Andrews Airship of 1863. Did Amos Dolbear know something Alexander Graham Bell didn't? Sam Tillman, what did he know? Aero Clubs, Aero ships, what New York looked like in 1903 video! A Trump Train from the 1800's? 4500 series!
Title. . .Solomon Andrews Airship of 1863
Name: New Jersey Tercentenary Commission
Subject. . . Aviation--New Jersey, Airships, Andrews, Solomon, 1835-1908
Extent: 1 image
Description: This 1864 lithograph shows Dr. Solomon Andrews airship, The Aereon, as it cruised on a famous trip of 30 miles in 14 and half minutes.Solomon Andrews built his first "Aereon" that flew over Perth Amboy, New Jersey, on June 1, 1863. Andrew's airship had three 80-foot cigar-shaped balloons, with a rudder and gondola. Buoyancy was controlled by jettisoning sand ballast or releasing hydrogen lift gas.
Persistent URL
Data Life Cycle Event(s)
Collection: New Jersey State Library
Organization Name: New Jersey State Library
1863 Solomon Andrews went to War dept. Staton
in the 1890's mystery there is a report. . 2 men flying it Colonel Samuel Tillman and professor Amos Dolber. Dolber invented a telephone prior to Bell's invention. Tillman was a cartographer, geologist and explorer. He was commandant of West Point when WWI broke out.
Tillman and Dolbear. . .Possibly Stanton didn't reject Andrews tech, but waited until after the War. There were British bankers pumping money to the Confederacy privately because they wanted to see the U.S. fail.
May have been many reasons why they wanted to keep it a black ops project. So Aereon could have developed into more complicated airships after 30 years.
Let's break this down a bit.
Dolbear researched electrical spark conversion into sound waves and electrical impulses.
- He was a professor at University of Kentucky in Lexington from 1868 until 1874.
- In 1874 he became the chair of the physics department at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts.
- He is known for his 1882 invention of a system for transmitting telegraph signals without wires.
- In 1899 his patent for it was purchased in an unsuccessful attempt to interfere with Guglielmo Marconi's wireless telegraphy patents in the United States.
Dolbear was a graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University, in Delaware, Ohio.
- While a student at Ohio Wesleyan, he had made a "talking telegraph" and invented a receiver containing two features of the modern telephone:
- a permanent magnet and 2. a metallic diaphragm that he made from a tintype.
He invented the first telephone receiver with a permanent magnet in 1865, 11 years before Alexander Graham Bell patented his model.
Later, Dolbear couldn't prove his claim, so Bell kept the patent.
Dolbear lost his case before the U. S. Supreme Court, (Dolbear et al. v. American Bell Telephone Company).
"had [Dolbear] been observant of patent office formalities, it is possible that the speaking telephone, now so widely credited to Mr. Bell would be garnered among his own laurels."
In 1876, Dolbear patented a magneto electric telephone. He patented a static telephone in 1879.
In 1882, Dolbear was able to communicate over a distance of a quarter of a mile without wires in the Earth.
His device relied on conduction in the ground, which was different from later radio transmissions that used electromagnetic radiation.
- He received a U.S. patent for a wireless telegraph in March of that year.
His set-up used phones grounded by metal rods poked into the earth. - His transmission range was at least as much as a half a mile and he received a patent for this device, U.S. Patent 350,299, in 1886. (He did not patent his system in Europe).
In 1868 Dolbear (while a professor at Bethany College) invented the electrostatic telephone. He also invented the opeidoscope (an instrument for visualizing vibration of sound waves, using a mirror mounted on a membrane) and a system of incandescent lighting. He authored several books, articles, and pamphlets, and was recognized for his contributions to science at both the Paris Exposition in 1881 and the Crystal Palace Exposition in 1882.
Samuel Tillman
In addition to writing for periodicals on a wide range of subjects and authoring several influential textbooks on chemistry and geology, in 1917 Tillman was recalled from previous mandatory retirement to serve as superintendent of the United States Military Academy for the duration of conflict which became known as World War I.
- Tillman alternating tours between teaching assignments at the academy and surveying the last unexplored portions of the American West.
- In addition to involvement in expeditions to explore and map parts of the western states of Arizona, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah, * Tillman was detailed for a year as assistant astronomer on the national expedition to Northern Tasmania observe the Transit of Venus.
- In late 1878, Tillman became the sixtieth of the founding members of Washington, D.C.'s Cosmos Club, but resigned in 1881, after he was given permanent assignment at West Point as professor of chemistry, mineralogy, and geology
While Superintendent of West Point, Tillman refused repeated requests to add military aviation to the curriculum.
I wonder why as he was an astronomer, engineer and part of the Cosmos club.
Was there something. . .
Kyrie Elieson
1903, legend of Tesla working on tech. He did work on antigravity technology.
Tesla did receive what he said were intelligent signals from space a decade later from Mars.
Jonathan Batista was aware of this.
He wondered what if the signals Tesla heard were actually from this secret group that attempted their flight to Mars.
What if they survived? What if it worked?
Are there remnants of a civilization on Mars? Did the 1903 group break away and make the technology their own?
The 1903 group would have been opposed to the NYMZA.
Steven Romano runs a gallery in New York and they did a book on Charles Dellschau's art work from his scrapbooks.
