Question for the Guys who don't want a Government

in #anarchists7 years ago

I always like reading articles about anarchy, libertarians and voluntaryists, but I still don’t exactly know what the people who follow these ideas exactly want.

I believe, if I am not mistaken, libertarians want a government that is the least intrusive possible but still know they need a government, and yet @adamkokesh who says he will run for the Libertarians in 2020 is saying if he wins he will immediately dissolve the government.

No government is exactly what anarchists want, and I believe anarcho capitalists don’t want that either, voluntaryists I guess have the same idea.

Now I do have one very important, to me at least, question, If there is no government, that means money will no longer be available, after all the USD is backed by the US government once this government disappears money will have absolutely no value.

To me this means, no army, no bureaucrats, no public school teachers, no firemen, in fact no workers because who is going to work if he doesn’t get paid? This means there will be no industrial production and no foreign trade, because, again what are you going to pay with? On the upside this means no banks, and rich people will no longer be rich, they will only own money that is worthless because I doubt they will be able to keep all their properties without law enforcement, making all US citizens more or less equal.

I can understand people in rural areas having not that much of a problem, food is grown in those areas, but what about people in New York City? What are they going to live off of?

Cryptocurrency? There is not enough crypto in the world to make the US economy work and the US doesn’t even hold all that is available, I guess all the crypto in the US could keep the economy moving for about a week and then it will be completely owned by about 1000 people. And to buy crypto you need money. What you are going to mine it with? And who will be the internet provider? Or for that matter who is going to provide electricity?

Has this been thought out already, and I’m just an idiot asking stupid questions? Or are anarchists, voluntaryists, libertarians actually just building castles in the sky?

I’d really like an answer, I’m not trying to put these guys down, but frankly I haven’t seen anyone with a valid answer to this question.


I cannot speak for everyone, but what I seek is governance without government and rules without rulers.


The difference between governance and government is that people providing governance do not have double standards and special protections. They are equal under the law. Volunteers would be chosen by communities to lead. Leaders would still exist, but they wouldn't be able to rule (power and control) over others.

US Dollars are not money. They are currency. Worse, they are debt. That's not money. Money is something that retains its purchasing power over time. Fiat certainly doesn't do that, and in fact it is designed to slowly rob people using it though inflation (the devaluing of the currency slowly over time). No, we don't want or need fiat currencies.

People will still have money (crypto, precious metals, etc.) We do not need banks ruling us by controlling currency that we are forced to use.

Peaceful people do not need a standing army. Virginia's Declaration of Rights, written well before the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights states the original founder's meaning very very clearly:

Section 13. That a well-regulated militia, composed of the body of the people, trained to arms, is the proper, natural, and safe defense of a free state; that standing armies, in time of peace, should be avoided as dangerous to liberty; and that in all cases the military should be under strict subordination to, and governed by, the civil power.

All of those government service positions you listed would be provided by individuals instead. Instead of being paid through theft/taxes, they would be paid by communities and individuals. Heck, most fire departments today wouldn't exist without individual and company contributions to them. They cannot run off taxes alone.

There would be private investigators (I'm one), security forces, and executive protection to replace police forces too as we already have today and as it was in the past. Just look up the Pinkertons. Don't forget bounty hunters. They are also not government employees.

Why wouldn't there be trade with other places on the planet? If I have a company, own ships, and wish to trade with foreign locations, what would be stopping me? So much trade is online and through the Internet these days too. Nothing would shut that down with governments out of the way.

Who's going to provide electricity? This post is really beginning to sound more and more like trolling. Most electrical services are run by non-government utility COMPANIES. Why would utilities disappear without a government?

You haven't seen a valid answer because you haven't done very good research.

Because there will be no money to pay people to provide these services. And always that I ask this question everybody ends up saying "you are a troll", I am not a troll I just don't get answers just people who are day dreaming of what they think would be a Utopia. Marx had those kinds of dreams,see how that turned out.

I told you fiat isn't money, and you completely ignored that point. There are precious metals and countless cryptos. What other currency or money do you need???

OK, first I am not trying to put you down or trying to present myself as a know it all, sorry if you get that impression, but again in my post I stated that crypto can't cover the US economy for more than a week in that time a few will have complete control over it, or are you going to have some sort of cryptocurrency central bank, I guess that would defeat anarchism or libertarianism at the kickoff? Precious metals, yes , they have always had value, but remember metals are stored you can't go around with jewels and metals in your clothes or pockets, that is why the Chinese came up with paper money, more efficient easier to carry, and backed by an empire, so are you going to come up with something similar? Also to trade with other countries are you just going to barter?I think these are enough questions, I really am not against you, and I do think the current forms of government available in the world are completely incapable of continuing in their present form for more than a few decades, but I really would like to see real alternatives, not what Mr. Kokesh says about ending the government as soon as he is inaugurated, I think that is just not possible.

Uhm, nations traded just fine for thousands of years without central banks.

Yes, but there was always some central authority, an empire a theocracy or something, all of this control evolved into central banks, that is what should be the main aim of any movement to change the current state of things, how to eliminate control from the few, and I fail to see solutions which is why I ask questions, I want to know the alternatives, I want to know if there are specific ideas about what economic system can be expected. You have to excuse me if I am not that clear, English is not my native language.

No, there was not. In some areas, such as Europe, there were central control entities like the church or an empire, but for the most part it was individual nation states competing and trading.

We don't need central governments. You're typing on a decentralized and far distributed social network at this moment. Why would we need a central authority to interact then and make exchanges?

But who controlled the nation states?

very well said brother @finnian!

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