Buttholes And Liars

in #actual-content5 years ago

If more people said what they think, rather than avoid the #truth by painting a facade based on fear of repercussion for the sake of being “polite” or, the uncanny ability to admit when they’re wrong, mistakes could potentially be corrected before they’re made.


”Watch your step!”

Welcome to my #blog. Those of you who follow me know my wife and I moved to Costa Rica in January, this year. We moved here because we fell in love with the country while vacationing. Visiting and residing in Costa Rica are like salt and sugar—worlds apart. None of the expats we’ve met or continue to meet will admit the locals are a bunch of buttholes until I say something first. In fact, prior to moving here, it was quite the opposite. I was under the impression everyone who lives here is pleasant and welcoming, business opportunities are abundant and real estate is affordable—lies. The expats who have transplanted here and continue to preach how great it is here are a bunch of liars—I’m surrounded by Buttholes And Liars.

Whether you’re on vacation or planning to relocate to Costa Rica, locals don’t want you here, you need to understand that and more people need to voice it. I believe the reason expats aren’t saying anything is because they’re ashamed to admit they’re wrong, they immediately invested their #life savings into the country prior to engulfing themselves in the culture, and they’re blind to the fact they’ve been dehumanized. They’ve accepted they’re not wanted here and have come to terms with it by avoiding locals and only socializing amongst fellow expats—fact.



What you won’t hear is how everything is for sale here—“se vende.” When I say everything, I mean everything—houses, automobiles, businesses, condominiums, property, everything—se vende is spray painted up and down every structure in Costa Rica from coast to coast. They can’t get out of here fast enough.

The liars won’t tell you there isn’t any finance options available for transplants, either. Credit and centralized banking backed business loans, mortgages or automobile loans only apply to Costa Rican natives. Cash money is your only option as an expat—even the banks don’t want you here. In fact, you can’t even open a bank account here as an expat until you’ve proven you applied for legal residency at $1,375 per person plus provide proof of income and, even then, the terms and regulations make it not worth it. The daily maximum dollar amount you can withdraw from your personal Costa Rican bank account prior to residency is $1,000. That means, if you need $1,001 from your native source, you’d have to send yourself two separate transactions and withdraw them individually on two separate days. Ten thousand dollars means ten transactions requiring ten separate withdrawals over a 10 day period and so on.

Liars won’t tell you every single butthole has stolen from you, has attempted to steal from you and will continue to steal from you with no regard for their mirror. Locals understand you’re unfamiliar with their currency and they use that to their advantage. What I mean by that is, 50 Colones and 25 Colones are very similar in appearance and, each time they can cheat you out of 25 Colones, consider yourself cheated.


25 Colones is equal to $0.04—four pennies. Locals don’t see you as an easy four pennies, they see you as one of a hundred four pennies and, in a single day, after robbing 100 people for four pennies, they acquired a total of $4.00—the #life of a butthole. Expats have learned to accept it because “it’s only four cents” and at least it wasn’t ten. Expats need to have a talk with the mirror as well—if you’re not part of the solution, you’re part of the problem.

The lowest denomination I’ve been burned for, that I’m aware of, is five Colones—$0.008, less than the value of one penny. That was at a grocery market from the grocery store clerk working the register after I purchased items and looked her in the eye when she counted back my change and said “10” while handing me five—five and 10 Colones are more similar in appearance than a dime vs. a nickel.


By the way, that’s the most interaction you’ll receive from a grocery clerk, they’re flat out rude to expats and tourists. They don’t want you here either and, each time you need groceries, you’re met with the same unwelcoming hawks employed by the market who stare over your shoulder throughout your shopping experience as though you’re on their most wanted list.


It forces you to hold up transactions while you count your change regardless of location—locals have to count change too; taxis, markets, restaurants, it doesn’t matter. By holding up a transaction to count Colones against your factura (receipt), you’re outwardly acknowledging you don’t trust them—it’s a horrible feeling and it sucks. Unless you’re dehumanized, of course. It’s even worse when you catch them short changing you and have to call them out on it.

