VOP 2.0: Slowing Down Organ Harvesting Rings
There is an epidemic taking place in the world. It would be naïve to believe the United States is not a leader in the participation of this evil practice. The organs flow to where the money that pays comes from, and due to the nature of this crime it is more expedient for the living bodies to come to the wealthy in need of the organ than for them to travel to the country these people reside in. I realize this is a troubling topic, and apologize for the fast pace with which you are about to be given videos and links. I understand. I have been working on this post for weeks now as I can only stomach what I have been uncovering in small doses. I present it this way so it can sink in how vast this operation is. Sadly, I barely touch the surface of information available if any of you choose to go further down this hole.
Of course, some of these organs are being procured under horrific methods right here in the U.S. as I am about to show. But the need for organs by wealthy clients is far greater than can be stolen from here locally, as it would create too many questions. It already is, despite the obvious conclusions one can reach on human trafficking taking place on the southern border.
One need only look at cases like the one Kendrick Johnsons family are dealing with. First he had the misfortune of being murdered, and the ruling being accidental. His parents demanded a second autopsy and discovered most of his organs had been removed, his body stuffed with newspaper.
Then we have the operation that was discovered between Detroit and Chicago involving thousands of organs kept on ice for preservation. Where did the organs even come from?
New Jersey Federal corruption probe involving prominent government and religious officials revealed an extensive black market trade in organs.
Are they targeting the African American community more than others? In 2014 the Black And Missing Foundation reported that there were, at that time, 64,000 missing African American girls and women. The number is staggering, and one has to ask the question how this is not front page news given the nature of some of the grievances being aired as front page news from the African American community. Some guy can’t get a job at quarterback, headline news. How many girls and women no one can find is as worthy of being talked of daily as the quarterback? There is only one reason I can think of this isn’t being talked of, and I suspect it has to do with the sex slavery and organ trafficking that is running rampant all around us.
Not surprisingly, the link above was not how I discovered this epidemic of missing African American girls/women. I found the numbers to be too large to be believable, so googled it. Evidently this is well known in the black community as I read many links on this. Where did they all go?
Are U.S. Hospitals Really Involved In Black Market Organ Operations?
The average citizen here in the U.S. may believe there is corruption taking place, but the thought that doctors and hospitals are not only actively participating, but creating their own crops of organs from people they are declaring brain dead before killing them is too horrible to imagine. Yet, it appears this is exactly the case. It’s bad enough when the car mechanic makes up fake work for your car, now it appears there is need to fear hospital guidelines and evil hearted doctors who participate in these evil schemes. They have even made it where if there is any chance to trick the parents or other loves ones into believing YOU might be brain dead, the doctor and nurses won’t be the ones talking to them. It is a specialist whose only job is to convince you to let them (kill) do the humane thing and stop the waste of resources. Then they will kill the person with fentanyl or other drugs. Others murdered even more horribly, as they are given paralyzing drugs with NO pain medication.
These three videos are of utmost importance to see the documentation for yourself. I praise the woman who made these videos, as she also provides links to many sources to back her videos under them. If you want to see proof how easily they are killing people in our hospitals on purpose for organ harvesting, out of all the videos these are a must see.
They murdered this poor little 8 year old boy with Fentanyl to get his organs.
Miraculous recoveries before they could be murdered for their organs.
Further proof of hospitals looking the other way, although I believe the last three videos show they are actively participating, not just looking the other way.
What Are Your Organs Worth
Kidneys - 200,000
Liver – 157,000
Heart – 119,000
Corneas - 24,400
Bone Marrow – 23,000 a gram
Eggs – 12,400
There is more, you can see it for yourself here.
Using Foster Care To Procure Some Of These Children?
I have written on some of the issues many parents have faced when the CPS has stepped in and kidnapped their children using false pretenses. For a list of my previous posts on this, you can find them here. To say that enough innocent parents have been targeted would be an understatement. The horrors and risks these children find themselves in the foster care system well documented for any willing to look, some of which has been reported by me.
A constant theme which I reported on was the mandatory reporters, which also spill over into the medical community via the hospitals. If one is prone to looking for common denominators, it begins to look obvious that there is a dark side to these hospitals and the experts who step in and often will replace the reporting doctor once they have placed the persons of interest onto these experts radar.
VOP Battling To Stop Their Source At The Border
As I have been reporting since last July here, the ministry of Lewis Arthur has been actively seeking to put an end to the child trafficking taking place on the border. The mountains of evidence videotaped by him and his ministry (Walking for the Forgotten aka Veterans on Patrol) will leave any willing to look no doubt regarding the misery that goes on in that desolate desert. With the aid of government as I have reported here, showing the contract Pima County has with a group setting water and supplies up for them, as well as using law enforcement to harass VOP and their mission, the trafficking of these impoverished victims coming to try to get a break in life continues unabated.
One need only look through quickly at my posts over the last seven months and see all the video links that have been scrubbed from the net. Even official links to news stations who air false BOLO reports to the public only to scrub it (I found it again on the wayback machine after their scrubbing).