Dellschau did hundreds. One drawing date backs between 1890's and that man's name was Trump and it does have the name Trump in the Aero. His ancestors from Germany did immigrant from there to here.
Solomon Andrews in the 1860's could have been a member of the Sornora Aero Club or one of the other clubs. Andrews was called the Aeron and Dellschau Aero. Were they all working on the Black Ops project? Trump's known ancestor was in the US from the 1880's so a Trump could have been involved in the 1890's mystery.
Tesla was involved in
It makes sense that NYMZA would back the Bush dynasty and Clinton machine. Who would stand up to them? the 1903.
Is THIS. . .the 1903, the group who helped Trump take on such a machine?
School of Radionics archival interview with John Trump.
He mentions working for Weston and consulting Vannevar Bush.
an American engineer, inventor and science administrator, who during World War II headed the U.S. Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD), through which almost all wartime military R&D was carried out, including important developments in radar and the initiation and early administration of the Manhattan Project. He emphasized the importance of scientific research to national security and economic well-being, and was chiefly responsible for the movement that led to the creation of the National Science Foundation.
a research and development undertaking during World War II that produced the first nuclear weapons. It was led by the United States with the support of the United Kingdom and Canada. From 1942 to 1946, the project was under the direction of Major General Leslie Groves of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Nuclear physicist Robert Oppenheimer was the director of the Los Alamos Laboratory that designed the actual bombs. The Army component of the project was designated the Manhattan District; Manhattan gradually superseded the official codename, Development of Substitute Materials, for the entire project. Along the way, the project absorbed its earlier British counterpart, Tube Alloys. The Manhattan Project began modestly in 1939, but grew to employ more than 130,000 people and cost nearly US$2 billion (about $23 billion in 2018 dollars). Over 90% of the cost was for building factories and to produce fissile material, with less than 10% for development and production of the weapons. Research and production took place at more than 30 sites across the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.
For more information see here,
And if you wonder who was Directly behind this go here and see what these Russian Scientists Robert Maxwell were actually researching that he published under the cloak of his "Publishing Empire." It was an Empire all right!
See some of the paperwork, scientists and source in here,
When Walter Bosley was a North I agent at Wright Patterson Air Force Base.
After nineteen years in national security, Walter Bosley is a licensed private investigator in California where he also runs his small press publishing company, Lost Continent Library, founded in 2002. Bosley has traveled much of the world, both on the job and off, including trips through Mexico and South America with David Hatcher Childress whose WEX Magazine has published articles by Bosley.
Walter Bosley was born in San Diego, California, and attended SDSU where he earned a B.A. in Journalism. He has been employed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, is an inactive reserve officer in the US Air Force for which he served as a Special Agent of the AFOSI while on active duty, and then worked as a counterterrorism operational consultant for six years following military service.
Bosley says when he was chief of Counter Espionage operation's branch (he spells it out, Double Agent).
He was called an OSI agent. In the intelligence world you have Spooks of opposing factions working side by side in a third party group all the time. So it can be very confusing as to how these people from different intel agencies are working at the same place and it may seem like they are in cahoots, but that may not be the case.
For instance if they want to infiltrate the FBI, group A recruits their young candidates, they get them to apply, become agents and help them where they can. Both groups A and B end up becoming FBI agents in an honest way, but behind them is the recruiting group, so no matter where they hop around. ..they are still belong to That original group. So they don't see them as traitors. Group A and B may have their initiates in their same factions. So they follow protocol, but Still associated by the different factions. It goes on Far more than people realize and may explain why John Trump was at the same place as Vannevar Bush. ..who was clearly attached to the Military Industrial Complex (Operation Paperclip history so clearly attached to NYMZA). The only way to combat that, the 1903 would have placed their people as close to NYMZA players as possible. So it appears at that time for the World Wars, they just weren't able to take on NYMZA at the time.
If there was a breakaway, we could have used the 1903 group as NYMZA was associated with the Nazis and they had 70 years ahead of the 1903. So it took the 1903 until 2015 to emerge and try to combat NYMZA.
How about the Dellschau drawing with TRUMP stamped across which is similar to how Trump does this on Trump Tower.
It is in the 4500 Dellschau series and that of course encodes 9.
Trump has Trumped his opponents many times. Whatever You can do, I can do better if you put TRUMP behind it.
Walter means strong ruler of army. So he doesn't go by Walt, but the full name Walter.
We live in an era where we demonize healthy ego and try to take away the muscle behind males and make them gentle. Bosley doesn't suggest brutality, but not be polite and deny strength. He says he will not be neutered and far more is accomplished.
If groups like NYMZA succeed in weakening the population and no one is willing to stand up against their evil. . .all the better for them.
in 1893 a man living in New York Named Ingersoll Lockwood wrote Baron Trump's Marvelous Underground Journey where a boy goes down to the inner earth through a tunnel in Russia.
Lockwood also wrote several other books in this series, one called The Last President which describes polarized crowds rioting, with riots starting at a hotel on 5th Avenue. The book describes these happening on November 3rd which will be the next election day in 2020.
Really something when you have the name Trump appearing both in this book series and in Dellschau's Drawings. What is going on?