Just the other day, Pura and I were having lunch at one of our favorite falafel joints. The owners are seemingly nice people originally from Canada. We told them we’re leaving because we’re appalled by the divide between locals and expats and were told “you just have to learn how to scream Nooooo!” Three week’s ago they told us a #story about how they’ve been here four years, they feel like they’re part of the community now and they #love Costa Rica. However, the other day they told us their restaurant is for sale and they’re going back to Canada—liars. They’re part of the problem. While we ate, we watched all of the buttholes snake tourists out of money.

A common thievery practice in Costa Rica is “car watching” but nobody actually watches your car—it isn’t necessary. What happens is, once you’ve returned to your vehicle and are pulling out of your parking space, a butthole pounds on your window with their hand out, demanding money and causing a scene by yelling “I watched your car!! I watched your car!!” Once you’ve been here for awhile you just ignore them and drive away. You’re perfectly safe to park your vehicle anywhere around here with locked doors but new people don’t know that—buttholes can spot #new tourists from a mile away.


Another common act of thievery here is charging unknowing tourists to enter public beaches. Buttholes go down to the local hardware store, acquire reflective vests to wear and then stand at beach entires charging money to anyone who will pay, typically it’s 2,000 Colones—a little over $3.00 USD. Tourists who just arrived don’t know any better and are taken advantage of for thinking it’s a park fee so they end up paying it—expats who have been here for awhile won’t tell you that. They won’t tell you to just walk right passed anyone wearing a vest as though they’re a ghost and ignore them, they won’t follow you and eventually will leave you alone.

Also, this is very important, if a butthole knows English, run! I learned that one from a Russian expat—excellent advice. The more English they know, the faster you run, what that means is they’ve really mastered their craft. It’s much easier to steal from someone when you speak their language. A butthole who speaks English that wants to sell you mahi-mahi—it isn’t mahi-mahi, it’s most likely corvina. Ask @puravidaville, she’s been on the receiving end of that one.

You’ll meet a lot of expats who will tell you they have a real estate agent you can trust and they’re familiar with the local housing market—liars. Firstly, the agent will speak English, that’s your cue to run! They don’t trust the real estate agent and, odds are, they got burned by the agent themselves. The truth is, that expat receives a 20% cut should you decide to purchase real estate—liars. That’s a country wide unwritten rule, referrals are worth 20%. That’s why every butthole and liar will suggest the best tour and tour guide by name, the best restaurant by name, the best scuba diving company by name, etc, just don’t forget to tell them who sent you—they’ll insist.

Have I made my point yet or do you need more examples? Unfortunately, I could keep going but I think I’ve painted a clear enough picture. If more expats would tell the truth, I believe less tourists would visit Costa Rica and, maybe over an extended period of time, all of the Buttholes And Liars would be forced to have a talk with the mirror.


Wishful thinking

Look, I didn’t want to reach this conclusion, I came here ambitious and with aspiration. We had plans, Pura and I were going to do X, Y and Z. It was never my intention to report back anything negative—no way! That wasn’t part of the plan. I wanted to be accommodating, possibly start our own business that catered to both locals and tourists, who knows? Pura was excited about possibly starting a food truck using only locally sourced ingredients on one of the beaches or maybe even some type of sunset dinner cruises, we had plans. We never considered our plan to be an exit door as soon as possible. Our plane is scheduled to leave this Sunday, a one-way shot to New York City before finally arriving in England and Sunday can’t get here soon enough! Peace the you know what out, Costa Rica! I’ll be sure to miss you just as much as you want me here—nil.


That sounds pretty awful. I hope wherever you move to next is a lot better than that experience.

Im so sorry to hear all of that, really. I was thinking how you seem to be living the life, beaches, boat trips, nature...but I can picture what you are describing and I'm glad to know.

Boy that sucks, then again England is veey nice 😊. Plans can be twisted but you must think of the original goal, the reason why you made those and that, my friend, is still possible 👍. Have, sadly, a nice trip out of there!

Hey what’s up pegarissimo? Thanks for checking out this article, sir, I appreciate it! You’ve been on fire releasing original art—it’s nice to see you back in the swing of things. 👍🏿

Yeah, disappointed to say the least but it’s about time someone says something about this place—my pleasure! Thank you for the kind words my friend, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you. Looking forward to Europe, I’ll tell you all about it—you know I will.