As desperate as these despicable people are to procure organs, it is only natural that to fill some of the vast hole left in their demand they would target people crossing here illegally. Organs from living people is much better for the recipients, and you can bet that they are not using all of those trafficked here as only sex slaves, which is heavily documented. In one of my VOP posts, I linked to reports acknowledging 80% of females coming from Central America were being raped, many sent on to be sex slaves for the wealthy perverts here. It doesn’t take to much of a leap to understand if they are killing Americans for these organs, and using immigrants as sex slaves, they hold so little regard for humanity that these same immigrants are being murdered too for their organs. Unlike those missing here, like with the foster kids I have reported on previously and the African American females documented above that are missing, these innocent people can’t be documented. No one will miss them on paper, only tears in the dark for their loved ones.
VOP has continued their mission, although they are keeping more to themselves now since they reorganized at the end of last year. One of their latest shares though has been regarding their targeting of Cartel scouts who sit up in the mountains and direct the smuggling activities away from the little pockets of Border patrol once they walk into the U.S. off Mexican Highway 2 where there is little impediment. To show how prevalent the scouts in the mountains are, here is an independent report from Phoenix 2 years ago.
It is well past time that we as a people begin waking up. Not only wake up, but force these crimes against the mass of humanity into a loud public discussion. Their media only reports on this haphazardly in between their daily stories that repeat every news cycle on the hour. This will never be reported on hourly. It is on us to make this the dialogue. This corruption is hitting us from all sides now, and we need to understand we are cattle to them. Ignoring the crimes against our neighbors, against those fleeing here in hopes of a better life will not make you or your loved ones safe. And for what it’s worth, those fleeing here are doing so based on the same evil pieces of shit here causing so much damage in their countries. They probably wouldn’t be so desperate to come here if it wasn’t for evil shit like this, that I shared with someone else here the other day.
To follow along with VOP on their news feeds, you can follow here.
To donate (they never accept money), or volunteer to help VOP, go to
To understand the ministry, you must understand the man. This is who Lewis Arthur is.
Thank you for reading, as I know this is a lengthy post on a very dark subject. It took me weeks to get through it, but this needs to be talked about. It is so obvious we are little more than cattle for them to buy and sell as they tell us what we can do dependent on their needs for us at any given moment. Even if their needs mean we lose our kids or our liberty and life. This won’t stop unless we join together and shed light on them. As VOP is doing right now.
Interesting that I come across this post, just after I finished the Joe Rogan podcast where he had Alex Jones on and they were talking about this topic throughout just a couple of hours ago, is this what gave you the inspiration or was it just coincidental timing? It's crazy to think that this stuff is happening, the harvesting with babies and children in itself is sickening.
It was coincidental. I began this post a couple weeks ago, but had to keep walking away from it as it was making me sick. I only included about half the articles/videos I watched over the last couple weeks, and spent most of the day (my day off) making order of it and getting it written.
I have been writing on the human trafficking since last summer, when a local ministry (where I lived at the time and for over half my life) that rescues homeless vets in Tucson found a child trafficking camp. As I have followed along their journey, it began dawning on me that some of the innocents being trafficked were not just for sex slavery. I have mentioned it for months now, but decided about a month ago I needed to begin digging on the harvesting rings so I could tie it in.
It is sickening and frightening to realize that most of us are considered cattle to be used in any way they desire. They really have it down to a science, handing us our original beliefs, then reinforcing them with the programming via entertainment, news and social media. One of the only answers I know of is to try and get dialogues going as there is so much evidence, they just don't talk about it. Most people rely on them for everything so are not only unaware, but frightened to know as they don't know how they can live (eating, shelter, etc) if they speak up if they do know.
I've been following your stuff for a while now, around child protection. You and @krnel are doing some great work getting this information out there. Your work in other areas as well is always interesting to read, admittedly, my time varies to really study it. I can't imagine immersing myself in this for any longer than a short period of time, to spend the amount of time you have, that must be quite difficult.
Considering every facet of our lives is engineered and controlled, that basic biology and social constructs are being attacked. We are being taught that gender isn't real, society is being degendered, mental illness is no longer being scrutinised or treated it's being normalised, models are not allowed to be thin anymore.
Our food is poisoned, our clothes are being sprayed in chemicals before they even leave the factory, carcinogenic chemicals that build up in our systems. Teflon, microplastics, fluoride, GMO's, 5G, it's a scary world.
If they can't dumb us down or control us, it seems you can't escape the system. The scary thing about all of this with the harvesting of organs, kidnappings, it's happening in broad daylight now. The fact a tonne of kids have been going missing in Washington DC (sex trafficking, rings and presumably harvesting is a part of that), nobody is trying to hide it because of this fake news narrative that gets thrown.
Keep up the good fight, mate.
