KABOOOOOM!! IOTA SURGES to 860% PROFIT!!! @haejin recommended IOTA 28 days ago at $0.38 and price surged to $3.27!!
It was 28 days ago, when I had posted an analysis and buy recommendation for IOTA when it was only $0.38. Price has now SURGED to $3.27 to give a WHOPPING 860% PROFIT!
The below chart was used:
860% in 28 DAYS!!!
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Elliott Wave Counting Tutorial #1
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Legal Mumbo Jumbo: This is only my opinion, make of it what you wish. What does this mean? It means it's not advice nor recommendation to either buy or sell anything! It's only meant for use as informative or entertainment purposes.**
can you do NAV?
Here is the NAV analysis. Please use only to augment your due diligence. Enjoy!
Wow IOTA is on fire. I missed that one. Oh well, I'll catch the next coin. VTC broke $10 USD for the 1st time but retraced back under. I started following you on Twitter. Here's to MASSIVE PROFITS!!!
I bought $20 just in case it keeps going.... The Tangle looks interesting.
Thank you for the good news! I bought some when it was at .91 (before it went down again to the .38 you refer to). I have great hopes for this coin!
I wish you MASSIVE profits!
Thank you :) I'm not a monied person, but the upside of that is that even moderate profits seem enormous relatively!
You should check out the YOYOW seems like a cup to me
IT is a Cup & Handle! Well done!
Awesome call on this one Haejin! Long term believer in IOTA. IOTA's tangle is faster than block chain. IMO IOTA's tangle technology is "block chains" replacement. Check this visual out:
The visual compares the transaction speed throughput maximums as tested to date.
lol, I take it you have not tried to send a transaction these past few days from the wallet.
Yesterday it took over 24 hours to get my transaction from my wallet to Binance. Very stressful.
It reminded me that IOTA is still highly theoretical
In the past there has been a common issue with the exchanges delaying the transaction. The IOTA network can't process a transaction until the exchange posts it to the system. Sort of like the the mail - someone can print a label for a package, but the package doesn't move until it is actually delivered to the Post Office. Also, the exchange can delay posting incoming transactions. Many exchanges receive the transaction well in advance (many blocks) ahead of actually posting it to an account for trading... They may have a verification policy in place - many exchanges do for all cryptos. The amount of "blocks" or time delay varies significantly based on the exchanges policy for that specific crypto.
The point here is that delays may not be caused by IOTA or the IOTA tangle network.
Nope. That was a while back. I sent to my wallet from exchange a bit ago and it took a day. This is all fomo, all based on hype and shit. Tangle is very vulnerable, trust me. MIT researchers were easily able to hack it and when they told iota developers. The developers denied it and shit. Very unethical of them. That picture mus be nice but do you know eth has planned techs coming out to scale it better. Raiden, Plasma. They will be able to scale to the moon. Iota is unproven tech if it doesn't deliver exactly as promised there will be a lot of unhappy people. I still don't see what exactly has iota done at this point. Its still a tech that is in test phase. Eth will have crazy scaling much faster then iota. you are right they have only tested it on iota when there aren't even that many transactions being done right now.
That's pure FUD - Fear Uncertainty Doubt - sorry but I have to call it like I see it here. The MIT researchers found a cryptographic flaw that produced collisions in certain wallet seeds. What they didn't take into account is that IOTA uses trinary not binary during calculations. IOTA intentionally did this as a protection scheme to prevent copycats from successfully using the code they developed. This is OLD news from several months ago. IOTA removed their copy protection scheme once it was discovered. This is not a valid issue or concern.
So ETH is coming out with new scaleable tech? That would be refreshing after todays Ethereum network disaster which caused the entire ETH network to come to a crawl and held up people's transactions for hours and hours. Rumor is that this network overload and stall is because of "crypto kitties". ETH can't even handle a basic cat app. I suppose all the ETH hype from the past several months has been proven to be just that - HYPE. What do you think will happen as more and more high demand apps are added? Even slower... Ethereum is not alone - the same scale-ability issues affect bitcoin and every other block chain based coins.
I suppose this new ETH tech is going to magically be better than IOTA's upon intial delivery? IOTA has been developing the tangle technology for YEARS and testing it in the real world for months now. Where is this ETH tech? Oh that's right - it's being developed... So no one has a hard date for the delivery of it? No one is currently using it? By that time ETH will have lost the market share to IOTA - which ETH is doing as I write this - and conventional block chain technology will be replaced by the IOTA tangle tech IMO which will have proven itself many times over by the time this new ETH tech hits the market.
Nice try, but I am not buying the FUD - nor is the market... IOTA has move up from 8th market capitalization to 4th in less than two weeks. I guess all those investors are just crazy or stupid? By the way - the IOTA network processed 2.3 million in transactions today while ETH processed only 1.5 million in the same time period. Why? Because Etherium network could not keep up.
Ethereum developers and supporters are the only unhappy people I have seen here.
What?! How!
Why did I miss this recommendation? How did I miss it!
Me too. Don't worry, other MASSIVE profits are coming!
Also, just checked and it's only listed at Bitfinex, Binance (where I don't have an account) and some other exchanges I've never heard of. So, I don't feel so bad now.
Same here but keep it going bro i know this pain
Wow that's a nice Return on Investment - I will subscribe to your Twitter alerts - Just sent $20 of Litecoin to buy $20 of IOTA on Binance Thanks for the heads up .....
@haejin, do you have any updated thoughts on Verge?
Okay, waiting for the correction to $1.80. ;)
Good luck with that! ;-)
This is fomo talking! Proof: BCH pump!
FOMO and/or bitfinex pumping up the price with made up tethers. The first IOTA run back in August also came out of the blue and fizzled out quickly. Don't underestimate bitfinex manipulation.
I seriously doubt bitfinex has the capital to manipulate IOTA from a market cap position of 8th place to 4th place. It takes serious serious cash flow to make that market cap change.
Thanks, wave 4!
how are you buying?? isnt it only on binance?
Gah! I bought some on Bitfinex, tried to move it to IOTA wallet when they announced their intention to stop serving US customers, had trouble setting up wallet so sold it all at $1.25 or so. Dang it! But, I did convert it to BTS, so there's that silver lining
Bought some
It might come faster than you think. One of the reasons the price has gone up so fast without correction is that a lot of users with large amounts of IOTA in their wallets have a hard time sending their tokens to exchanges due to Pending transactions or delay on the exchange side. A lot of users also had their IOTA tokens confiscated by the IOTA foundation after the last snapshot in October due to the possibility of their private seeds having been compromised. The IOTA team has promised to start returning these tokens to their owners next week. I expect a massive correction to the price once all these tokens are back in circulation.