20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

in #blockchain5 years ago

Would you like to learn how you can monetize your YouTube channel on the Library Credits blockchain because you will love it?

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

I am so grateful for another opportunity to monetize my YouTube channel.

If you're a YouTuber with at least a thousand subscribers, you can now earn a regular salary from Library Credits just for syncing your account.

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

You can also duplicate your account on Library Credits in case anything ever happens to it and you can earn even more from having people watching and following.

On top of that, you can even earn more for having people join with your invitation link.

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

You guys finally got me pumped up about another cryptocurrency.

Library Credits is currently at 3 cents and I do have about 5,000 Library Credits currently.

Thank you to my partner, AJ Brockman at https://jerrybanfield.com/partners/ and Trayvon James for dropping the Library Credits in the comments.

This looks absolutely outstanding.

This looks like the best decentralized content platform, which is why I've created an account now and I invite you to join me using my link.

For YouTubers, there's just a ton of ways to earn money and have some peace of mind that if anything happens to your main channel, it's all duplicated on Library Credits and you can have your viewers on both.

If you have this, you can get the earnings just by syncing your channel and it automatically publishes new videos directly.

Library Credits is so much easier than anything else and there's money for views and follows and invitations.

When you'd like to sign up, I trust you use my link because you'll feel good helping me, and then know that good karma is coming your way.

You just hit "Create Account" when you see you've used my link and this is a screen you get.

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

Then, you hop over, put your email in, and then go over and check your email, and it's super easy.

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

You will be on Library Credits that easily.

Here's my brand new page. I just got the first two followers within a few minutes of having my channel synced up.

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

You can see my videos and watch videos with no ads directly on my library.tv channel and it puts the new videos out automatically when I publish on YouTube, which is awesome.

I don't have to upload them separately, which is so nice and so easy.

Thank you for someone finally making this as easy as it should be.

If you'd like to watch, I'd prefer that you watch over here on library.tv also because there are no ads and it is easier for me to earn money directly that way, and it's new and it's fun.

I think it's cool.

Here's an example of what a video looks like.

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

This is the most recent video. It's a beautiful, simple video player and you can even get shares and tips directly on this.

There's a lot of incentive for the miners that are mining Library Credits to tip and support creators, and there's no downvotes.

There's no downvotes.

There's no downvotes!

There are no stupid downvotes!

Thank you.

There are purely tips, love and support, and there's no downvotes or censoring your content.

Thank you.

Someone finally did a good job on this, a little bit of emotion about that.

I'll show you exactly, if you're a YouTuber, how you can sign up, this exact process I used with the screenshots. You won't believe how easy this is.

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

It's lbry.com or lbry.com/youtube, stick your YouTube channel in there and hit, "I want to sync my content to the LBRY network and agree to these terms."

We go over here.

Once you do this, it will make you sign into your Google account and we have the option to sign in our Google account and verify that Library Credits can view your YouTube channel and that's how it is synched up.

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

Once you've got it like this, what they need to do first is to confirm your email, and then sync your channel.

They will download your videos, put them on the Library Credits network, sync your whole channel up, take new videos and put them automatically out there, and when that's all done, you will have the ability to be ready to go.

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

This takes a day or two, it took about 48 hours for me. Therefore, do this first step really fast, and then after that you'll be able to claim your channel.

When you want to verify your email, just check your email.

Look for this LBRY email verification.

Click on "Confirm your email."

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

Then wait a few days, maybe two or three days, and it says in the sync status that your content is live. That means you are ready to go. You're ready to get your reward. You're ready to take control of your channel.

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

What they do is actually create your channel for you, and then transfer it to you.

Thus, once it's synched, then you can save everything up and go in to create your account using my invitation link.

Once you've got your account and you sign into it after it's synched, it says, "Your YouTube channel. Your videos are ready to be transferred."

20,400 LBC A Year to Sync My YouTube Channel to Library Credits? YES PLEASE!

I hit "Claim Channel."

Then, it says, "Transfer in progress."


It takes up to a thousand of your last videos and this did not take very long at all, it only took maybe 30 minutes or so, and it transferred all the videos to my channel.

Make sure to do it like this because with this process, you don't have any duplicate channels.

Then, you can click over on your profile here and you'll see a bunch of opportunities to earn more Library Credits, which these are currently 3 cents.


AJ said that he thinks this could go really high.

It did go to $2.50 before, have no idea where it will go to now.

I'll show you how much of it I bought. I didn't buy a whole lot, but I'm grateful I'm getting the 1,700 Library Credits every month and this is something anyone can use and when you join you can look and earn all these different ways.

What's awesome is there's a daily watch reward just by watching videos on Library Credits. You can earn a random reward of one to a hundred Library Credits for watching. They want you to watch and be on there, and get in the habit of it and they even incentivize it, which is great.


There are lots of other ways you can earn and when you claim your first reward, a pop-up will show up and say you've got it.

You'll see the opportunity where you can invite someone to Library Credits directly yourself and you can click on "Get 20 LBC" to just start, get your code and be ready to invite people over to Library Credits.


When you want to claim your YouTube partner, this is what you want to do. When you want to claim your rewards, make sure you click on the "Get --- LBC" button and that will put those LBC up in your account.

It'll show you that you've claimed it and that's awesome because that is around, if you multiply by three, that's $50 worth of Library Credits just got for synching my channel, plus it's now duplicated and I have a lot more opportunities to earn just by putting videos up on YouTube and telling people about Library Credits.


You'll see now my balance says 1.7 K LBC on there and the one thing I did prior to this in settings is I clicked on "Enable claim support."


This allows me to support various videos to help them go to the trending page, which is how the trending page works, based on how much you have in your wallet.

I do need to let you know I did also buy 3,671 LBC on Bittrex, which is about $120 or so. I put together little bits of crypto I had and bought a little bit extra on Bittrex in case I want to sell it or fund my wallet with it.

Bittrex LBC

Therefore, with the 1,700 that means I have about 5,300 or so LBC. I believe in full disclosure to tell you all that you might want to consider when putting all this information together for yourself.

Thank you very much for learning about Library Credits with me.

I'm so grateful after doing so much in cryptocurrencies and having so many ups and downs, getting so excited and being so down on things. This is awesome and it looks like it's here to stay and consistently growing. They've thought it all out very well for Library Credits being a decentralized content platform.

I'd love for you to join me, help me earn that 20 LBC, and then maybe you can invite 10 or 20 of your friends to Library Credits and earn a lot more than that.

Follow my channel, I get a little bit if you follow me and watch my videos, I'd love for you to watch them on library.tv, and make sure if you want to sync, this is where you go lbry.com/youtube.

If you want to chat with me and have the best connection, be in my inner circle, go to Jerrybanfield.com/shop/.

Thank you very much for reading.

I love you.

You're awesome.

I appreciate the chance to serve you today and I'll see you in the next video, maybe on Library Credits.

Jerry Banfield

Edits from video transcript by Michel Gerard at www.michelgerardonline.com.

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://jerrybanfield.com/library-credits/

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