in #bitcoin7 years ago

Bitcoin is rising due to the problems we already are experiencing with a failed system. Banks and Paypal really had a chance, but now with the current issues I feel that one day they will become obsolete. Maybe not for quite some time, but one day.. I mean eventually people will be forced to find a different source. Who actually enjoys using Paypal after about a month of transactions? Goodbye Paypal, hello Bitcoin!

? Want a safe place (wallet) to store your coins?
Ledger -

? Want a Bitcoin Debit card?
CryptoPay -


Yep, without a doubt, bitcoin and other cryptos are much better than Paypal. No argument from me here.



Bitcoin is an electonic currency, wich is decentralized, encrypted.
It transfers a value without a need of authoritative controlling body.

Bitcoin and other rising blockchain based applications are definitly the future.


Paypal should right now be considering adopting Bitcoin within its system, that is the only way to position itself on top as Bitcoin use increases. By trying to block it, they're only hurting themselves and helping make Bitcoin more popular.

PayPal should definitely adopt BTC

Maybe in the future paypal will, they currently allow you to apply for buyer protection when you say you are buying bitcoins so atleast its going in the right direction

Between the 2 their market cap is huge. Plus PayPal is accepted many places... if those 2 merged it would be huge

N problem!

Agree with this. Banks need to be taken down. So much corruption and dirty stuff going on. Crypto's are the way to do it.




It unbelievable how much power paypal can have over your account. Like, on ebay, I've heard stories of people buying something, and then while the item is still in shipping, the buyer files a complaint saying that the product never came. Paypal, in their infinite wisdom will, without actually investigating the complaint, just pull the money from the seller's account. So basically, the buyers can screw sellers as much as they want.

on ebay you can only file a complaint after the estimated shipping date is over, so the lesson is add 3-4 days onto how long you think it will take to ship and then you wont get screwed over

well done avilsd!