Theories out there go from time travel to possible remote viewing. As far as looking through time by remote viewing means, there is Verification out there this has been funded in the past by Stanford under their research arm set up by Hoover back in the day when he and board members set up protection through SRI, Stanford Research Institute now called SRI International under the protection and cloak of scientific research as a 501c3. You all know what that means. ..little to no accountability under these Institutes, Foundations and Virtue Signaling Charities!
I will say that when I crack open my bible, I don't see Anything in there about collection agencies of this sort being set up to collect money to help the poor and needy. But rather I see Jesus taking a whip into the temple and turning over the tables of the money changers who were taking advantage of the people. Time after time we have found charities on both sides of their pay per play virtue signaling like the McCain Institute and Clinton Foundation which falls under the umbrella of the Clinton Global Initiative tied to people like one of Ghislaine Maxwell's twin sisters. The same with Bill Gates Foundation being connected to releasing mosquitoes in Africa carrying diseases and a Tetanus shot given to women in Kenya with a sterilization component all verified while the media continues to stand up for Bill Gates and his known predatory vaccines.
See evidence here if not familiar,
So this becomes the Same question on this topic, was SRI trying to help you or harm you when they set up this protected research arm on the West coast to connect with D.C. as Hoover who, attended Stanford and was a board member of the research facility became president? Something to think about.
Here is a study of just Some of the research projects from Stanford which include Remote Viewing and Stanford was integral along with Berkley in the Mother of all Demos which eventually launched the arpanet (forerunner to the internet all engage on now) and arpanet was developed by DARPA and clearly stated. . .as a weapon. Were their victims you and me all along? Just something to consider.
Remote viewing falls under parapsychology and here is evidence it existed as they were trying to terminate it in the 70's.
Approved For Release 2003/04/18 : CIA-RDP96-00787R000700020004-1
20 February 1976
MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Research and Development
SUBJECT: Stanford Research Institute Parapsychology
Attached herewith are two reports summarizing the final
David S. Brandwein
Office of Technical Service
it up, be my guest.
work by SRI for OTS, together with a memorandum b
discussing the status of the parapsychology program. As you
Central Intelligence Bulletin
Harry Truman was the first U.S. president to receive a daily intelligence digest. At his direction, the Daily Summary began production in February 1946, and continued until February 1951. President Truman was pleased with the product, but a survey group commissioned by the National Security Council in 1949 was critical of the Daily Summary and issued several recommendations to improve it. The "new and improved" version, called the Current Intelligence Bulletin, began production on 28 February 1951.
Find info pertaining to the above here,
Central Intelligence Bulletin
I will be back. There is more information about some secret technology and a secret organization involved in Aeroship technology. Some sure signs something was up is info showing how Government agencies and globalists try to defame the character of those who threaten their Agenda and money train!
Interesting as this was just One of Dellschau's pieces of artwork he drew in the late 1800's which appears to be connected to the Sonora Aero Club as it was done in one of the discarded scrapbooks saved from the rubbish heap in which Charles drew many Aeroships!
Why was there a need to code this? What are your thoughts?
Will be covering more on Charles Dellschau linked to a Secret Aerospace club, his art looks like spaceships and an aircraft Keely demonstrated to Scientists in 1872
He described an alternative fuel source (wonder if this had anything to do with the Secret Aero club's supp or supe or suppe as Dellschau described) as originally described as "vaporic" or "etheric" force, and later as an unnamed force based on "vibratory sympathy", by which he produced "interatomic ether" from water and air.
On September 20, 1884 Keely demonstrated a "vaporic gun" at Sandy Hook to a party of Government officials. He said that he had brought with him five gallons of "vaporic force" in a "receiver" which, if the experiments were successful, would show that no bogus aids had been used.
It is said that The gun was also tested by firing against three 3 in (76 mm) thick spruce planks and penetrated the first and went halfway through the second. Keely said that he had used a pressure of 7,000 psi and could use 30,000 psi.
On the following day, Keely met with a reporter to whom he declared that his experimenting days were over and that complete success was close. He announced that his motor would be completed in less than two months and that he would then make a public exhibition of its powers.
The vaporic gun failed to impress Lieutenant E.L. Zalinski, who had witnessed the demonstration. He told the President of the Keely Motor Company, A.R. Edey, that with the same apparatus he could perform the same experiments with compressed air, and go even further than Keely had gone. Edey said he would "speak about it to Mr. Keely," but offer was not accepted. Zalinski said that none of the experiments at Sandy Hook showed that Keely had discovered a new force.
I will break this down more in a later article. It appears that must have been reasons, or at least one Very Good reason as to why those who ended up being funded by globalists and elitists demonized Keely who was orphaned in early childhood and was raised by his grandparents. Before becoming an inventor, he worked as a member of a theatrical orchestra, a painter, a carpenter, a carnival barker, and as a mechanic.
Was he a ward of the state at some point?
I will also be diving into,
Have you heard of Schultz’ Hydrowhir Auto, also known as the “Cripel
Wagon”? If not, perhaps you have heard or read somewhere about
Peter Mennis’ “Aero Goosey”? How about Schoetler’s “Aero Dora”,
which was built in 1858 and was destroyed in a fire which consumed
the town of Columbia, California that same year? Chances are you
never heard or read about any of the above or the many other
“Aeros’, or aircraft that were designed and actually built and flown
by members of the Sonora Aero Club around the middle of the last
century in California.
