We don't subscribe to any denomination, we're just students of the TEXT. We use the Companion BIBLE with scholarly notes added by E.W.Bullenger. It's a King James A.V. The K.J.V. is what we suggest folks use while studying with us as it's keyed to the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of BIBLE Words. Those two books plus a Smith's BIBLE dictionary will give you the tools you need to do in-depth studies with us. If you prefer digital you can replace the Strongs Concordance with e-sword of apple or my-sword for android, they are free to download & I have never seen them variate from Dr.Strongs original work. I hope this helps & I'm looking forward to you joining the fun.
We don't subscribe to any denomination, we're just students of the TEXT. We use the Companion BIBLE with scholarly notes added by E.W.Bullenger. It's a King James A.V. The K.J.V. is what we suggest folks use while studying with us as it's keyed to the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of BIBLE Words. Those two books plus a Smith's BIBLE dictionary will give you the tools you need to do in-depth studies with us. If you prefer digital you can replace the Strongs Concordance with e-sword of apple or my-sword for android, they are free to download & I have never seen them variate from Dr.Strongs original work. I hope this helps & I'm looking forward to you joining the fun.