Bud Light or Coors Light??? Megapoll with Prizes!
Happy holiday beer drinkers, wine-os and methheads...Whatever you persuasion?..
I'm keeping this one simple
Say I invite you over and offer you a beer, the two choices are Bud Light or Coors Light, you have to choose one or I'll bust a cap in your ass and kick your dog, what one do you pick?
Leave a comment, reply, gif, photo (no dick pics) with your choice and we'll see what happens..
Idk maybe I'll announce it in my next post or something? Just tell me your choice and you'll win a special prize, probably an upvote, sexual favor maybe more?
Before you make fun of me for being Canadian and drinking American beer well stuff happens.
Have a great night!
@goldenarms and I'd never really kick a dog 🐕
I’m definitely a Coors Light guy.
Congratulations, you have recieved a 66% upvote from @goldenarmsvoteshelpyoumakegains service. A GrumpyCat compliant voting service but seriously fuck that guy 🔫😎
I choose Coors Light , because its "Born in the Rockies ! Haha ! Wish I had one right now !!🍻🍺🍻🍺🍻🍺🍻🍺🍺🍺🍻🍺
Coors Light my friend.
Coors Light... Because its "The Silver Bullet"... and I kinda sorta love silver... hahaha
Also... Love Train....
Although... I'm not very likely to turn down a Bud either.... DILLY DILLY!
Ha! So true about the silver bullet. Should be the SSG sponsored beer 😀
Now you're talking! Gotta see if we can get some corporate sponsors for this shindig!
I drink em both because I can have 6 and still drive. Naw jk but yeah they're easy drinking super cold no bad aftertaste
Yea, they're both good in the "drink a lot for a little" category... I prefer Yuengling in that price range, but that's just me haha
Nailed the landing! And yeah those are two good reasons 👍😎
I know right?! And did you see that flawless beer catch? You miss it the first time and wonder if he was carrying it... But not. Dude's got skillz. 😎
Thanks for letting me be a weiner... er WINNER!! :)
What he said.
Yeah, she can pour my beer anyday!
Bud is made with rice so not as much bloating,Bud Lite.
Well I would have to say Coors, in my neck of the woods that’s all that used to float around at parties back in the day. You could drink that stuff all night long.
I don’t drink but 1-2 beers a week anymore but I was once out of control. 😉
Please oh please don’t bust a cap dah ha ha ha
Naw your safe. And you're right if you're drinking these in the heat you can go all day and not get drunk drinkin em. I'm glad you turned your life around lol the first step is admitting you have a problem 😂
Whew dodged a bullet there 😂😂 I enjoy waking in the morning feeling fresh not a mess. I used to not know what that was like. 😂😂😂
Even though i would never personally buy those 2 beers myself, i would me ecstatic if you offered me one and forever be grateful of your generosity, lol I would drink the coors until they where out and then grab a bud light. ;)
Ah that's nice, we could definitely hang out play some Sega Genesis and stuff. U sir get an upvote and a very miniscule amount of SBD coming. I wish you didn't have such a difficult name to remember how to spell 😑
haha ill have to be in person to sound it out to you.
Coors light for me, bud light always seems dry to me. No sexual flavors please. Thanks.
Ok I'll send you some SBDs instead of my STDs
Haha..thanks @goldenarms