Was this Sonora Aero club part of a larger secret organization from Prussia called NYMZA?
Which group was the counter part to NYMZA globalists and may have gone Up against them?
Do you find it curious John Jacob Astor the IV was one of the initial investors of Keely and He was one of the people targeted in the sinking of the Titanic. Why did JP Morgan need him out of the picture?
What is up with this song written in the 80's, but appears to be talking about combining historical Aeroships with current events. . .as In the 7th World Military Games that were held in Wuhan, China Oct. 18, 2020 not long before the Coronavirus Pandemic, which BTW was simulated in what the Bill Gates Foundation and other Global entities connected to health industry, Central Banking, the UN, the CDC both in the U.S. and China and the EU in which Gates called them "Players" in his **Pandemic Exercises?" Panem memories anyone?
You should listen to the words in this song and when it speaks of Crops. . .who has tried to push GMO crops all over the world and People including a Doctor from India and those in Africa are speaking out about what Bill Gates has done.
Now check out these lines,
Wire in a fire, represent the seven games
In a government for hire and a combat site.
Left her, wasn't coming in a hurry
With the furies breathing down your neck.
Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered crop.
Look at that low plane! Fine, then.
Uh oh, overflow, population, Common Food,
But it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself.
World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed.
Now listen to this well respected Dr. in India and what she has to say about all that Bill Gates has done, and ask yourself how this was In The Above Song?
Interview on local France24 station,
Our guest is Vandana Shiva, a world-famous environmental activist from India. Her latest book is entitled "One Earth, One Humanity vs. the 1%". She tell us about more her opposition to big multinationals such as Monsanto for their nefarious influence on agriculture. But Shiva also singles out billionaires like Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg for criticism. "When Bill Gates pours money into Africa for feeding the poor in Africa and preventing famine, he’s pushing the failed Green Revolution, he’s pushing chemicals, pushing GMOs, pushing patterns", she tells FRANCE 24's Marc Perelman.
I ask you, What is going on? What do YOU think is going on? BTW OFFICIAL Lyrics to the song state trump and not trumped!
Interesting because here is More Background on this song!
Facebook Frames A Band's Public Service Announcement from back in 1987 that signaled our Quarantine and the lies MSM tells us (Mockingbird is a Verified Operation)
Does this song remind you of ANYTHING?
Remember REM's It's the End of the World which pointed to Population control, the 7th World Military Games and the Military Drill in China?
The song It's the End of the World As We Know It originated from a previously unreleased song called "PSA" ("Public Service Announcement"); the two are very similar in melody and tempo. "PSA" was itself later reworked and released as a single in 2003, under the title "Bad Day"
A link to the Facebook Frames you can click through quickly here,
In the meantime, see more here and a short video about Dellschau and this Secret Aero Club here,
UPDATED article found here from 2.18.2022
What is the real purpose of Starlink? To Set Up a Global Wif-Fi Communications System Based on Quantum Technology Rather than Through Transmission of EMF? You Decide! Quantum Teleportation and Entanglement Expand Your Thinking? MIT Tech Review!
Sources and connecting articles,
The Enigmatic Wilsons and John Keely
1903 - Scenes in New York City (speed corrected w/ added sound)
These need to be archived here for continuation,
Uncle John Trump
For his thesis he was interested in Particle Acceleration.
I have spoken before about where I used to live and the fact that the National Laboratory there had a LHC [Large Hadron Collider]
LHC physics at Los Alamos
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is studying the structure of matter at sub-nucleon distance scales by colliding protons together at high center of mass energy. The LHC has a broad scientific program, performing studies of QCD, heavy quarks, the W and Z electroweak gauge bosons, the top quark, and the recently discovered Higgs boson. The LHC experiment also has a dedicated effort to search for evidence of new laws of physics, in the form of new particles or anomalies. The discovery of the Higgs boson and the null-findings of direct searches for new particles conducted during the 8 TeV run of the LHC places acute attention on the hierarchy problem and on the origin of masses for the quarks, leptons and electroweak gauge bosons.
There is the largest located at CERN.
Black hats used to be in control, but as of just a few years ago, white hats retained control.
Uncle John went to see Van de Graaf, who had arrived at MIT from Princeton and was working on Particle Acceleration.
Uncle John was studying the insulation of high voltages in vacuum and the acceleration of heavy particles to high energies, Van De Graaf had produced a model that went up to a million volts and this was why he was brought to MIT.
2 half million volt generators put together.
A double electrostatic generator with spheres that were 15 feet in diameter set on a pedestal 25 feet high.
One machine was to run positive and the other negative.
One negative equal to 3
One positive equal to 6
Arc between 9
Remember when Tesla stated,
"If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe," stated Nikola Tesla!"
As you all know Uncle John Trump and Tesla worked together.
In 1927 Tesla published his paper World System of Wireless Transmission of Energy.
Tesla was 71 and Uncle John was 20 years old.
Would Uncle John have read Tesla's paper when he was an electrical engineer student at Polytech?
As Jetson White points out in his video here, Poly is only around 2 miles form the New Yorker where Tesla stayed.
You can see it here and is Well Worth the Watch!
Did Tesla keep his methods secret since so many of the globalist elites tried to take advantage of him and steal his ideas?
