Fuck Donald Trump but....... Can He save Democracy?

in #anarchy7 years ago

I'm no fan of government, and I make no effort to stay quiet about it. But I don't think for one second that the US is ready for anarchy yet. The people here have bought in hook, line and sinker into the dream.


And as Carlin said: "you gotta be asleep to believe it."


Americans will need to be led slowly from their imaginary perches to the land of plenty. Like children following the pied piper from their plastic houses and plastic lives to lives of substance and comfort....but slowly. These are heavily armed people who love thinking they are free.


So Donny T. and the gang. People seem to hate this guy. Even those in my family who will stand on republican beliefs right off the edge of the cliff have expressed regret at the choices they made, but quickly defend it with: he's better than Hilary Clinton.


This seems to be having an effect on the conversation towards one concerning voter fraud, campaign finance, campaign associations, racial and economic divide, and possibly less partisanship in the government and a move towards a more progressive machine which could someday become a vehicle for worldwide anarchy and freedom.


Maybe Donny is the catalyst for change the US needed. A big orange grab of the pussy, if you will. We are all the stormy danielses of the world right now. We think we're still pretty after all the assfucks for dollars (pointless work) now the world knows we took the tiny orange one too. And it's embarrassing.


There are definitely some happy idiots still holding strong. But their numbers are dwindling every day. Even the lawmakers and power brokers are making moves. There's always a lot of power on the line when you bring down a king.

But maybe the crazy show will just keep getting crazier. It's starting to feel like "what I watch between seasons of game of thrones." And eventually Americans will get what they need and not what they deserve. And one more step to anarchy will be achieved without violence.

Who wrote the op-ed for the NY times? I'm curious what yall think. My money is on Pence.



Good read.
Depressing AF but well written.

Lol, thanks friend... I didn't mean it to be depressing. The day to day goings on affect few of us on a rapid personal level. For most it's just a big show.

It is that. A low rent, amateur pantomime at the moment...
Your post wasn't depressing btw, just the news in it. Was actually quite uplifting to find someone here describing an anarcho-esque perspective on it all!

Save the demolishcrat party? Why?

Can't save what doesn't exist. The U.S. is a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

I reckon it's all a big farce but if you want to talk about labels (which are quite insignificant in the scene of things) it really boils down to your opinion.

A person of a different opinion might say "The United States is a federal republic and a constitutional representative democracy. The "federal" part is one of three basic types of organization of power — unitary, confederal, and federal."

But none of it really matters since no man should forcibly rule another.

what man in America is forcibly ruling another?

If I smoke pot in public a man with a gun will put me in handcuffs. If I don't buckle my seat belt I will be fined. In some states I'm not allowed to grow food, share with homeless, or collect rain water. If I settle an uninhabited piece of land men will come and take everything and I go to jail.

If I smoke pot in public a man with a gun will put me in handcuffs.

false, depends on your state

If I don't buckle my seat belt I will be fined.

also false, depends on your state. If you hit someone and they are wearing a seatbelt will you have as much liability as if they are not? It is really good for you in that situation isn't it? We don't have a primary seatbelt law here.

In some states I'm not allowed to grow food


share with homeless,


or collect rain water.


If I settle an uninhabited piece of land men will come and take everything and I go to jail.

LOL, you want to be able to squat on other people's property? You are lucky there are police if you are a squatter. They will probably just make you leave and only arrest you if you come back and if they arrest you then they will take you to a nice comfortable jail cell and feed you and take care of all of your needs until they let you go because trespassing is not generally too serious of a crime. How would people deal with squatters on their land if there were no police?

Anyhow if you really found an uninhabited piece of land, or any piece of land that you actually settled and were able to remain there for a long enough period of time without the real owner complaining about it or giving you permission then you can in fact legally take title to that land.

I think you're just one of those weird people that like to argue. No thanks.

I think you're just one
Of those weird people that like
To argue. No thanks.

                 - naturowlmystic

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

well played @haikubot, zing!

olunteers made headlines Sunday when 12 of them were charged with misdemeanor offenses after feeding homeless people in El Cajon, California, but the ban against feeding the homeless is not unique to the city. Dozens across the United States have similar policies that ban food-sharing in public places.

After the charges in El Cajon, activists and attorneys said Monday that they would file a lawsuit against the city regarding the ban. Leaders called the policy unconstitutional and discriminatory, according to The San Diego Union-Tribune. Similar stories have been reported across the nation. In December 2017, Adelen McLean was issued a ticket for feeding the homeless in Atlanta's Hurt Park, and in January 2017, seven people in Tampa were arrested for feeding the homeless without a permit.

