Our Anarchapulco 2018 Experience in Photos

in #anarchapulco7 years ago (edited)

Wow! Anarchapulco 2018 was one of the best experiences of my life! I didn't have any real expectations about my Anarchapulco experience. This was my first real travel experience since enduring some incredibly spiritual trauma and chronic illness - so it was a bit of a personal experiment...and a total success!

I've been healing from chronic illness, so I have my good and not so good feelings days. I was just hoping to feel well enough to go to a few talks. And while I did only end up going to a few talks, it was only a few because I was feeling so great, that I was able to socialize and participate in events much more than anticipated. I was much more interested in the community aspect of the event. The energy was grounded, yet exciting and the setting couldn't have provided better support and nourishment for our spirits.

I met some exceptional change-makers and visionaries. I met people who are walking the talk, living with purpose and inspiring others to do the same. I met those doing the inner and outer work that is needed to truly transform our world and elevate our collective consciousness.

Below is a photographic log of some of what my husband, @chuckwilliams37, and I experienced while at Anarchapulco 2018.

What a pleasant surprise to run into our fellow Denverite @johnnyhurley on our flight to Acapulco!

My entire being was so joyed to be back at Mama Ocean

On our balcony after arriving

While doing our first grocery run, Chuck ran into his fellow Dash advocate, Danny of the @cryptoshow

First serene sunset of the trip

One of first nights there, we made it to one of the conference's sunset yoga sessions - it was just what we needed after travel

Our fellow Denverite yogis that night - @wearechange-co leaders, Johnny & Bruce

@DollarVigilante, Jeff Berwick opening up the conference with a touching, authentic, warm-hearted welcome

@dbroze, Derrick Broze giving the first presenter talk. He was singing my tune - all about doing the inner work and making your habits and behaviors align with your goals and purpose. He also pointed out that he was no different than those of us in the audience and that any of us could be up there sharing our story and knowledge. I truly appreciate his humbleness.

We were led to Tijo, @thearcanebear, by a mutual friend. A few months back and they discovered that they had a lot in common besides crypto. I had also reached out to Tijo and began communicating with him online. So we were both happy to meet him in person, along with his lovely lady, Lorena. We ended up connecting with them right away and hung out the entire trip. There is something that fuels the soul when you connect with kindred spirits and can share in your excitement about All that is.

While sitting there with Tijo & Lorena, I spotted @maxigan. We ended up seeing him almost everywhere we went. At one point a few years ago, I was an avid listener to his podcasts. I found that he was one of the most grounded folks sharing info that could be quite overwhelming. I have since started focusing more on solutions and doing the inner work.

Verde Vegan offered some delicious food and juices. With my restricted diet, I only had the juices, but I was happy to not have to juice my own for a change. Chuck go to pay for it with Dash!

We chilled poolside (salt water pool!) with Lorena, Tijo and Alex. Such needed downtime and authentic socializing

Shortly after returning from the pool, there was an earthquake. We were in our 11th floor condo when suddenly the building was swaying back and forth several feet. It was both Chuck and I's first earthquake experience and quite unsettling!! When we finally made it down the stairs and out to the pool area, people were telling us that were watching the building move back and forth. Once we go back upstairs, we noticed that the drawers in the kitchen had been opened from the momentum.

We were both quite rattled from the earthquake and as a result only caught the last few minutes of Ron Paul's speech

Snapped this photo with Cynthia McKinney. My dad is a big fan and she's a fellow Atlantan (where I grew up).

*Immediately following Ron Paul's speech, there was a gala dinner. Each speaker sat at their own table and paid attendees chose what table to sit at. We had briefly met Derrick Broze at the Free Your Mind conference several years back. It was nice to reconnect after being in a place of resonance. *

A dude from our flight ended up sitting next to us. He opened up to us about some medicine ceremonies he'd participated in while having been at the conference and the deep transformation he was already in the midst of. We were able to offer him some support and guidance as he was integrating the powerful medicines.

Chuck had already figured out most of his content for his talk the next day, but there was some fine tuning to be done. I helped him smooth it out a bit while we chilled beachside.

I had a moment of glorious sun gratitude. This place was pure magic with all of the positive, loving energies swirling around.

Chuck was giving his talk at 12:30 this day. He started his day off right with a massage on our balcony!

Chuck just got out on the stage here and took a selfie with the crowd

I know I'm biased, but his talk went really well. I was so proud of him. He is truly gifted!