Methods like precise coil winding techniques.
Did he need someone trustworthy he could pass his knowledge onto
Uncle John dedicated his career to developing nuclear medicine equipment that attacked diseased cells while leaving others healthy.
He helped develop x-ray machines for MIT.
Before this, Nikola had discovered a way to peer inside the human body using accelerated particles.
He called it shadowgraphs.
Tesla was more interested in helping humanity, rather than money and rewards.
Is it possible Uncle John developed Tesla's ideas into medical equipment?
During his Military service, Uncle John led the Radiation Lab that developed RADAR systems.
Didn't John Titor claim he entered our time line using a military issue General Electric C204 device?
#PhiladelphiaExperiment, #Montauk
Al Bielek & Preston Nichols - Delta T Generator
Preston Nichols and Al Bielek created large antennas and modified electronic devices in order to DisPlace time.
Preston Nichols was the civilian electronics lead on the Philadelphia Experiment and the Montauk Project.
Al Bielek worked with Nichols on those projects and experiments.
Initially Tesla used arcing generators at specific angles to see beyond.
Later, Tesla and Uncle John Trump designed the only hotel in New York to have it's own power grid/plant beneath. Tesla used this to send himself into the future, then into the past before returning to the present.
Remember he stated. . ."The present is theirs; the future, for which I really worked is mine."
For more information see,
Really Something what happened in "modern" times around 2018.
Ode to Tesla? You decide!
Did Tesla want to go into the future to see the fate of humanity?
To see the trajectory they were headed towards? You decide.
Did Tesla go back after seeing how dire it was and retrieve a Younger version of himself?
How is this possible?
Are you More Spirit and Soul than you are body?
Does your body keep you trapped when you don't know the power of your spirit?
Is there a type of time travel that is used and controlled by Messenger Angels from the Heavenly realm or kingdom?
How do angels travel?
What is Divine Time Travel?
What was Enoch involved in? You decide.
Why do the controllers try to hide certain books of the bible from you?
Buckle up for a discussion about Divine Time Travel by our favorite Space Cowboy, Juan Includes anomalous ISS footage, Stellarium images, and loads of space-time movies Yeehaw!
Whoa for those who don't know about the Orrery.
Operation Blue Light, Setup and Training
“John, over a period of three decades, would be approached by people of all sorts because he could make megavolt beams of ions and electrons—death rays,” remarked his MIT colleague James Melcher in a 1988 article in Science for the People. “What did he do with [this knowledge]? Cancer research, sterilizing sludge . . . all sorts of wondrous things. He didn’t touch the weapons stuff.”
Actinium is the only element that glows aqua blue.
Did Operation Blue Skies begin with Nikola Tesla's testing phase of his Wardenclyffe Magnifying Transmitting Tower by using his arc reflector at certain angles to jump off of the Ionosphere and create a source of ionizing rays?
Was he able to use the earth's Schumann cavity.
Simply defined, the Schuman cavity, or Schuman Resonance (SR) is the resonant relationship of electromagnetic radiation to the diameter/circumference of the earth.
Each one can be directly related to specific frequencies with which we are familiar and how they act in a feedback loop with others to create a complex resonant harmonic that characterizes the entire solar system. The SR frequencies measure from the Mhtz that are those of the asteroids to the ultra low of the sun itself.
We see high energy particles interacting with,
the Earth
...and these create light.
Most of the particles get trapped in the magnetic fields and whizz around the planets at close to the velocity of light, trapped between magnetic field lines, such as we see on the sun.
When they impact the atmosphere near the field poles, they glow in the visible part of the spectrum. Some of this filters into the atmosphere and manifests as lightening which can be measured to specific frequencies. Thus lightning is another way we can measure the SR.
“Because lightning strikes are pulses, they contain many different frequencies and because the Earth is a resonator it takes these harmonic-containing spikes and filters them into multiples of the Earth's resonant frequency.
Therefore, frequencies of 7.8Hz, 15.6Hz, 23.4Hz etc. are all supported by the Earth's resonator. Also, locally, signals from lightning strikes that have yet to travel ample distance to allow for the filtering effect can be recorded with many different frequencies intact.”
The Schumann resonances (or frequencies) are quasi-standing electromagnetic waves that exist in the cavity (or space) between the surface of the Earth and the ionosphere. In 1952, German physicist Professor Winfried Otto Schumann of the Technical University of Munich began attempting to answer whether the Earth itself has a frequency - a pulse.
At any given moment about 2,000 thunderstorms roll over Earth, producing some 50 flashes of lightning every second. Each lightning burst creates electromagnetic waves that begin to circle around Earth captured between Earth's surface and a boundary about 60 miles up. Some of the waves - if they have just the right wavelength - combine, increasing in strength, to create a repeating atmospheric heartbeat known as Schumann resonance.
Together with polonium, radium, and radon, actinium was one of the first non-primordial radioactive elements to be isolated.
predominantly emitting beta and sometimes alpha particles, and 228Ac, which is beta active with a half-life of 6.15 hours. One tonne of natural uranium in ore contains about 0.2 milligrams of actinium-227, and one tonne of thorium contains about 5 nanograms of actinium-228.
The name actinium originates from the Ancient Greek aktis, aktinos (ακτίς, ακτίνος), meaning beam or ray.
