
Oh, yeah, it would be better if you could just make up things as you go and not get called out about them.

Not making anything up man, I you're just not worth the effort. Just because you say something is false definitely doesn't make it so. Additionally your circular and lame logic tells me that engaging further would be like playing chess with a pigeon. You'll just continue knocking over pieces and shitting all over the board.

If you want to actually discuss things with anyone maybe consider checking your tone. You sound like a petulant teenager with the fire of Christ Trump in your heart and I bet you don't have many friends if you talk the same way in real life.

But here we go anyway. Its irrelevant what other countries do or are able to do when talking about the RICHEST country on earth and it's average citizens living in debt slavery. It's boot licking statists like yourself that propel us again and again into these endless wars on ideas with no clear objective or enemy just to line the pockets of a few on the backs of the many.

Not all crimes are crimes. I gave several prime examples of "crimes" that harm nobody but myself and your only response is: it depends on the state. That is only partially true. New Hampshire is the only state without mandatory seat belt laws. And as I sit in Colorado right this moment if a cop saw me smoking weed I would be fined. Check your facts dumbass.

I'm guessing you've never left the country before..... But then again you might be one of those really gung-ho slightly autistic ex soldiers who found your place with the military and genuinely hates everyone else.

What country is more free? How do you define freedom? I've been to nearly every country in the Americas, most of the major islands in the Caribbean and I feel more free in literally all of them than I do here.

There is little chance of my going to prison in Colombia, Peru, or Canada if I'm not hurting others. So freedom is likely in the eye of the beholder to some degree, and to some degree in the existence or lack thereof extraneous laws designed merely to make money for the courts and the lawyers that thrive off of unjust arrests. Like the millions in prison for nonviolent drug "crimes".

You obviously have never been anywhere or you would know that most countries can and do speak out against their government without fear, and usually en masse. Your words betray your ignorance kid, and this will be my last response to you.

I have no need to prove anything to you, and your attitude will always hold you back. I'm sure you have some degree of intelligence but putting so much of your energy into hatred and trying to be right about things you know very little about beyond what you've learned from Fox news is never going to win friends or change anyone's mind.

If you just pick fights for arguments sake, maybe go volunteer at a retirement home. Or better yet, a mental hospital as some of those folks can probably twist facts into convincing Bullshit better than you can.

"Not worth the effort", then an 8 paragraph response. TLDR

Too hard, couldn't answer more like. Little bitch troll 😂😂😂

Says the guy who has failed to answer any of my questions and got all angry an insulting instead of being able to have a grown up debate pretty much right away. What state banned growing your own food?

One recent high profile case involves Hermine Ricketts and Tom Carroll, a couple in Miami Shores Village, Florida, who was told the front yard vegetable garden they’d tended to for 17 years was prohibited according to a new zoning code that banned front yard vegetable gardens. They had to dig up their plants, which supplied half the food they ate, or face $50-per-day fines.

Florida’s Third District Court of Appeals has sided with the local officials and their attorney, who proclaimed, “There certainly is not [a] fundamental right to grow vegetables in your front yard.”

Yup, local zoning ordinances do restrict how you can use your property, it's false that any state bans growing your own food. If they wanted to grow vegetables in their front yard they should have considered that before they bought property in a municipality that disallows it. Or they could garden indoors or in the backyard, like normal people. If they wanted a farm they should have bought land zoned for agriculture. Is your argument that the federal government and the USA is bad because in some communities they have decided to protect residential property values and tax revenues by establishing rules about lawns and other zoning laws?

Excellent, that is a perfect example of a state not doing anything like banning people from growing their own food. They were required to maintain grass in their front yard because of a city zoning ordinance. A very reasonable ordinance because people growing gardens in their front lawn looks terrible and lowers everyone's property values in the area and thus lowers the local municipal tax base so many communities have established such ordinances in their localities, if you want a preview of what local control looks like, that's it.

What you have clearly failed to do is prove your claim that state government bans people from growing their own food. Note also that they were only subject to civil fines and not arrest.

You're twisting words and facts as usual. I said in some states I'm not allowed to grow food. And I gave you an instance in Florida where a court of Appeals upheld the city fine even after they changed the zoning. This is merely one case and again your lazy ass needs help with Google.

Grown up debate? You came onto my post shouting false, with half ass facts and expect me to do your googling for you.

And as to insulting you, take it however you want but you are likely exactly as I described: a little bitch troll.

Cite any source for your false claims.

Here's another you called false and we're wrong about: it's illegal to smoke cannabis everywhere in public.

I pointed out that your claims were false, that is upsetting huh? Cognitive dissonance kicked in because deep down you know I am right, that's why you are lashing out. It's a defense mechanism. I haven't made any claims so they can't be false, what state bans growing your own food?

If that was really true you and you were smart you would have just had to say from the jump which state bans growing your own food and then you would have won this debate. But instead you got all mad and started throwing around mealy-mouthed insults, that's sad.

you twist words like a second rate ambulance chaser...that actually would make a ton of sense. You claimed that my claims were false, which are claims in and of themselves are they not? Then instead of offering one shred of evidence to the fact just shouted False, False, False, like your demigod the christTrump. And somehow I've been goaded into arguing with your sociopathic dumbass the better part of the day.
I said in some states I'm not allowed to grow food. Simply scroll up and read what I said. Then I gave you an example of laws (men ruling each other by force) changed to force people into an unjust state of living.

The insults were heartfelt and meant just for you. Not because you called me a liar without cause, not because you disagree with me. No I insult you because you earned it. You're rude as fuck as I have said from the beginning, and I'm a people person. So I do my best to speak to you in your own language as much as possible. Also, I don't like you. You think you know better than me and don't know dick about me. Yet you come into my world, call me a liar and then get butthurt when you're "facts" are shot down again and again, and I use words to which your apparently sensitive ears are unaccustomed.

Next? Fuckstick? Maybe try trolling some weaker minded folks since that's where your self worth comes from.

I'll continue stomping you every step exactly because your principles are inherently flawed, your logic virtually nonexistent, and I'll insult you all I want as this technically still my feed where you came uninvited with your nonsensical rhetoric.

Bring it bitch

Who could be weaker minded than someone who resorts to things like "fuckstick? when was the first time you were called a "fuckstick"?
What could be weaker minded than calling someone a "bitch" instead of just admitting that no state actually bans growing their own food as you claimed?

You seem to have me confused with your dad for some reason, how do you feel about your dad?

Oooooh that hurts. Just kidding my dad is a boot licking statist too. He however formulates idea on the level of someone a little more mature than yourself. Arguing with him is like playing chess with a regular pigeon. You're more like an antisocial racist homophobic type pigeon.

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