RE: Tryanny Is In Our Heads. - TryannyTuesday
The tone of this reply is calm....not that you think i'm angry or so......In the written language such things never are clear so I thought I write it down how it's meant to be "heard" ;)
A sentence from the post.
We think it strange that people of the past put up with the things they did, yet people of today can't seem to see what they are putting up with. For some reason, the things of today appear more legitimate.
"research being done" (or fill in whatever one might deem necesary) might seem like a legitimate reason or argument for the government/slavery system/extortion racket. Or it may seem a good argument for tolerating it till a solution is found for a problem, but slavery/extortion is never justifiable.
There is no discussion...really. I'm a free human being. That research is needed or that research would not be done is speculation. But it being done or not, does not justify violence being used against me or anybody else.
edit; Just like the things I might think government is needed for don't justify me taking money from you, via government, under thread of violence or violence.
Peace :)
True that.