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RE: Subject: Quarantine Measures + Company Picnic?
(You are slaying it! Ha! So perfect)
To: Ann. C. Athreedrandom
From: Renee Nouveau
Subject: Re: Company Picnic
What a genius idea, if the hypothermia doesn't get you first, you should get a raise.
We can turn up the AC we can make the environment inhospitable to both the plants and the plant-like zombies wandering the halls. I'll see if I can access the environmental controls from the Cetacean Pool.
Stay warm,
Renee Nouveau
Public Relations for the
Secret Society Division
(Thank you! This is really fun!)
To: Renee Nouveau
From: Ms Ann. C. Athreedrandom
Subject: Re: Re: Company picnic
I will try to stay warm, but as I'm not allowed to leave the office I can't get another sweater. And as I have been informed no fires for warmth or entertainment are allowed in the cubicles per the Employee Handbook Section 8.16: Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.

So I will have to use the radioactive printer to print this picture of this sunny beach to warm my soul.
(personal photo)
As I returned from the printer I found this on my office. I wonder who left this present?
(personal photo)

Ms Ann. C. Athreedrandom
Graphic Design Department
Secret Society Division