Owing to its strong radioactivity, actinium glows in the dark with a pale blue light, which originates from the surrounding air ionized by the emitted energetic particles.
Remember, Air ions are molecules with an electrical charge. They’re invisible molecules that float around in the atmosphere. Negative ions are molecules that have gained an electron; positive ions are those that have lost an electron.
negative ions can stop the growth of viruses
Ozone is a colorless gas that’s formed when ions charge other particles. It inactivates viruses by damaging their genetic material and membranes.
negative ions have also been found to:
inhibit viruses, bacteria, and mold species
decrease stress
regulate sleeping patterns
increase immune function
support mood
Actinium is found only in traces in uranium ores – one tonne of uranium in ore contains about 0.2 milligrams of 227Ac[32][33] – and in thorium ores, which contain about 5 nanograms of 228Ac per one tonne of thorium.
Actinium metal has been prepared by the reduction of actinium fluoride with lithium vapor in vacuum at a temperature between 1100 and 1300 °C. Higher temperatures resulted in evaporation of the product and lower ones lead to an incomplete transformation. Lithium was chosen among other alkali metals because its fluoride is most volatile.
Which is interesting because there are a lot of lithium mines in Afghanastan.
Ac is highly radioactive and experiments with it are carried out in a specially designed laboratory equipped with a tight glove box.
Ac is applied in medicine to produce 213Bi in a reusable generator or can be used alone as an agent for radiation therapy, in particular targeted alpha therapy (TAT). This isotope has a half-life of 10 days, making it much more suitable for radiation therapy than 213Bi (half-life 46 minutes). Additionally, 225Ac decays to nontoxic 209Bi rather than stable but toxic lead, which is the final product in the decay chains of several other candidate isotopes, namely 227Th, 228Th, and 230U.
In April of 2012, Los Alamos National Laboratory announced a new medical isotope project that shows promise for rapidly producing major quantities of a new cancer-treatment agent, actinium 225 (Ac-225). Both a press release and a video are available.
The emissions of alpha particles from actinium and its daughter products cause tumor death [586].
This leads to the question, as Uncle John Trump was working towards healing with technology, did he work with Actinium when designing his cancer treatment equipment based on radiation therapy?
Was Operation Blue Skies sending a message in 2018 with that light in the Con Edison [get it? What a CON as JP Morgan worked with Edison for the cabal's control of power and resources] building that Tesla's Magnifying Transmitter is still working for those on the side of Good sworn to end their evil control? You decide!
Why can't they explain the rise of the Schumann Resonance?
What about when the Earth Rang like a bell and it was reported on even in the National Geographic? Interesting? You decide. Just LOOK at those numbers. Do you find them INCREDIBLE?
Remember when Earth Rang like a bell for 20 minutes on 11.11.2018 as the seismic wave traveled it was picked up 11,000 miles away in Hawaii. No rumbles, Scientists picked up a scientists picked up a cleaner, almost musical frequency!
Is his magnifying transmitter able to effect change in the Schumann Resonance?
Was Tesla trying to effect the Future and humanity still in this realm with his transmitter?
Is it possible it was used for what happened when the earth rang like a bell Precisely on 11.11.2018 Which BTW is 11:11:11. Is that a coincidence or is that #ThereAreNoCoincidences?
As I review the events of my past life I realize how subtle are the influences that shape our destinies. An incident of my youth may serve to illustrate. One winter’s day I managed to climb a steep mountain, in company with other boys. The snow was quite deep and a warm southerly wind made it just suitable for our purpose. We amused ourselves by throwing balls which would roll down a certain distance, gathering more or less snow, and we tried to outdo one another in this sport. Suddenly a ball was seen to go beyond the limit, swelling to enormous proportions until it became as big as a house and plunged thundering into the valley below with a force that made the ground tremble. I looked on spellbound, incapable of understanding what had happened. For weeks afterward the picture of the avalanche was before my eyes and I wondered how anything so small could grow to such an immense size. Ever since that time the magnification of feeble actions fascinated me, and when, years later, I took up the experimental study of mechanical and electrical resonance, I was keenly interested from the very start. Possibly, had it not been for that early powerful impression, I might not have followed up the little spark I obtained with my coil and never developed my best invention, the true history of which I will tell here for the first time.
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Imagine a man a century ago, bold enough to design and actually build a huge tower with which to transmit the human voice, music, pictures, press news and even power, thru the earth to any distance whatever without wires! He probably would have been hung or burnt at the stake. So when Tesla built his famous tower on Long Island he was a hundred years ahead of his time. And foolish ridicule by our latter day arm-chair “savants,” does not in the least mar Tesla’s greatness.
The titanic brain of Tesla has hardly produced a more amazing wonder than this “magnifying transmitter.” Contrary to popular belief his tower was not built to radiate Hertzian waves into the ether. Tesla’s system sends out thousands of horsepower thru the earth – he has shown experimentally how power can be sent without wires over distances from a central point. Nor is there any mystery about it how he accomplishes the result. His historic U. S. patents and articles describe the method used. Tesla’s Magnifying Transmitter is truly a modem lamp of Aladdin.
The “Magnifying Transmitter” was the product of labors extending through years, having for their chief object the solution of problems which are infinitely more important to mankind than mere industrial development.
