If you are 60 years old and do not adopt Crypto you will be dead within 20 years, Guaranteed!
Death within 20 years, if you are 60 years old or older and do not adopt crypto currencies. Wow, what a terrible statement to make. I know and it is meant to wake up the senior community. The following statistics are very sobering with regards to the retired's pensions and stock market holdings.
First, to start, over 80% of all pensions are grossly underfunded. There is no mathematical way for pension investments to "catch up" with the losses or lack of gains they have incurred over the past 3 decades. Most pensions need 7% to 8% returns to stay solvent. The average pension programs have seen 2% to 3% returns at best. There has been decades of 4% deficits in returns that have lead to this massive under funding.
Second, we have 10,000 people per day turning the age of 65 and around 1.5 million during 70 every year. All of these people are beyond their earning years. They do not have the energy to work 40 to 60 hours a week anymore. If they do not have a steady income from pensions coming in, they are in a world of hurt. Many at this age still have daily living expenses that are quite high. All of us can only imagine the outrageous health care costs, disability insurance and retired living residence rents that these seniors have to pay. Take their pensions away or reduce them by 50% or more and disaster hits.
Historically, if the stock market crashes or has a major correction, you had time to recover your portfolio's value. When you are 60 years old or older, you no longer have that time to recover such losses. Let us say the market had a traditional Bear Market retracement or correction of 20% since 2009. This would wipe out gains of the last three years. If you started to recover the correction at 6% returns, it would take 4 years to get back to being even. This equals 7 years of investment returns that have been lost. At age 70, 7 years of loss returns is a major set back.
Let's say we have (which we are already in)a recession which typically sees a 35% reduction in market value. This would take you back 8 years worth of gains and take 12 years of 6% returns to break even netting a 20 year loss of returns. At age 65 or 70, how many people can afford to loose 20 years of returns and 35% or more value of their retirement? The answer is, no one can.
The pensions are failing. They are collapsing. 17 major National pensions are in court right now seeking default reorganization. This means retirees will be receiving 50% or less of what their contract agreed to pay them. Many will receive only 0.30 cents on the dollar. How many can survive on such a drastic cut?
The only way to survive this great National pension collapse is for seniors to diversify into crypto currencies. The blockchain technology is a modern day marvel. Crypto currencies are deflationary by design and can not be counterfeited. No Central Bank or Government can "print" crypto currencies into oblivion. The crypto currencies have averaged 360% gains over the last 3 plus years. The value of crypto's are only increasing as global adoption increases. Currently we are around 3% adoption. Wait until we hit 10% or even 20% global adoption. We then will be seeing 500% to 1000% gains.
I encourage all retirees to learn all that you can regarding the blockchain and crypto currencies. You have the time and access to the internet to do so. There are no excuses. If you fail to do so, I truly believe it could cost you your life.
In general, you make a great point about the problem with pensions. However, probably still need to be diversified - Bonds, Stocks, Gold, Art, Real-estate, Cryptos ... Who knows which cryptocurrencies will emerge the winner and which ones will be the "friendsters" and "myspace" and "america online", etc... It does seem like BTC is headed for a downturn before it starts going up again (we'll see what happens in a few days when China turns off the faucet on their crypto-exchanges).
Yes, I agree. Art is good and productive real estate. I am also assuming the reading audience has physical precious metals. I often wonder which crypto's will be in the top 20 5 to 8 years from now. Yes, we do need to be careful not to end up with a myspace crypto
There are many Cryptocurrencies that will make you lots of cash regardless of the age
If you are good at it it doesn't not matter the age
Hope everyone gets into cryptocurrency
Exactly. Older people do not have much time to accumulate wealth if they loose their pensions, so they can earn fast with crypto's
Yours post have been happy me.
I am glad
😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣👌🏻😜. Love it.
The current system is broken for the common person but not for the assholes who've nurtured and created it. They still live off our backs. What... not long ago the stats showed that 85 people held over half the worlds wealth.....WTF? Let's hope cryptos remedy this staggering fact and bring them to their bellies.
Agreed. I despise bankers and Wall Street. I hope crypto's makes all of them homeless