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RE: The US Government Clamps Down on Ability of Americans To Purchase Bitcoin

in #bitcoin7 years ago

The Blockchain technology is the future, but of course the rich people at the top of the banking institutions are afraid of it. They will for sure fight it as Bitcoin etc. would prevent them from earning as much money as they do right now.


i don't feel the govts/elites are going to be able to move fast enough to manipulate cryptos. their ship is sinking fast, and most of their "wealth" is based on debt when you drill down to it. they can try this kind of regulation, but all it is going to do is cause a larger loss of faith in their institutions by the people. likely spurring more global adoption of cryptos. the US seems to be moving in the opposite direction of other major economic world players such as Russia and Asia. if they continue to treat us americans more and more poorly, more division and uprising will result. i have a lot of faith that cryptos are here to stay and will play a major role in our liberation from these crooks.

Even if they do impose some regulations I suspect that they will eventually roll them back as corporations learn how to get their cut of the profits. I was just reading an article that's a year old about The Hyperledger Project, "an open-source cross-industry endeavor focused on blockchain technology and led by the Linux Foundation." The article goes on to reveal the big players involved. "Early reports revealed technology giant IBM to be among the proponents for the endeavor that also counts several prominent banks such as JP Morgan and Wells Fargo." Also, "Apache web server’s primary developer and former Mozilla Foundation member Brian Behlendorf was instated as the project’s executive director." With such big players involved I'm thinking that they will use regulation to try to funnel the resources of the blockchain environment until they can figure out how to pool them, but that they will stop short of trying to shut it down. At least that's what I'm hoping.

indeed some of the largest corps and banks in the world have been paying attention to cryptos since early on. especially huge list on the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance:
still i feel they've missed their chance. they either didn't have faith in cryptos or were far too confident in their plans to act in time. they have a host of other issues to deal with now, and don't have the resources to prevent the rise of cryptocurrency. liberation.

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