RE: Analysis: Disinformation and Infiltration on Steemit #1
Either do some more drugs, or stop taking so many drugs because at the moment you just sound like you're butt hurt about something.
If you're going to be calling out fellow steemians you should really back it up with some hard evidence otherwise you're the one that ends up looking like a disinfo agent.
Just because people don't agree with you or your posts it doesn't mean they are cops or working for the Kremlin. It simply means people have a different opinion to you. You don't see me writing a post moaning about how you're a butt hurt disinfo agent do you? No. that's because I'm adult enough to simply ignore you where possible.
I hope you can find a community here that will except your views and opinions so you don't have to go around like a lost dog hating on others.
Peace out.
You should have read point number 1, disinfo agents will always make it about those accusing them.
@dbroze's boy 'damon' also said I should do more drugs just like you. Actually I write all of my posts sober.
I wonder if you know how to read actually, because I am in no way saying that I believe they are disinfo because I disagree with them. I am saying they, and you now, are disinfo becaues your statements fit a pattern that is deceptive and only makes discussing the issues more difficult.
And in generaly, the topics you choose are ones that fit the zerohedge school of politics where every criticism of america is welcome, and no criticisms of trump are welcome. And where anyone who points this out is to be ostracized and gets their character attacked.
How can you not see that? (at this point it's a rhetorical question, you have well revealed what you are by your inability to address basic inquiries and observations, as in, you reject all of the things I point out and just want to talk about me personally and how butt hurt I may or may not be.)
Again, the pattern [ignore issue] -> [attack character of person who is asking questions outside the narrative] -> [defend trump, russia isn't interfering in the united states] -> [resteem people who only post the same crap] -> [repeat]
lol. I'll be honest I never paid much attention to you until today. And I certainly didn't know you felt this way until I read this post. It would seem from your attitude that you've already made up your mind so there is no point in me or anyone else trying to rebut your claims. May I suggest that you'll enjoy Steemit a lot more if you just get on and post what ever you want to post and don't get stuck up on what everyone else is doing.
If you don't like certain posts then don't read or interact with them. Go and make some friends with some people that are on the same wavelength as you. You'll enjoy Steemit a lot more.
Peace out.