RE: AI... Ban FAW (fully autonomous weapons) and LAW (lethal autonomous weapons) before it's too late!
Hello @jadams2k18,
thank you for your comment!
Yes we can agree on this 100%!
"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" as Oppenheimer had put it very much on point.
I think we're in a absolutely comparable situation regarding the possible devastation that could be a result of unregulated/unbanned FAW/LAW tech.
...besides the fact that nuclear tech was and is still hard to come by and, like I pointed out in some earlier articles, AI driven FAW/LAW are not limited to big defense budget nations but on a simpler level in reach of smaller nation states, extremist groups and terrorists, or tomorrow even the script kiddie next door using readily available physical tech (DJI for example) and open source AI tech (open ai).
So imo there's no reason why we shouldn't see some whipped together, but nonetheless very effective LAW/FAW in the near future as well as big nation state, billions of dollars AI driven weapons.
The intent to make this more visible to get not only the tech savvy people but the general "normie" population involved in this is very important in my view.
LAW/FAW Awareness is the first step to get a wide range of people into this discourse!