Dragoon Brewing Co - Tucson, AZ - Taproom & Beer Review

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Dragoon Brewing Co., Tucson AZ

Last night I had the opportunity to partake of free beer and pizza at the Dragoon Brewery in Tucson, AZ from a get-together arranged by my realtor. Since that last sentence has three words that I absolutely love - free, beer, & pizza - I made sure that we attended.

The Dragoon Brewery taproom is located off the main drag in almost what could be considered a light industrial building. The taproom itself has been carved out of a corner of their operations and as such the concrete floor still has yellow painted lines marking where specific equipment should be placed. Large windows allow visitors to have a glimpse of the process, at least whatever they can see around the large metal vats.

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The place, while spartan, is nicely set up. I particularly like the chalk board with the latest batches on offer. The beers on tap will change from season to season and also if the owners just decide to try something new. See #11 for such an example.

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I also found out that they have an assortment of VERY reasonably priced events.

Brewery Bootcamp is a 60-minute brewery-themed workout held right in the taproom. Cost is just $10 and you get a post-workout beer.

Bakasana and Beer is a 60-minute yoga class that costs only $6 and you also get a beer after.

On the 2nd Monday of every month, they hold a double elimination Ping Pong tournament with prizes awarded for first, second, and third place. No cost!

Every third Wednesday there is a bicycle group that rides around town towards the brewery and when you get there your first beer is only $1.

So yeah, not bad at all.

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Comb The Desert - Schwarzbier - German Dark Larger

  • ABV: 5.5%
  • IBU: 23

My first selection of the night was this excellent dark larger named 'Comb The Desert' - clearly a reference to the Schwartz from Spaceballs.

This black beer had everything you expect from this variety of brew. A nice finger of thick head that slowly receded leaving abundant lacing. It tasted of both roasted coffee and a touch of chocolate. Light on the bitterness and having a medium carbonation. Very good overall.


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Isle of You - Double Red IPA

  • ABV: 8.4%
  • IBU: 75

Delivered with a frothy white head, this IPA has a gorgeous red-amber color. The taste is certainly citrus, with grapefruit being the main flavor but there is also some citrus peel and possibly floral undertones. Very bitter and any sweetness of the citrus was lost. I was disappointed in this selection and just downed it to move on to something else.


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Biere Del Bac - Belgian Style Quadrupel

  • ABV: 10%
  • IBU: 32

I don't believe I have ever had a quad beer before tasting this one. I am truly impressed. This style of beer is almost as if beer and wine had a baby. The frontmost flavor is of plum or prune, but grapes or raisins is right next in line for the taste. Very sweet, it brings to mind brown sugar or molasses was used as well. The flavor was deep and something that I very much enjoyed.


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Santa Cruz'R - Golden Ale

  • ABV: 4.9%
  • IBU: 15

Wanting to sample one of the beers they say you can drink all day, I chose a beer they say is 'Tucson's true easy rider.'

At first whiff this smells as if it will be quite bitter but it surprisingly isn't. What you do taste are the hops and grains as this lacks any other flavor profile. Fine by me, I enjoy a nice bready brew. Very low bitterness and a light to medium carbonation factor makes their statement true. Out of all the beers I tried that night, this is the one I could continue to drink long into the night. Well done Dragoon!


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Sounds like you had a great weekend. But i'm kind of shocked how you managed to drink all those different kind of beers

Hey, when it is free and there are a bunch that I have never tried I am all game to drink a variety. :D

You had a great weekend i suppose, but that's a nice place if your very first beer is only at $1 true that's not bad at all. Most beers don't have a high percentage alcohol like here in uganda the highest beer we have has about 7% but realistically it does what it meant to do. We sometimes think it's supposed to be higher.
Looking at the Belgian Style Quadrupe with 10% i imagine.with it's sweetness and flavors I would go all out. That was a cool evening you had @getonthetrain.

Yeah, that Belgian Quadrupel was quite sweet - not something you can drink a lot of. But nice to try something different. And yeah, I was feeling pretty good after leaving the taproom.

@getonthetrain I use to love drinking Beer when I was younger. Now that I have been Sober for 28 years I have to admit it is still interesting to see what different beers there are and see what people like. I may drink again in the future but I just won't drink Today.

Everything in moderation my friend. :)

Yes I agree. Now I need to go do my posting for this evening..............

Wow @getonthetrain one of these days we'll have to get together and sample some beer. And FREE beer, man you can't beat that :)
Iam a Pale Ale lover and that Golden Ale looks really, really good.

Must have been a great time. Thanks for the photos

Come to the next Steemfest and we will!

You seem to be a big fan of beers. And every time I read a post of.you about beers I'm in office. Wrong place and time to read your posts. Lol

Oh man, I'm sorry about that - haha! :D

What a way to spend the weekend. How do you guys avoid hangover with all these varieties around you at a free price..
Dragoon Brewery is a brilliant place to get a break from the long tedious week. Pizza and beer.. I feel the fun you guys had.
The beer that ticks most for me on the list is Biere Del Bac. At 10%, you wouldn't need to order for another drink to get high. The plum flavor makes me feel like jumping onto the plane to Belgium to have a feel of this epic brand.
One thing am sure the different beer events Dragoon Brewery brings is the meetups with friends and colleagues. We are sometimes too busy for friends, but these events in the community bring many together as they meet up to share a few stuff going around their lives.

Yeah, the Biere Del Bac was so different to any beer I have had before - it was almost like a port or a brandy without that much alcohol. Almost.

Awesome variety! Not much better than free beer AND pizza!
Out of all those, I would definitely like to try the Comb The Desert.

Great choice - I liked it so much I had two! It was the only one that I drank two glasses of.

Um, this looks amazing. I don't do yoga, but this just might make me start. This place looks awesome: "tried making lazarus again" lol love it!


Yeah, the owners are just making beers and having fun while making money - good on them! :D

Wauhhh...that's great this place looks nice and I believe are not that hard. Here there even those of 40% . Those that just break your legs when you have taken enough but also make you still drunk for some few other days. They are called "kitokos".

Our hostel gateman actually passed away after taking 2 bottles of those beers. He never had money, but also we never cooked and had no money. The man asked for some coins after taking those beers and then passed away when he couldn't find any coin or food from the students.

This was a sad moment but also a very funny moment. We laughed after hearing the news and couldn't stop looking at some of my friends who drink thosestrong alcoholic beer.

This place (on your post) looks to have wonderful beer ( not like some of ours in Uganda) and even giving out free beer makes it awesome.

40% beer! Woah - that's like the moonshine of beers. I don't think that can possibly taste any good - what does it taste like Jona?

Normally, there are 2 types of beer. The modern one and the traditional one. The normal one have 7-10 maximum, just normal taste. However, there are others made traditionaly, but also ment to be mixed or just a little,but some decide to take much. Ahahaha....those ones are real...just 2 sackets will bring you down. I will describe the more on discord with some pics

Brewery Bootcamp

What sort of workouts did they do there? How to raise the beer glass? How to get a glass full of bear without spilling?

You really know your beers, i think i haven't drunk any beer for 6 or more months, i always want another and another and another, especially the good ones!

I had never seen that "comb the desert"movie, now i want to watch it ahahaha, that thing is hilarious!

Oh man, Spaceballs is a classic movie - a must watch for any man. Many women will not like it though - haha :D

Women not liking this type of movies ir normal, it's on my to watch list

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