Drunk Animal Drawing: How to Draw a Hoatzin
Hello everyone!
Over the weekend I decided to bite the bullet and film an idea I'd had for a while...a video where I draw an animal while intoxicated lol.
I like animals. I need to do more art. And I enjoy being drunk. It seemed like a good idea.
2.5 hours of filming and 2 days of editing later, we have this beautiful 26 minute monstrosity (warning: LOTS of swearing!):
I hope you enjoyed watching the video, and maybe got some useful art tips and hoatzin facts from my inebriated self. Let me know what animal I should draw next, and whether you think this crazy idea is even worth it!
Also! I know Steemit is a great international community, so if anyone here is from Guyana or South America and has actually seen this bird in real life, please let me know and drop a photo if you have any! I'd love to see them! :D


SUCH talent! I can barely draw a stick person! Every time I see another steemian displaying their beautiful drawings and sketches I get so envious.
HAHAHHAHAHA, You should do this more often. This is so funny yet so entertaining, like what @cookntell said. It's good to actually see you explaining the process and all about the bird. Hahahah, plz do a series on this!
Hahahahaha Indeed @zord189 A series would be amaaaaaaaaayyyzing. Please post more Corinne
IKR! I would watch it!
hahaha aww thanks! I'm glad you find it funny lol the humor aspect was my biggest worry T-T Glad that the actual process showed through as well! art tips and bird facts was the goal lol. I definitely want to make this a series, and seeing the positive comments is very motivating :D
I like getting to know you better this way, and also enjoy the art you produced. Hahaha, definitely keep doing it. Gives u all the more reason to get drunk. :D
OHWWWWW MY GOSH!!!! I am laughing. I think you are soooooo cute when you're drunk and you got awesome skills. Boss @jaynie we probably need to post "how to cook while drunk" hahaha I think that'd be fun. This is an awesome video. I love it @corinneiskorean oh my gosh. please keep posting. I can't stop laughing. :-D You've got one awesome talent there corinne :-) Clap clap clap!!!!
hahaha omg thank you!! I'm glad you found it funny haha. a drunk cooking video would be hilarious! lmaoo
You are so good at it, in your intoxicated mode. I think I can't even draw this when I am all sober :P Talented @corinneiskorean :)
haha thanks! I'm kind of surprised at myself that it turned out decent...i remember almost giving up when I started coloring it hahaha.
This is amazing, please do more drunk videos! Apologies to your liver in advance for the request. :P
This was a very fun idea for a video! I'd never heard of a hoatzin and certainly learned a lot as well as being IMPRESSED at your drawing skills and ENTERTAINED by your buzz! Thanks for sharing this delightful video and your charming personality with #steemitbloggers 😊
Awesome art piece. Great job there
haha thank you!
wow,very amazing painting...
thank you!
That was fucking awesome! lol. I enjoyed it all. Your art is great and your commentary really made it fun to watch.
Haha drunk art, not this would have been my thing back in the day. I dont drink anymore due to medical complications but i may have to throw caution to the wind and have a drunk art evening.