RE: AI... Ban FAW (fully autonomous weapons) and LAW (lethal autonomous weapons) before it's too late!
Greetings appreciated @doifeellucky.
What shocking news you have shown us here.
With the undeniable advantages offered by AI applied to common activities of daily life, we had to assume that the arms sector was also going to adopt this technology. In fact, perhaps the origin of AI comes from research carried out by this sector, as happened with the internet for example.
When we think of this type of armaments that you tell us (FAW and LAW), our first thoughts lead us to imagine catastrophic events.
But perhaps there is also the possibility of correcting "human errors."
As machines, they would lack the inherently human characteristics such as compassion that are necessary to make complex ethical choices.
Wars are bad. Everyone loses, nobody really wins in a war. Then those bombings where there is supposed "collateral damage" are also devoid of compassion. Perhaps we could hear opinions that suggest that with the implementation of AI these attacks could be refined "surgically" and reduce these collateral damage.
All best, Piotr.
Hello Piotr,
thank you for your comment! Yes, in regards to "correctly" selecting a target or "pinpointing" attacks there possibly could be some advantages in using AI. ...and this is happening already.
One example that was explained by one of the researchers in the video I've shared
were "intelligent anti armored vehicle weapoons" that are able to, more or less sugically take out a whole group of armored vehicles by pinpointing the shape-Charges they are armed with against such a group of armored vehicles in contrast to a classic/conventional artillery attack that is more likely to result in non-combatant casualties.
These weapons are already in service btw.
So yes, in regards to target reconnaissance/analysis and executing so called "pin-point-attacks" AI already has arrived on the battle field.
The aspect of a human still pressing a button to engage though also comes in different "flavors". These before mentioned weapons can be deployed via an rocket system or even and cruise missile ssystem.
It starts to get hairy if the soldier in charge of such an weapons system cannot excately himself determine the situation in the impact area before a strike for instance or when the weapons are sent out on "search & destroy" missions where the command to engage isn't limited to a certain area or exact point in time by a human.
A FAW btw. can also characterize "low tech" weapons like land mines for instance!
Thank you for your prompt reply and for sharing this video with me @doifeellucky
Hello Piotr,
I liked about it that it's a down to earth approach were the author/speaker explains on a factual level, coming from experience in regards to banning certain weapons systems (cluster bombs), what the real threats are and where he see's the biggest challenges in pursuing the ban of FAW/LAW.