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RE: Buttholes And Liars

Tell it like it is, that is the only real way to do things. Despite your disappointment with the way everything went down, at least you guys were smart enough to adventure out and get a genuine flavor of the locals.
So many disappointments, getting ripped off at every corner, hassled by the police, rain, heat, bugs, paypal, truck overheating, and someone telling @puravidaville how to cook after being wrangled into preparing food for strangers.
You know when you've been backed into a corner by circumstances, and it is time to circle the wagons, it tests even the strongest relationships. I'm sure that @dandays and @puravidaville will only come out of this with an even stronger love and commitment to each other.
Your adventures, and the fact that you have been so forthright with all that has gone on over the past months has been refreshing.
You are probably asking, what the hell do I mean by that.
Very simply put, your honesty with this whole mess is honorable. I would imagine that most people would not be as honest, not wanting to let others know how miserable things have gotten. By painting a fairy-tale scenario, they could hide the reality of the situation and make everyone think that things are fine.
Not your style my friend, and what a wholesome way to behave. More people should try being honest as it promotes health and well-being of mind or spirit.

Happy travels and stay safe!


My favorite New Yorker strikes again! Man, you are a comment homerun hitting machine—ka’pow! Spoken like a real big leaguer. Going.. Going.. How’s the barn doors, Sweed? I know you’re working up a masterpiece for us. 👍🏿

How cool is this? As I read your comment, before reading the next sentence I stopped and quoted you to Pura, “Sweed just said:”

Your adventures, and the fact that you have been so forthright with all that has gone on over the past months has been refreshing.

Then your next sentence just goes to show we’re on the same page. I sure do appreciate your sincerity, sir, thank you! <—big font.

Thanks for being so cool all the time Sweed, to both Pura and myself, ya’all are the coolest people we’ve never met. Speaking of that... Thailand in November (echo) ember.. ber.. er... To have a senior of mine describe me with the wOrd honorable is, well, honorable!

Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed! Your real with a side of humor and a splash of enlightening comments always make my day.

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