RE: Andrews Airship of 1863. Did Amos Dolbear know something Alexander Graham Bell didn't? Sam Tillman, what did he know? Aero Clubs, Aero ships, what New York looked like in 1903 video! A Trump Train from the 1800's? 4500 series!
Before Christianity even appeared, bells were viewed as a musical instrument of the gods, as items that can carry the will of the gods across the land, provide peace, clear minds, exile bad spirits and provide happiness. The bible has many mentions of the bells, especially in the tales of Moses who studied priesthood in Egypt and carried knowledge of bells and gongs to Christianity.
Bell clapper is made from same material as the bell itself.
Bell clapper can hit the bell with speed of up to 1000 kilometers per hour, and bell can withstand this force for thousands of years if its created correctly.
Toiling bell is stationary bell that rings in slow repetition.
Carillons are set of minimum of 23 precisely tuned bells.
Great Britain has nickname of “The Ringing Isle” because of its many bells.
Largest bell ever made was Great Bell of Dhammazedi. It weighted over 300 tons when it was created, and was eventually lost under the river Burma when Portuguese conquerors tried to steal it and melt it for cannons.
Titanic had three bells with diameters ranging from 2 to 23 inches.
With advances in metallurgy and bell founding, modern bells became larger with each passing century. Using the 3000 year old mixture of bronze (4:1 ratio of copper and tin), bell founders managed to forge incredible creations that still put awe into people who managed to experience their sound. Created over a long process, bells were specifically made to amplify their resonance, and produce pleasing sounds that can reach distance of many miles.
Healing frequencies? You decide!
A steel tongue drum, tank drum, or hank drum is a round steel slit/tongue drum in the Idiophone family originally fashioned from a propane cylinder.
The steel tongue drum is often tuned to pentatonic scales but can be tuned to the diatonic scale, the chromatic scale, or any set of notes the maker chooses. The instrument is played with the fingers or with mallets. It boasts a pleasant, bell-like tone.
The steel tongue drum is based on the wooden slit drum. The slit drum is known to have been developed independently by multiple ancient civilizations including Africans, Aztecs, and Indonesians. They were used for both ritual and entertainment in these ancient civilizations.