If my memory serves me right, it was in November, 1890, that I performed a laboratory experiment which was one of the most extraordinary and spectacular ever recorded in the annals of science. In investigating the behaviour of high frequency currents I had satisfied myself that an electric field of sufficient intensity could be produced in a room to light up electrodeless vacuum tubes. Accordingly, a transformer was built to test the theory and the first trial proved a marvelous success.
a little reflection led me to the conclusion that the electrical energy involved in the precipitation of the water was inconsiderable, the function of lightning being much like that of a sensitive trigger. Here was a stupendous possibility of achievement. If we could produce electric effects of the required quality, this whole planet and the conditions of existence on it could be transformed.
If it were in our power to upset it when and wherever desired, this mighty life-sustaining stream could be at will controlled. We could irrigate arid deserts, create lakes and rivers and provide motive power in unlimited amounts. This would be the most efficient way of harnessing the sun to the uses of man.
The consummation depended on our ability to develop electric forces of the order of those in nature. It seemed a hopeless undertaking, but I made up my mind to try it and immediately on my return to the United States, in the Summer of 1892, work was begun which was to me all the more attractive, because a means of the same kind was necessary for the successful transmission of energy without wires.
Did the powers that be [cabal, controllers, 13 controlling families, illuminati. . .whatever you wish to call them] steal Tesla's ideas meant for good and try to use them against humanity and to their advantage to control and profit? HAARP for instance? You decide!
The Truth about Geo Engineering, Climate Change, What has Already been admitted by the government, Haarp, a Physicist and even MSM! Evidence and Proof!
In order to advance further along this line I had to go into the open, and in the spring of 1899, having completed preparations for the erection of a wireless plant, I went to Colorado where I remained for more than one year. Here I introduced other improvements and refinements which made it possible to generate currents of any tension that may be desired. Those who are interested will find some information in regard to the experiments I conducted there in my article, “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy” in the Century Magazine of June, 1900, to which I have referred on a previous occasion.
I have been asked by the Electrical Experimenter to be quite explicit on this subject so that my young friends among the readers of the magazine will clearly understand the construction and operation of my “Magnifying Transmitter” and the purposes for which it is intended. Well, then, in the first place, it is a resonant transformer with a secondary in which the parts, charged to a high potential, are of considerable area and arranged in space along ideal enveloping surfaces of very large radii of curvature, and at proper distances from one another thereby insuring a small electric surface density everywhere so that no leak can occur even if the conductor is bare. It is suitable for any frequency, from a few to many thousands of cycles per second, and can be used in the production of currents of tremendous volume and moderate pressure, or of smaller amperage and immense electro-motive force. The maximum electric tension is merely dependent on the curvature of the surfaces on which the charged elements are situated and the area of the latter.
Taken in the narrowest significance of the term, however, it is a resonant transformer which, besides possessing these qualities, is accurately proportioned to fit the globe and its electrical constants and properties, by virtue of which design it becomes highly efficient and effective in the wireless transmission of energy. Distance is then absolutely eliminated, there being no diminution in the intensity of the transmitted impulses. It is even possible to make the actions increase with the distance from the plant according to an exact mathematical law.
These examples are cited merely to give an idea of the possibilities of this great scientific advance, which annihilates distance and makes that perfect natural conductor, the Earth, available for all the innumerable purposes which human ingenuity has found for a line-wire. One far-reaching result of this is that any device capable of being operated thru one or more wires (at a distance obviously restricted) can likewise be actuated, without artificial conductors and with the same facility and accuracy, at distances to which there are no limits other than those imposed by the physical dimensions of the Globe. Thus, not only will entirely new fields for commercial exploitation be opened up by this ideal method of transmission but the old ones vastly extended.
“2. The ‘Magnifying Transmitter.’ This is Tesla’s best invention — a peculiar transformer specially adapted to excite the Earth, which is in the transmission of electrical energy what the telescope is in astronomical observation. By the use of this marvelous device he has already set up electrical movements of greater intensity than those of lightning and passed a current, sufficient to light more than two hundred incandescent lamps, around the Globe.
“5. ‘The terrestrial Stationary Waves.’ This wonderful discovery, popularly explained, means that the Earth is responsive to electrical vibrations of definite pitch just as a tuning fork to certain waves of sound. These particular electrical vibrations, capable of powerfully exciting the Globe, lend themselves to innumerable uses of great importance commercially and in many other respects.
The ionization of air or gas creates plasma with conductive properties similar to that of metals. Plasma is the tool nature wields to neutralize charge separation in an electric field.
When the electric field becomes very strong (on the order of tens of thousands of volts per inch), conditions are ripe for the air to begin breaking down. The electric field causes the surrounding air to become separated into positive ions and electrons — the air is ionized. Keep in mind that the ionization does not mean that there is more negative charge (electrons) or more positive charge (positive atomic nuclei / positive ions) than before. This ionization only means that the electrons and positive ions are farther apart than they were in their original atomic structure.
The importance of this separation is that the electrons are now free to move much more easily than they could before the separation. So this ionized air (also known as plasma) is much more conductive than the previous non-ionized air.
