Should overpaid CEO's be replaced with AI.
It's much more useful to replace overpowered corrupted politicians with government AI. All of them.
Let's replace them all.
We can let Dominion choose, just like we let them choose the president, a fact they are trying to hide with hundreds of lawyers hired to prevent analysis of election data.
Yes, you can replace employees with AI but you can’t replace owners if they don’t want to be replaced unless you have these childish fantasies that you can have big tax increases AND get rid of property rights and try your socialist experiments on other people’s property.
Jeff Bezos is an owner not just an employee.
If there is anything that makes dreamers of big dreams look like uninformed idiots, it’s when they reveal their “solution” is to take away private property en masse.
North Korea and the USSR thought this was a great idea. They both failed utterly.
Hitler thought he was a genius taking away the gold, jewellery and art of the Jews. Many smart Jews left Germany, and ended up helping the Allies win the war by helping create atomic bombs and radar.
Try to take away private property in a country, and watch these people move to another country. Keep pushing so all countries do this, and you’ll find new countries being created, existing countries having coupes, and cities going up on Mars as people renounce their citizenship and pay zero taxes to governments that overreach.