AI... Ban FAW (fully autonomous weapons) and LAW (lethal autonomous weapons) before it's too late!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #ai5 years ago

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I've been interested in AI tech for a long time. There was a first "wave" or hype if you will back in the mid 80ties that cooled down relatively fast because the tech just wasn't sophisticated/evolved enough back then.

This has changed massively since then and especially in the last 15 years AI improvements really became visible in many fields of science and our every day lives.

Just think about it. Now we got autonomous driving, translation apps that really work, pattern recognition technology that gets better by the hour, AI beating the worlds best Go players, I don't even need to mention unbeatable chess apps and IBM's Watson being unbeatable in a popular TV game show and many more AI driven achievements that became common knowledge today.

Things like ANI tech (artificial narrow intelligence) applications are common nowadays and with the help of machine learning even more complex problems can be mastered by AI.

Without making a deep dive into how this became possible we have a urgent problem at hand right now!

FAW's (fully autonomous weapons) or LAW's (lethal autonomous weapons) are already a reality for some nation states and could become a reality for many others and even at a construction kit level, with some technical expertise become in reach for other nefarious groups (terrorists, militias and so on).

I strongly support a worldwide ban of FAW's and I urge you to think about this and to possibly support this ban as well!

Let me tell you why!

The problem:

  • Fully autonomous weapons would decide who lives and dies, without further human intervention, which crosses a moral threshold. As machines, they would lack the inherently human characteristics such as compassion that are necessary to make complex ethical choices.

  • The US, China, Israel, South Korea, Russia, and the UK are developing weapons systems with significant autonomy in the critical functions of selecting and attacking targets. If left unchecked the world could enter a destabilizing robotic arms race.

  • Replacing troops with machines could make the decision to go to war easier and shift the burden of conflict even further on to civilians. Fully autonomous weapons would make tragic mistakes with unanticipated consequences that could inflame tensions.

  • Fully autonomous weapons would lack the human judgment necessary to evaluate the proportionality of an attack, distinguish civilian from combatant, and abide by other core principles of the laws of war. History shows their use would not be limited to certain circumstances.

  • It’s unclear who, if anyone, could be held responsible for unlawful acts caused by a fully autonomous weapon: the programmer, manufacturer, commander, and machine itself. This accountability gap would make it is difficult to ensure justice, especially for victims.

  • Fully autonomous weapons could be used in other circumstances outside of armed conflict, such as in border control and policing. They could be used to suppress protest and prop-up regimes. Force intended as non-lethal could still cause many deaths.

The solution

  • Retain meaningful human control over targeting and attack decisions by prohibiting development, production, and use of fully autonomous weapons. Legislate the ban through national laws and by international treaty.

  • All countries should articulate their views on the concerns raised by fully autonomous weapons and commit to create a new ban treaty to establish the principle of meaningful human control over the use of force.

  • All technology companies and organizations as well as individuals working to develop artificial intelligence and robotics should pledge to never contribute to the development of fully autonomous weapons.

Text in the sections "The problem" & "The solution" sourced here

If you want to learn more about the problem and the efforts to reach a worldwide ban please check the following websites and maybe think about getting involved and getting your voice heard in regards to a ban of FAW:

I just had to get this off of my chest!

Please let me know what you think about this down in the comment section!



Greetings appreciated @doifeellucky.

What shocking news you have shown us here.
With the undeniable advantages offered by AI applied to common activities of daily life, we had to assume that the arms sector was also going to adopt this technology. In fact, perhaps the origin of AI comes from research carried out by this sector, as happened with the internet for example.

When we think of this type of armaments that you tell us (FAW and LAW), our first thoughts lead us to imagine catastrophic events.
But perhaps there is also the possibility of correcting "human errors."

As machines, they would lack the inherently human characteristics such as compassion that are necessary to make complex ethical choices.

