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RE: Question for the Guys who don't want a Government
Yeah, you're talking about an authoritarian empire, and I'm not talking about empires. I'm talking about individuals knowing what was valuable or not without some official telling them it was. The reason the Romans attempted to control everything was of course to get their cut...their taxes. Like other centralized systems, they did what they did to STEAL from people and consolidate wealth into a few hands from the many hands. You promote such a system, ehh? I don't.
This is another thing, how would you know I promote that system? I am just asking how you are going to implement your system, and I'm still not sure you answered that.
Why does there have to be a system? I produce a good you want. You produce a good I want. We trade for goods, or you take silver, gold, or crypto in exchange for my goods. It's that simple. There is no control system. We simply trade. Exchanges of goods and things we deem valuable are passed between two people voluntarily. Both people walk away happy with the transaction.
People don't need an outside control system to have an economy. A blockchain perhaps to maintain records and prevent double charging and other problems of long distance commerce? Sure, that's a system we have and that helps people instead of robbing them. A banking system in comparison? No thanks.