These people....hard to believe we all just met. We will definitely be seeing each other in the near future. Too much awesomness manifesting

Chuck and I had the pleasure of exploring a bit of Acapulco with Benny Wills, @JoyCamp - Benny and his lady Sonya. Once again, we found kindred spirits to discuss endless topics with. And, Jasper was along for the ride as usual!

Passio has had such an influence on choices Chuck and I have made as individuals and as a couple. Last time we saw him was nearly three years ago. When we walked up to him earlier this week, he was in the middle of a break during his workshop. He shook Chuck's hand and then mine, greeting us both by name. It meant a lot to me that he remembered us and even our names. He invited us to join him for lunch. I was able to tell him how his info, specifically about entheogens, led to a dramatic and profound last couple years and healing shift in my life. I was so grateful to be able to share this with him - but also that he also truly seemed to understand the struggle I endured and was appreciative of my work. What a wonderful way to close the loop. Had it not been for him, it's possible Chuck wouldn't have found crypto and be working for Dash, as well!

Chuck and I are tired, but feeling inspired. Not sure we're ready to head home.

We shared the condo with our fellow Coloradans, Kristina & Chad

Our last moments on the beach. We ended up staying two extra days because of flight complications. It was some good time to decompress. We could certainly feel the mass exodus though. It was much calmer.

As we were entering the Acapulco airport to take off, I spotted these gorgeous lotus flowers. Perfect ending to a perfect trip. A reminder that "No mud, no lotus".

If you are able to make it to next year's conferference, I highly recommend it. It's a powerful, inspiring, rejuvenating environment where the change makers of the world are collaborating to raise consciousness and evolve the human race. Hope to see you there next year! Blessings!!


Looks like you had a great time. Loving those beach photos too.

thanks for the pics and good memories of the event, I'll definitely go back next year!

I soo want to attend! As soon as my kids grow a bit more. It's great to be able to speak to freedom loving people, crypto savvy people, anti socialist and anti-communist anarchists and libertarians. Around here all you get is zombies who only talk about shopping, sports and regurgitate msm propaganda on how guns are bad, so they would rather give them to the government, dumb fucks. It gets really boring talking to normies...

Yeah - I know that feeling of being one of the only ones who sees it, but you might be surprised. Others are probably hiding out somewhere nearby. And then there are those still participating in the program - but beginning to question it. You never know when you can plant a seed that will later get watered.

Glad you had a great time! :) It was great to meet Chuck and you!
Let's take a picture together next time! I only have some pictures with Chuck. I wll post them here later!

Sounds good! I will happily take a photo with you next year. See you there! :)

You look exactly like my kind of people. Before I got hurt, you'd find me dancing to psychedelic sounds along with the dreadlocked, pierced and tattoo'd.

Gong baths and sunrise meditation sessions. Visionary and healing plants. Yes please.

Yet, your main focus is on the brave new world of decentralization that we are about to enter and lucidly so.

I'll recover once my payout comes into effect and I can start with biokinetic rehabilitation.

I'm not familiar with biokinetic rehab. I wish you well on your ability to successfully curate here and get funds to heal! I know the healing process quite intimately. I know it's different for all of us, but it can be hell for sure. But, the human system is phenomenal and has the ability to rejuvenate when given what it needs. Blessings!

Thank you. Biokinetics is basically medical gym where your body is slowly and gently built up to a functional state under the supervision of a specialist doctor. It's a step up from physiotherapy.

Looks like a completely awesome time. It's definitely on my list for next year - ideally as a speaker, practitioner or both in the wellness zone.

Great photos and words! I'm sad we didnt get a pic together but next time! <3 I was on the ground floor when the earthquake hit and it didnt feel like it was that strong but I can't imagine what it was like that high up!

Yeah, definitely next time! And you're lucky you didn't feel it much - it was the first time I actually saw Chuck really scared and THAT scared ME!

Anarchapulco 2018 was FABulous!!! Your pictures are WONderful! And, I'm trying to learn Steemit as well! LOTS going on in the other real world!

By the way, my photos NEVER look like this: what kind of camera were you using?

It really was! It's funny because I was actually disappointed in the quality of my photos. There's a lot of noise and graininess. I had to brighten a lot of them up in photoshop. Wonderful to meet you. If Chuck hasn't gotten back to you yet, I know he has been mentioning it so should be very soon :)

Wow, that looks like such a great time!

It was lovely to meet you at yoga class @melinamarie ! Thanks for this awesome write up, wonderful perspective + photos! I had no clue you guys were fellow Coloradians... I got to connect with Kristina near the end of the conference... I’d love to stay in touch, and perhaps meet up when I’m back to CO in April :)

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