Wars are bad. Everyone loses, nobody really wins in a war. Then those bombings where there is supposed "collateral damage" are also devoid of compassion. Perhaps we could hear opinions that suggest that with the implementation of AI these attacks could be refined "surgically" and reduce these collateral damage.

All best, Piotr.

Hello Piotr,

thank you for your comment! Yes, in regards to "correctly" selecting a target or "pinpointing" attacks there possibly could be some advantages in using AI. ...and this is happening already.

One example that was explained by one of the researchers in the video I've shared

were "intelligent anti armored vehicle weapoons" that are able to, more or less sugically take out a whole group of armored vehicles by pinpointing the shape-Charges they are armed with against such a group of armored vehicles in contrast to a classic/conventional artillery attack that is more likely to result in non-combatant casualties.

These weapons are already in service btw.

So yes, in regards to target reconnaissance/analysis and executing so called "pin-point-attacks" AI already has arrived on the battle field.

The aspect of a human still pressing a button to engage though also comes in different "flavors". These before mentioned weapons can be deployed via an rocket system or even and cruise missile ssystem.

It starts to get hairy if the soldier in charge of such an weapons system cannot excately himself determine the situation in the impact area before a strike for instance or when the weapons are sent out on "search & destroy" missions where the command to engage isn't limited to a certain area or exact point in time by a human.

A FAW btw. can also characterize "low tech" weapons like land mines for instance!


Thank you for your prompt reply and for sharing this video with me @doifeellucky

Hello Piotr,

I liked about it that it's a down to earth approach were the author/speaker explains on a factual level, coming from experience in regards to banning certain weapons systems (cluster bombs), what the real threats are and where he see's the biggest challenges in pursuing the ban of FAW/LAW.


@doifeellucky, We have to understand one point here and that is we are seeing rapid growth in Artificial Intelligence and i think that this Technology is useful but can turn into more dangerous than it's usefulness, and the results can be disastrous. So we don't need use of Artificial Intelligence to extensive levels. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello @chireerocks!

Thanks for your comment!

Yep, you're right! But since the benefits are so high in terms of efficiency gain and potentially saving "own" soldiers life's it seems simply very tempting to go down this rabbit hole even further than it has already happened.

I feel there is much more attention and awareness needed to be brought to this dark side of AI usage that people can make informed decisions and possible engage into efforts to ban FAW/LAW.

In the recent past there were other successes in regards to banning military tech namely cluster bomb technology.

So I still got hope that the anti FAW/LAW activists/organizations will have success but it seems hard up to absolutely impossible for these people/groups to keep up with the fast development/improvement cycles in this space.

Nonetheless I'm convinced that continuing to bring awareness to this will help those who are advocating to support a ban of FAW/LAW.

So, your and everybody else's support would be highly appreciated!


If not today then tomorrow will force to do the right thing because "Humanity" faced many Catastrophic events which includes both Natural and Manmade. We have to stand for two things mainly and those aspects are:

  • Raising awareness towards environmental safety measures.

  • Stopping harmful technology.

I am not sure but in my opinion next biggest problem possibly is "5G Technology".

Every action towards goodness is a blessing. Stay blessed.

Fully autonomous weapons would decide who lives and dies

Right, we need to keep humans in the loop of the potential to end a life, not an algorithm. If not, collateral damage and life insurance (active) statistics will become part of business.

Hello @machnbirdsparo,

thanks for you comment!

In regards of the human capabilities vs. algorithms in this context I found @pedrobrito2004's comment to be very interesting:

"Something strange that I want to comment to close, it is generally thought that a "soldier AI" would be cold and ruthless and would lack the "compassion of a human", but at least with the machines the rules would be clear ... there are many stories of "Human Soldiers" who were very inhuman, cruel, ruthless and sadistic to an extreme degree, breaking the rules in some cases to satisfy a dark personal pleasure of submitting to other people and reaching cases of killing "for fun.""

So, I feel you both might me right to some extent!


at least with the machines the rules would be clear


It's interesting to see this kind of technology. One might think that the tendency is to avoid unnecessary deaths in a war that will only be fought by robots in the end.

