6 Things people need most:

in #blog7 years ago

As a blogger, if you know what those needs are, you’ll have people clicking and flocking to your website.


So what does humanity need most?

Water, food, clothing, housing, energy and acceptance! 

How will that apply to been a blogger?

Think about it.  

  1. Water: What are people `thirty’ for and searching for? Headlines based on greatest desires and cravings. `Juicy’ magnetic attraction. 
  2. Food: The content quality of your website and blogs. Chatty entrée and yummy `menu’.  
  3. Clothing: How do you `clothe’ and `fashion’ your blogs? Your style of writing. 
  4. Housing: The design shell and setup of your website. The main theme niche. 
  5. Energy: Enthusiastic and emotional power of how you write your blogs. 
  6. Acceptance: Need to be recognized and valued. Need for and to make comments and remarks. 

How would you personally use those 6 facts?

  • How does your ‘product/theme’ relate to those six items?  
  • And where would your expertise or skills fit in? 
  • How could you twist the facts to suit your particular topic(s)? 
  • What social platform are you presently using? Facebook, Twitter, Steemit, etc? 
  • What is the basic operating drive of that platform? Sharing, marketing, entertainment, news, advice, what? 
  • So what do those people on that platform expect most? To see, read, use, what? How could you shake up the scene? 

Re-defining your target:

So thinking on that, did that re-define your personal space in the scheme of things? 

Once you know your direct target, you will gallop and fire ahead, from strength to strength. 

The sixth factor:

To be accepted, you need to be different to stand out in front and unique to be interesting. 

Personalizing your website!

Relationships are important, whether that’s socially or for business. Consider how you’ve made friends before.  

  1. You opened up with: Warm friendly phatic chitter-chatter. Light-hearted conversation opens doors and hearts! 
  2. You shared similar interests and experiences. Perhaps what had recently happened around or to you both, in your community or country!  

They could relate to you because you had things in common. 

That’s how you build a following. Consider what you have in common when you talk and write blogs. 

  • What your concerns are… could be their concerns too. What do you have in common with the people on the platform you are working on? 
  • What do you write about? Is it an interesting and strong enough topic for people to respond to? Are your stories `juicy’ enough, filled with wild adventures and dynamic images, etc? 
  • Are you fun enough for people to want to be with? Being a little `crazy’ in your speech can be uplifting. It lightens the load, generates enthusiasm and fires up laughter. 

you are an experienced blogger who constantly makes beautiful and interesting posts. That's why for young and inexperienced blenders like me, your advice is very valuable.
I agree that the main thing is to find a topic that will be of interest to people - this is to determine your target audience.
Communication also decides a lot - so that you do not need to be afraid of being yourself and being a little crazy - it will add to your personality
thanks for the valuable advice

Have you ever noticed eccentric people seem to do well in business?! They are mad enough to see opportunities where we miss them!

you are absolutely right, the madmen are the engine of progress ... they do what others are afraid to do. Sometimes this is the best solution.
But the main thing these people have incredible charisma, but it attracts

Interesting correlation. : )

What you wrote is quite similar to Maslow's hierarchy of needs:

To your more practical approach to human needs, I would like to add medicine and safety.

Both medicine and safety can be applied to Steemit by its witnesses, whales and dolphins through:

  • Manual curation of high-quality content
  • Protection from unfair flagging and other potential abuse
  • Flagging of spam comments and posts.

But this can't really be applied by most of the users, so you have actually given the most useful advice for the 95% of us.

Cheers! : )

I see Maslow's hierarchy is based on emotional needs. Under all the things I mentioned, they affect our emotions in some way our other, especially in bad times. Yes our inner spirits also have to be nourished.

Maslow claimed that until the physiological needs (such as air, water, food) are met, we consider them the most important ones. Once the physiological needs are met, until safety the needs are met (protection from physical harm by other people or animals), they become the most important for us. This continues until the top of the pyramid.

But, as you said, every met or unmet need affects our emotions. That's one of the main cons of his theory actually, he was very exclusive, while in the reality everything is more interconnected.

Cheers! : )

I love it when people put in their penny's worth. Yes, there is a lot more to life than the basic norms. That's what I love about life. There is always another angle to a fact. And that is what I like using in my blogs. It gets people thinking and exploring beyond what is and what people expect.

