RE: VOP 2.0: Slowing Down Organ Harvesting Rings
It was coincidental. I began this post a couple weeks ago, but had to keep walking away from it as it was making me sick. I only included about half the articles/videos I watched over the last couple weeks, and spent most of the day (my day off) making order of it and getting it written.
I have been writing on the human trafficking since last summer, when a local ministry (where I lived at the time and for over half my life) that rescues homeless vets in Tucson found a child trafficking camp. As I have followed along their journey, it began dawning on me that some of the innocents being trafficked were not just for sex slavery. I have mentioned it for months now, but decided about a month ago I needed to begin digging on the harvesting rings so I could tie it in.
It is sickening and frightening to realize that most of us are considered cattle to be used in any way they desire. They really have it down to a science, handing us our original beliefs, then reinforcing them with the programming via entertainment, news and social media. One of the only answers I know of is to try and get dialogues going as there is so much evidence, they just don't talk about it. Most people rely on them for everything so are not only unaware, but frightened to know as they don't know how they can live (eating, shelter, etc) if they speak up if they do know.
I've been following your stuff for a while now, around child protection. You and @krnel are doing some great work getting this information out there. Your work in other areas as well is always interesting to read, admittedly, my time varies to really study it. I can't imagine immersing myself in this for any longer than a short period of time, to spend the amount of time you have, that must be quite difficult.
Considering every facet of our lives is engineered and controlled, that basic biology and social constructs are being attacked. We are being taught that gender isn't real, society is being degendered, mental illness is no longer being scrutinised or treated it's being normalised, models are not allowed to be thin anymore.
Our food is poisoned, our clothes are being sprayed in chemicals before they even leave the factory, carcinogenic chemicals that build up in our systems. Teflon, microplastics, fluoride, GMO's, 5G, it's a scary world.
If they can't dumb us down or control us, it seems you can't escape the system. The scary thing about all of this with the harvesting of organs, kidnappings, it's happening in broad daylight now. The fact a tonne of kids have been going missing in Washington DC (sex trafficking, rings and presumably harvesting is a part of that), nobody is trying to hide it because of this fake news narrative that gets thrown.
Keep up the good fight, mate.
Thank you for the kind words. Krnel writes some great pieces, and I was drawn to his page as soon as I came across it. The energy he has put into it is amazing, and evidence he has a higher fortitude than I as I periodically have to step back. It is high praise being likened on his level of integrity and reporting.
I am hoping that if enough people begin talking of this evil that is hitting us from all sides that there will be a push back that gains enough momentum they have to scurry back to the shadows with their evil schemes.
Blessings to you and yours.