But generally, everything is seen from the point of view of profit. Wars are the best source for making money. We can agree on that, I presume.

We are in the presence of something repetitive, in the 70s it was the nuclear bomb and its damaging effects in the long term. The cold war and the possibility of human extinction prevailed at that time.

They are now LAW and FAW. The fear of the supremacy of artificial intelligence.

In the worst case, creation ends up destroying the creator.

Thank you for sharing, it is necessary to make this type of technology known and that people understand the imminent danger.

Hello @jadams2k18,

thank you for your comment!

Yes we can agree on this 100%!

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds" as Oppenheimer had put it very much on point.

I think we're in a absolutely comparable situation regarding the possible devastation that could be a result of unregulated/unbanned FAW/LAW tech.

...besides the fact that nuclear tech was and is still hard to come by and, like I pointed out in some earlier articles, AI driven FAW/LAW are not limited to big defense budget nations but on a simpler level in reach of smaller nation states, extremist groups and terrorists, or tomorrow even the script kiddie next door using readily available physical tech (DJI for example) and open source AI tech (open ai).

So imo there's no reason why we shouldn't see some whipped together, but nonetheless very effective LAW/FAW in the near future as well as big nation state, billions of dollars AI driven weapons.

The intent to make this more visible to get not only the tech savvy people but the general "normie" population involved in this is very important in my view.

LAW/FAW Awareness is the first step to get a wide range of people into this discourse!


Hi @doifeellucky

The saddest thing about this whole situation with automatic weapons is, as you say, that civilians will always end up paying for the broken dishes of a few who will lose control of these weapons, from the moment they give them autonomy.


Hello @lanzjoseg,

thanks for you comment! Yep, very true! That's why it is so important imho that we try to support a ban of these FAW/LAW.

If you're interested check out this here:


I read your post on the use of technology to improve our ability (already excellent) to kill each other and then I find a post by @jjqf at -that-could-cause-people-with-paralysis-to-rewrite-by-hand and I tell myself that all is not lost.
The idea that we can create soldiers or intelligent weapons that would not require human intervention to kill is terrifying, but if that same technology is applied in something more productive than "control and elimination of threatening, real or fictitious," then the thing would be better.
Something strange that I want to comment to close, it is generally thought that a "soldier AI" would be cold and ruthless and would lack the "compassion of a human", but at least with the machines the rules would be clear ... there are many stories of "Human Soldiers" who were very inhuman, cruel, ruthless and sadistic to an extreme degree, breaking the rules in some cases to satisfy a dark personal pleasure of submitting to other people and reaching cases of killing "for fun."

Hello @pedrobrito2004,

thank you for your comment and point out @jjqf's article to me!

What really brought my thoughts a little down to earth was "Richard Moyes" presentation about what he, as a advocate for banning FAW/LAW with experience in fighting for a ban of other cruel weapons systems (cluster bombs), concentrates on in his work.

In a timeline he uses to explain what his work is about he highlighted the present capabilities of AI supported/driven systems, for example smart weapons systems that are directed against a group of armored verhicles and that "decide" on their own what targets they engage on (shape charges used). So they weapons are deployed to an limited area (100 ft or so) and they select the target to destroy in this vicinity by themselves. The last human intervention on such an attac is the firing of the weapon into the general area with the targets to engage on.

No compassion, no feeling at all but a clear set of rules, heat signatures for example, defines how the weapon acts.

In that regard an equivalent weapons system could be a land mine for example. Clear set of rules (stop on it and it blows up, more complex rules include setting off a while group of land mines if one is triggered) but otherwise fulfilling the criteria of an FAW.

So everything that goes beyond these clear set of rules methods, that would involve "feelings" or even possibly "consciousness" he sees as a possibility with an lower probability in an not so near future.

In regard to your closing statement in your comment I could not agree more!


A little update on this for the interested reader/viewer.

Please check out this video here:

thx. gonna watch it tonight


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