Thank you for the kind words. Krnel writes some great pieces, and I was drawn to his page as soon as I came across it. The energy he has put into it is amazing, and evidence he has a higher fortitude than I as I periodically have to step back. It is high praise being likened on his level of integrity and reporting.
I am hoping that if enough people begin talking of this evil that is hitting us from all sides that there will be a push back that gains enough momentum they have to scurry back to the shadows with their evil schemes.
Blessings to you and yours.
surprisingly this information is out there and not that hard to find but people still dont have a clue
keep up the great posts practicalthought
I think that was my biggest shock once I began diving into some of this stuff. Lots of information exists if you look. Lots of whistle blowers too on various subjects, some who end up dead. Some of those ruled suicides where it is obviously not.
its pretty scary and im grateful for mr cooper he started me on the truth in the early nineties and my mind already knew something was up with us peasants and it wasnt very good, cooper opened my eyes to a whole new way of understanding how these criminals operate and now its so easy to see when i watch mainstream i just shake my head
have a great evening sir and starve the beast any chance you get
i certainly do. peace
I just want to say, THANK YOU #JESUS for keeping me and my family safe from these murderers!
If most people don't even care Jesus died for them, do you think they'll care about these victims?
I find myself at a loss when it comes to explaining the apathy and rejection of many to understand the power that is within them. I can understand the doubts and turmoil that many face as one truth is born out that many would feel outrage over. I will use your first statement of thanks to Jesus for keeping your family safe.
As Jesus said often, and demonstrated to the extreme at the end of his time as man here, Gods will often calls for some pretty bad things for us. So the question then comes, suppose it was in Gods plans for you or your family to not be safe and be another evil notch on Satans trophy wall of casualties. Would you still find it within yourself to thank Jesus?
Given the impersonal relationships being taught in many churches, the hypocrisies that exist between scripture and what is being taught, it saddens me that most are not exposed to real examples to even wrap their heads around the true power that is waiting. How does one explain the power in submitting. For being thankful for the opportunity to submit, even if tragedy is a result of the submission.
How does one explain to someone whose life is embroiled in pain and taxing demands on their time and energy that despite the apathy, evil and lies, narcissistic shallowness that surrounds them from strangers to those they love and admire, that there is a covenant that is none of that. A covenant that redeems.
I am saying so much and haven't even really captured the battleground we all find ourselves on.
I have blogged a lot about reference points, ones that have been handed to us from the beginning. The foundation we have to work with, with all the flaws and sins of our teachers and peers building upon it. It is a paradox to suggest to another that despite the pain, despite the knowing that this is the playground for evil per Gods plan, that we have a purpose in all of this. How can one have a purpose if events are beyond their means to change, why even bother most will reason. Everyone they loved has failed at much, accept the lot in life. It is reasonable to have plausible deniability. But reason based on schemes and structures that are rife with flaws and evil. Yet we are submerged in it, surrounded by it. How to explain something is not what it seems, that evil is not the true power when everywhere one looks it is in control.
How to explain that one can only battle within themselves, and can't explain any of these things I have talked of with words really. It takes examples. Actions that can be witnessed, as actions are the power that defies other actions. It is like the story of the man who stops to tie his shoelace. In one scenario, where he stops is where a boulder from the mountain falls on him and crushes him. In the other scenario, it falls where he would have been walking had he not stopped to tie his shoe. It was in Gods hands when and where that boulder fell. All the man had control over was how well he tied his shoelace. How to make another understand how to look at where their power comes into play, where they make a difference and can choose righteousness, or they can focus on the things beyond their control and lament and give up.
Sorry, I am rambling on now. I suspect that it is a reflection of my desperation for others to understand. Not mental gymnastics, but to really understand. People are running these scripts (demons, often leading to Legion) they bind to themselves and they don't even understand the infection nor cure. All they know is if they pause long enough to think about it, they are scared and feel helpless and they don't see the answer in Jesus as the fake Christians use it to gather their own worldly goods.
Lewis Arthur and the VOP ministry is the action that is stronger than the words. If their light can continue to grow, I feel strongly it will lead more to Christ as people understand how those actions can be applied to everything one does in life. Most understand this fake plastic tech lives we are forced to live in lacks substance, now to demonstrate that substance is here, if one decides to quit being a ghost to the programs and seek the gift of freedom that Jesus gave to us.
Sorry again for rambling. I can get wordy when I am passionate about something.
This is horrifying.. I have not signed my DL as an organ donor. I am for it but do not want decisions based on it. Now I feel stronger about that.
I have been there as a hospital worker that dealt with Life Support when they arrive to harvest the organs. The families get nothing. Where does all this money go? Good question.
I too never elected to opt in on my DL. I always felt it would increase the odds of my not making it if in an accident. Appears my fears were reasonable.
A great informative post as I had no idea to extent of the illegal underground organ market. You were right, I am horrified and found reading the post hard to take. I feel immensely sorry for the victims and their families. Such darkness in this world.
It is heart wrenching what is being done to these victims and their families. I appreciate your taking the time to read this.