The Importance of Diet and Exercise For Weight Loss
As you can imagine dieting and nutrition are huge fields. So I want to give you an overview of the most important principles that underlie a well-designed fitness diet.
Now, this isn't to say that there aren't other factors that will affect your fitness and health. Of course, dieting and especially dieting for fitness is always the product of many different factors coming together.
But what I will share with you now are the most important factors that will affect your fitness. Read by their influence.
We will first talk about the most important factor than the second most important and so forth but with so much contradictory advice out there.
You might ask yourself how can you even decide on the most important or the second most important factor in the first place.
This is actually a lot more straightforward than you might think. When we look at the available research on dieting and health we can see some very clear patterns no matter what study you look at.
There are always some factors that influence the outcome more than others. If we grouped these patterns we can identify five distinct dietary factors each of which will have an effect on your fitness so went to diets that are different from each other.
It will almost always be due to a difference in these factors. Here they are first calorie balance your calorie balance describes how much energy consumed from foods and drinks versus how much energy your body burns on a regular basis energy here is measured in calories second macronutrient amounts macronutrient the amounts described how much protein carbs and fats you consume daily third nutrient timing were first too when you consume your meals and how you spaced them out next.
Food composition describes your food sources meaning whey protein carbs and fats come from.
And lastly in fifth place supplements. So these are all the pills powders or extracts that you can take to improve your diet with these five factors in front of us. You have to understand one thing if you change one or more of them its effect on your fitness will also, change.
The easiest example would be that if you consume less food meaning you do your calorie intake and therefore create a negative calorie balance. You will lose weight. Pretty straightforward.
But what we will do now is look at what types of features good fitness diet have in common. So you can replicate them and enjoy the benefits. One more thing before we get started. Even though all the principles I laid out above will affect your results.
They want to the same extent. For example, both your calorie intake and your supplements can impact your fitness and health.
But each to a different magnitude. Eating the right amount of calories is a lot more important than taking the right supplements.
Most people know this already but still, forget it when listening to bad dieting advice. For example, if a supplement company told you that all you needed for a muscular body was their supplement.
Something is clearly off. After all, this would mean you could eat all the junk food you wanted and consume very little protein without any negative side effects as long as you would take their supplement.
Obviously, this is not the case. So to help you identify the most important principles we will rent them accordingly. This means getting only the first few ride is a lot more important to your fitness than getting only the last few right of course.
Our goal is to get all of them right.
But such changes can take time and it's often better to start with smaller changes and work your way towards a complete diet. So the good news is that you can safely ignore the lesser important principles at first while focusing on the important ones and you will still see amazing results.
Once you're confident with the bigger ones should you also take all the small principles.
I'm happy you addressed supplements in there. These products make dangerous claims and can get away with it because the supplement industry doesn't have to back up these claims the same way that a medicine would need to. Some of the labels I see are just outrageous.