Three states right there

There are mandatory safety belt laws in all states except New Hampshire. In some states, these laws cover front-seat occupants only, but belt laws in 29 states and the District of Columbia cover all rear-seat occupants, too.

oh whoops. me 49, you 1

It is actually illegal in Colorado to collect the rain that falls on your home​ ... Water laws are so strict in Colorado that rainwater collection is virtually prohibited. The doctrine is written into the state's Constitution. All the rain is already spoken for.

These are heavily armed people so clearly they are free. A white male republican was the only one who could save our republic because otherwise the press would never criticize them, any critic of Obama was called racist by the media. A critic of Hillary would be called a sexist. Of course I never could have foreseen the media going apeshit to this degree but someone who the media would be critical of was critical.

The possession of arms only indicates partial freedom. Do you really think 9mm and even larger caliber weapons are any threat to the might of the US military? That's as weak an argument as I've ever heard. That same military might backed by government could quickly and easily deny distribution of ammunition to those same "heavily armed people" and cut their legs from under them.

And as to saving your Republic I would only ask: is it worth saving? The richest country on earth but the average citizen couldn't pay a surprise $400 bill without borrowing money. 4% of the world's population but 25% of the world's prison population resides in the states. Free? Ha! Your view of freedom is likely only as far as the end of your nose.

I'm not sure if you're just taking satire from your posts and into your comments or if you actually believe the things you say. 😂😂

Do you really think 9mm and even larger caliber weapons are any threat to the might of the US military? That's as weak an argument as I've ever heard.

I can't say I understand the context of your strawman here. There was an extended ammo shortage, everyone stocked up. In what nation can the average citizen pay a surprise $400 bill without borrowing money?

The richest country in the world can afford to lock up the most criminals. Locking up criminals somehow means that America is not free? is being free being free to commit crimes?

What country does not have prisons?

Where is more free than America?

Where can you go and speak freely without fear of arrest for "hate speech"?

Where do they have more liberal gun laws?

Man, if you really believe the nonsense you are spewing I feel sorry for you.

yeah, those are hard questions.

Not really man. You're just rude as fuck and I'd rather not engage. You're obviously more concerned about being right than the truth so go on and think you're right about everything. I literally could not care less.

Oh, yeah, it would be better if you could just make up things as you go and not get called out about them.

Not making anything up man, I you're just not worth the effort. Just because you say something is false definitely doesn't make it so. Additionally your circular and lame logic tells me that engaging further would be like playing chess with a pigeon. You'll just continue knocking over pieces and shitting all over the board.

If you want to actually discuss things with anyone maybe consider checking your tone. You sound like a petulant teenager with the fire of Christ Trump in your heart and I bet you don't have many friends if you talk the same way in real life.

But here we go anyway. Its irrelevant what other countries do or are able to do when talking about the RICHEST country on earth and it's average citizens living in debt slavery. It's boot licking statists like yourself that propel us again and again into these endless wars on ideas with no clear objective or enemy just to line the pockets of a few on the backs of the many.

Not all crimes are crimes. I gave several prime examples of "crimes" that harm nobody but myself and your only response is: it depends on the state. That is only partially true. New Hampshire is the only state without mandatory seat belt laws. And as I sit in Colorado right this moment if a cop saw me smoking weed I would be fined. Check your facts dumbass.

I'm guessing you've never left the country before..... But then again you might be one of those really gung-ho slightly autistic ex soldiers who found your place with the military and genuinely hates everyone else.

What country is more free? How do you define freedom? I've been to nearly every country in the Americas, most of the major islands in the Caribbean and I feel more free in literally all of them than I do here.

There is little chance of my going to prison in Colombia, Peru, or Canada if I'm not hurting others. So freedom is likely in the eye of the beholder to some degree, and to some degree in the existence or lack thereof extraneous laws designed merely to make money for the courts and the lawyers that thrive off of unjust arrests. Like the millions in prison for nonviolent drug "crimes".

You obviously have never been anywhere or you would know that most countries can and do speak out against their government without fear, and usually en masse. Your words betray your ignorance kid, and this will be my last response to you.

I have no need to prove anything to you, and your attitude will always hold you back. I'm sure you have some degree of intelligence but putting so much of your energy into hatred and trying to be right about things you know very little about beyond what you've learned from Fox news is never going to win friends or change anyone's mind.

If you just pick fights for arguments sake, maybe go volunteer at a retirement home. Or better yet, a mental hospital as some of those folks can probably twist facts into convincing Bullshit better than you can.

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