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RE: Bitcoin Has Not Yet Fundamentally Recovered At This Time – A Mathematical Case

in #bitcoin6 years ago

@kenraphael - very interesting post about using mathematics to determine the value of some potential cryptocurrency or other asset. It is interesting to analyze something that has had recent price corrections & working to return to previous levels of value.

Is it possible that Bitcoin returns to it's previous highs of over 19K? It is possible, but it may take some more time to do that, in my opinion.

Great post- keep up the awesome work. Upvoted!


Yes it is possible. The fundamental metrices simply points to the fact that it is unlikely to be anytime soon. Much of the recent bitcoin recovery since the 2014 one has been within days and weeks. It does not look like this one will be. The DUA needs to pick up before you can see any sustained recovery. But again please note that this is not financial or investment advise.

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