That's Anarchy.

in #anarchy6 years ago

gov meme.jpeg

If you walk the "standard" path in life, it's really not that tough. If you wanna go into debt, go to college, and get some job you hate. Do everything by the book. In America and elsewhere in the "first world," the creature comforts will generally find you, and you won't have to be too stressed about the beast coming to get you. After all, you're playing by all the rules. You've got the approved of job, the approved of mindset, and the approved of lifestyle.

Become unhappy. Incomplacent. AND THEN YOU'RE FUCKED. And ALIVE.

Now you are aware that the beast is breathing down your neck always, and the freer and happier you are, the more not only it--but the culture at large--begins to resent you. Even "friends" talk behind you back about your "extreme" lifestyle and "weird" views on things. Most of your acquaintances really wouldn't mind if you got into severe trouble, pain, and anguish for living by these views and following your happiness.

Get ready.

When you wanna live true to yourself, it's that age old cliché: You'll be in the world but not of it.

Folks that don't hold these views don't really realize the full extent of the crushing anxiety and fear that comes with knowledge and awareness.

The only thing that makes it worth it? They don't know the joy and rush, either, of actually living while one is alive.

That's #anarchy.



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#anarchy has been hijacked by fake anarcho-capitalism, #imho. Just another way for power to commodify people's urge for self-determination

Not really, though. I don’t see it that way. AnCap property ethic allows for folks to organize however they want in voluntary interaction. Though I don’t usually identify as one anymore (usually use the word “Voluntaryist”) there is nothing more to the ideology than individual self-ownership.

Let’s agree to disagree on that. Capitalists call themselves anarchists to expand their power and their market. Everyone is free to do what they want, think what they want. In my experience, i’ll Take mutual aid for voluntaryism any day of the week.

I don’t do the ATD thing on facts, though. I’m defining capitalism merely as the freedom to trade. Maybe we are just operating from different definitions, which would explain where the wires are getting crossed.

Why of all the values and potential declarations you can make is the freedom to trade the most important one for you? Humans have traded since the dawn of our time, eons before capitalism existed. I understand it’s kind of a branding thing and goes along with crypto and all that, but on a deeper level it’s a pretty myopic thing to defend isn’t it, since trade has always and since the scope of anarchy is so majestic. People trade under the shadow of every variety of political and economic regime.

What else does voluntaryism stand for besides free trade? Sincerely...

You’re making my point for me, judging me and assuming shit. Not to mention putting words in my mouth.

If you can’t trade, is that freedom? Did I say that was the only freedom? No.


Done with ya homey.

Cool man. Just trying to take a conversation to the next level. But that’s cool. Everybody can trade, always has been able to, always will.

Really? Try to trade
/start your own currency and/or market outside of state regulation. Choose to trade your money as you please and not be extorted by taxation. Then you’ll see how “free to trade” you really are.

And if you wanna bring things to the next level conversationally, intellectual honesty is a must.

Not to beef or blow up your post, but it's an objection I have with your logic. 1) I'm not assuming anything, I'm asking questions and trying to elicit answers. 2) I'm not judging YOU, I'm challenging an idea which is a massive difference 3) If I were judging you, I don't know how that would make your point, because I'm not putting any restrictions on your ability to trade... actually I'm giving your profile more value here, you should thank me.

I do not really understand from this post what you want (apart from money). Are you promoting some actions or principles? All people reading this post are already living (unless they are dead). You promote living? (As opposed to dying). Do you promote breaking up relationships with your friends? I do not understand this post at all.

I do not understand this post at all.

This much is painfully clear.

I need to see your permit. It looks like you've had a bit too much to think.

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