RE: Tryanny Is In Our Heads. - TryannyTuesday
One problem I have with this viewpoint is that fact that it completely overlooks the ones in control. Many like to focus upon the government as a means of coercion, which it is. Yet the government is a puppet, in the hands of the rulers. And, as you alluded to, it isnt controlled by the people.
I do not think this topic complete without looking at the corporate power (ie the banks). You can point to taxes and the populous says "more roads". If they built more roads that would be fine. But, instead, they give corporate handouts which help the elite and the few.
Here is another area that is completely overlooked when making the points in this discussion. In fact I might need to do a post on it. The government pays, through the DOD and DOE, hundred of billions of dollars in foundational research. This is research that has no commercial value. In fact, it is known to have no use when the grant is written. Each bit of research builds upon what went before to determine whether it moves things forward or arrives at a dead end. Being done with public monies means the research is published for all to see. This is akin to your open source. Someone can take those results a week later, or 5 years, and try to build upon it.
Now take the corporate aspect. To start, it would not be public if it was even done. Corporate america is not going to spend hundreds of billions on research it knows isnt going anywhere. Also it benefits greatly because it takes the research that was done, ads one things, and patents it claiming it "invented" it. This is my problem with the entire patent process.
I wonder if people really think how much foundational research went into computers, the internet, satellite broadcasts, mobile communications, and the entire medical field.
Just some food for thought.
Good points. I'm not sure I completely understand. I will read it again.
But, if it were untenable, the rulers would have no tools to wield, no?
Sorry, but I'm confused. Are you arguing this is of value or not of value?
For sure. This is why I'm a fan of copy left.
Again, I'm just confused as to the point or prospective... are you saying we need government research? I have a feeling I'm going to facepalm my misunderstanding of your point, but I'm curious.
Either way, if it was of benefit thus far, we do not need to continue any longer as we have the tools at hand to take control of the research now.
Thanks for the comment.
The tone of this reply is calm....not that you think i'm angry or so......In the written language such things never are clear so I thought I write it down how it's meant to be "heard" ;)
A sentence from the post.
"research being done" (or fill in whatever one might deem necesary) might seem like a legitimate reason or argument for the government/slavery system/extortion racket. Or it may seem a good argument for tolerating it till a solution is found for a problem, but slavery/extortion is never justifiable.
There is no discussion...really. I'm a free human being. That research is needed or that research would not be done is speculation. But it being done or not, does not justify violence being used against me or anybody else.
edit; Just like the things I might think government is needed for don't justify me taking money from you, via government, under thread of violence or violence.
Peace :)
True that.