the better they are really awesome and I do wish more knew about these gems! So I am happy to share a bit about them.

And yes that is what I fear but will have to deal with it since daily and at pretty much every minute new posts are coming in several my posts are gonna get drowned out in everything and as you mentioned in your video the noise on these sites.

Oh is that what it does? ah thanks for letting me know hmm I have earned myself a rather small amount of steem dollars so far and I am not willing to part with them just yet heh I am trying to wait till I have gathered a decent amount of them before really doing anything with them so I will not do the whole promote posts thing yet. But that is great to know it does that but bad to know that it didn`t really help much in the end.

And yes thank you very much! and I do I put as much as I can into posts like this which is why it often takes me hours sometimes even a day or two to complete writing. I wrote reviews on a few games and everytime even when I tell myself this time this review is gonna be short and simple I end up writing a whole ton on the game and taking hours upon hours writing the review. Usually when it comes down to gameplay mechanics I really dive in. I on occasion write reviews on gamefaqs but I am considering doing reviews sometime for here? atleast there is possibility for reward in the end for the hours I put into crafting some reviews.

Yeah, I resteemed this yesterday I was hoping my followers would see it and throw it some love. A great post indeed Naglfar! I agree that you should make your gaming reviews here, and keep producing on YouTube as well.

I did a new Left4Dead video on Gamers Bay's channel yesterday, the first I did in almost a month. I'm pretty much assuming at this point that YouTube is never going to be a platform that rewards creators for their efforts again. But its still a great place to build an audience. I put too much effort into Gamers Bay's channel to let it go too.

And its true, the drowning out of posts on this platform is a real problem. In the case of Google+ my content always gets prominent placement, but when we get on here I'm no longer in control.

And here you and I spend hours upon hours writing a single article, only to realize the spammers on Steemit are getting the bulk of visibility for their junk content. Its a real shame. This platform needs to change its ranking algorithms so that they aren't based purely on upvotes. Otherwise lazy people who produce crap content will continue to game the system for their benefit.

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