Water: What are people thirty’ for and searching for? Headlines based on greatest desires and cravings.Juicy’ magnetic attraction.
Food: The content quality of your website and blogs. Chatty entrée and yummy menu’. Clothing: How do youclothe’ and `fashion’ your blogs? Your style of writing.
Housing: The design shell and setup of your website. The main theme niche.
Energy: Enthusiastic and emotional power of how you write your blogs.
Acceptance: Need to be recognized and valued. Need for and to make comments and remarks.

This is a great way of explaining it, i understood it better with this.
Putting this into consideration when blogging can yield massive results.
Most especially;

Water: What are people thirty’ for and searching for? Headlines based on greatest desires and cravings.Juicy’ magnetic attraction.

thanks for the insight @artguru

It's good to look at things from another perspective. Sometimes it hits a cord where the general norm seems dull and old hat.

If you a have a value in a the message, it will be taken, appreciated and even rewarded sooner or later . This is irrespective of the fact how serious is the wrapper or where it is coming from . The lone thing that matters in the overcrowded world is its visibility, especially where it is targeted.

Because the interest is so busy and full of this and that, it is so easy to be missed in the crowd. You have to be somewhat crazy to get noticed, hey!

I was also going to point you towards Maslow until I noticed that someone else had already done so. Most of the needs you list fall under physiological needs. So, I think you are probably overlooking some of the more developed needs.

I work in market research, and I would definitely say that US consumers are pushing beyond these physical needs all the time.

I wrote a bit about this here. Its too old to vote on, but you might find it interesting! https://steemit.com/education/@soleil-research/leveraging-cultural-research-for-understanding-elevated-consumers

The whole point of using those 6 needs was to say things differently, on how to blog. Sometimes when things are said differently, people start to look and think on things on a different level. Something that was 'old hat' now sparks off a new concept that folks hadn't thought of before. Here's to looking at life differently, and catching what others miss.

I think the best way to write a blog is to stop censoring yourself. Dont write for other people, write what interests you becausr your writing will then be much more fluid.

Blogs must be a benefit for the reader, for them to take interest in what is been said. But that doesn't mean you can't write about what you like. It is a two-way street experience for both parties. Once both (or more) are involved, the conversation flows effortlessly because both are enjoying themselves enormously.

Interesting example of linking human basic needs and characteristics of a good post. Building group of followers which share similar interests is important regardless of blogging or in real life. Redefining targets and personalizing my website are so of the things that i should probably working on! Thanks for the good tips!

Re-defining our targets helps us to keep on track. Knowing who we are talking to is important, it's like talking face to face.

Interesting stuff. Nice points you brought up, it requires research and dedication to use what's trending to one's advantage. Personally, I'm more into writing about what people usually don't look out for, in that way you'll be unique

Writing stuff that is different is important, but somewhere in the mix, it must touch the hearts of others and fulfill a need, produce a laugh, something they can go away with.

Yeah, it depends on who's writing and the image he/she tends to put across in his writings; in my case its a pseudo-serious context fused with satire. I want my posts to make you laugh but at the same time make you think "wow, he's on to something"

you are absolutely right!
people need to help solve a problem, that is, meet the needs.
If you are making a blog that helps people solve their problem and do it easily and informatively, adding the right material and making it easier to dry text - pictures is a good and successful blog.
You are an example of a successful blogger from which others should take an example
Do not be afraid to be yourself - this is one step to success and be persistent
thanks for the good advice, this is useful

Yes you are right. People don't go on the internet for nothing. They are always looking for something. A particular need, advice or just for fun. So why not make it fun to read. Images are the visual cherry on the top of the cake!

Thank you for your advice, I'm still a newbie in blogging and therefore do not understand much. I like how you have delivered a speech letter.

Here is quoting you

You have discovered: warm, friendly, fantic chatter. The impassive conversation opens the doors and hearts!
You shared similar interests and experiences. Perhaps what happened recently, or with you both, in your community or country!
They can treat you because you have something in common.

For me, these are the main tips, I'm very sociable and so now I have a prefigure how to use it.

If you come on to strong to a stranger, they would freak out! If you sound and seem friendly on first acquaintance, people feel comfortable with you.But having experienced the same things seals the bond. My daughter who teachers English, says opening meetings with small talk helps the seriousness of the meeting to get under way more harmoniously.

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