These electrons have excellent mobility, allowing for electrical current to flow. The ionization of air or gas creates plasma with conductive properties similar to that of metals. Plasma is the tool nature wields to neutralize charge separation in an electric field. Those readers who are familiar with the chemical reaction of fire will recall that oxidation plays an important role. Oxidation is the process by which an atom or molecule loses an electron when combined with oxygen. Simply put, the atom or molecule is changed from a lower positive potential to a higher positive potential. Interestingly enough, the process of ionization, which creates plasma, also occurs through the loss of electrons. By this comparison, we can view the ionization process as "burning a path" through the air for the lightning to follow, much like digging a tunnel through a mountain for a train to follow.
Was Nikola Tesla given the blueprints to save Humanity just as Noah was given them for his #Ark, #ArcTechnology to save humanity back in his day? You decide!
Quantum Computing and the reality of the metaphysical world. Do you think the scientists in this realm will ever catch up to the Physics and Science God created? Cubits and Qubits all that quarks!
Tesla's Tech as seen in PubChem for Actinium
Ionizes the upper layer of the atmosphere making it a good conductor as metal.
Also creates standing waves in the earth as it charges it with a large oscillator which causes the earth to vibrate in an electrical way, similar to how a bell would vibrate when struck with a heavy metal device.
Think LIBERTY Bell. . .what was it Really?
''The bell is fragile because of the way it was cast,'' said Karie Diethorn, the chief curator at Independence National Historical Park. After it was installed in Philadelphia in 1752, the bell was rung often, most notably on July 8, 1776, to announce the first public reading of the Declaration of Independence.
The bell, which was recast twice in its early days, is predominantly copper but contains nine other elements, including gold and arsenic, along with ''cracks, fissures and air bubbles,'' Ms. Diethorn said. Of particular concern is a hairline fracture that extends from the large crack.
The active, changing layer. An interesting layer called the ionosphere overlaps the mesosphere, thermosphere, and exosphere. It's a very active part of the atmosphere, and it grows and shrinks depending on the energy it absorbs from the sun.
See more about bells in comments.
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As Nikola Tesla said, If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration. How To Use Space Better. Everything we experience is based on vibration. Everything is energy Vibrating at a certain frequency!
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The Forgotten Secrets of the New Yorker Hotel, Nikola Tesla's rooms 3327 and purported lab 3328. The tunnel, vault and power plant underneath that could have powered a small city!
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Before Christianity even appeared, bells were viewed as a musical instrument of the gods, as items that can carry the will of the gods across the land, provide peace, clear minds, exile bad spirits and provide happiness. The bible has many mentions of the bells, especially in the tales of Moses who studied priesthood in Egypt and carried knowledge of bells and gongs to Christianity.
Bell clapper is made from same material as the bell itself.
Bell clapper can hit the bell with speed of up to 1000 kilometers per hour, and bell can withstand this force for thousands of years if its created correctly.
Toiling bell is stationary bell that rings in slow repetition.
Carillons are set of minimum of 23 precisely tuned bells.
Great Britain has nickname of “The Ringing Isle” because of its many bells.
Largest bell ever made was Great Bell of Dhammazedi. It weighted over 300 tons when it was created, and was eventually lost under the river Burma when Portuguese conquerors tried to steal it and melt it for cannons.
Titanic had three bells with diameters ranging from 2 to 23 inches.
#Bells, #Resonance, #Frequency, #Vibration
With advances in metallurgy and bell founding, modern bells became larger with each passing century. Using the 3000 year old mixture of bronze (4:1 ratio of copper and tin), bell founders managed to forge incredible creations that still put awe into people who managed to experience their sound. Created over a long process, bells were specifically made to amplify their resonance, and produce pleasing sounds that can reach distance of many miles.
Healing frequencies? You decide!
A steel tongue drum, tank drum, or hank drum is a round steel slit/tongue drum in the Idiophone family originally fashioned from a propane cylinder.
The steel tongue drum is often tuned to pentatonic scales but can be tuned to the diatonic scale, the chromatic scale, or any set of notes the maker chooses. The instrument is played with the fingers or with mallets. It boasts a pleasant, bell-like tone.
The steel tongue drum is based on the wooden slit drum. The slit drum is known to have been developed independently by multiple ancient civilizations including Africans, Aztecs, and Indonesians. They were used for both ritual and entertainment in these ancient civilizations.
Does Nikola Tesla, who had the know how from God and technology for time displacement play a role in the Rapture Event? You decide.
Was he able to break the air stratum down?
Did this create an amazing light show like an aurora borealis?
From the Huff Post,
On Wednesday night, an aurora swept across the northern United States as far south as Colorado. While the dancing lights appeared in greens, purples and pinks, many commented on the aurora’s vibrant red, which could be vividly seen with the naked eye.
#Keely, #JohnKeely, #KeelyMotor, #VaporicGun

There are 4 types of Cavitation. . ."ya never see that, people talking about cavitation too often!
Acoustic Cavitation used in a Keely Motor.
Implosion Cavitation is the female force being released in these machines.
It has been established in modern engineering. . .there are infinite levels of cavitation being released in the process of cavitation.
This imploding . . .when you have the expanded gaseous vapors, when they collapse, that's the imploding,
when they collapse in the cavitational process infinite levels of energy are released.
John Quixote stumbled upon it and he strived to harness these incredible forces.
More info in here in replies and at bottom of article.
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