#fff tomorrow? 😉

Thanks for stopping by @pegarissimo.

I have to say that hopefully your trip to England went well and you'll be back with us soon from there (or wherever the wind will bring/brought you).

No matter what country you're visiting, you will always be U.S. citizen, and it doesn't take the locals long to figure it out. Even if you extend your stay and make efforts to blend in with them, you'll always be an outsider. Even in countries with lifestyles similar to our own, Canada or Great Briton for example, we're easily identified : basically in the same manner as we tend to spot anyone from other countries. We even segregate our own citizens by state, area code even what street they claim.
You know what I'm sayin'.
I gravitate toward straight up folk...people like y'all.

I really don't like to be taken advantage of, and my nature is to always speak up.
Sometimes I do it in ways that don't feature a lot of words.
Cheat me once...my bad.
Try it again...bad mistake on your behalf.
Karma...what comes around goes around.
In my world, payback can be a bitch.
I didn't write the book . I merely interpret what I see and wing it from there.

Ebb and flow.
Flora and fauna.
Breathe in breathe out.
We are what we are.
We will never be them and they will never be us.
It is what it is and that's that.

We all swim in The Sea of Futility.
All you can do is check the water before you dive in...watch for predators, try to navigate parallel to the shoreline, stay close to your partner and savor every moment that you can.
Find some good in every situation, say your prayers and prepared to be continually amazed every day.

Spoken like a true mentor—thank you, sir! My favorite book has a star in it that can’t seem to be accepted anywhere he goes, either, thanks to him I’m prepared. Thanks to you I’m mentioned.

Man, I sure do appreciate you keeping an eye on me, veech, it’s a comfortable feeling. Each time I see an Upvote from you I get one of those permagrin thingy’s.

I believe you’re 100% correct in that we’ll be spotted anywhere we go, as much as I’d like to believe it isn’t true, “can’t we all just get along?” So far, it looks like the answer is ”Nooooo!

Between me and you (it’s just us here, right?), I’ve already found myself shopping around realtor.com scoping out property in Tennessee and Florida. Is that called back to the drawing board? Even a grinding loop-hole adventurer in search of finding a way around taxes and slavery doesn’t feel unwelcome in the good ol’ U.S of A.

We’re hoping Europe opens doors and Pura continues her career but, if after a year or two, it’s the same creek, different paddle, she’ll be teaching from behind an eliminated computer screen for the same pay and I’ll be helping her hide from Sam. You ever gonna venture toward us? Gotta be quick, dude. 👍🏿

Thanks for stopping by @carklevicci. It’s always a pleasure to hear from you.

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Tell it like it is, that is the only real way to do things. Despite your disappointment with the way everything went down, at least you guys were smart enough to adventure out and get a genuine flavor of the locals.
So many disappointments, getting ripped off at every corner, hassled by the police, rain, heat, bugs, paypal, truck overheating, and someone telling @puravidaville how to cook after being wrangled into preparing food for strangers.
You know when you've been backed into a corner by circumstances, and it is time to circle the wagons, it tests even the strongest relationships. I'm sure that @dandays and @puravidaville will only come out of this with an even stronger love and commitment to each other.
Your adventures, and the fact that you have been so forthright with all that has gone on over the past months has been refreshing.
You are probably asking, what the hell do I mean by that.
Very simply put, your honesty with this whole mess is honorable. I would imagine that most people would not be as honest, not wanting to let others know how miserable things have gotten. By painting a fairy-tale scenario, they could hide the reality of the situation and make everyone think that things are fine.
Not your style my friend, and what a wholesome way to behave. More people should try being honest as it promotes health and well-being of mind or spirit.

Happy travels and stay safe!

My favorite New Yorker strikes again! Man, you are a comment homerun hitting machine—ka’pow! Spoken like a real big leaguer. Going.. Going.. How’s the barn doors, Sweed? I know you’re working up a masterpiece for us. 👍🏿

How cool is this? As I read your comment, before reading the next sentence I stopped and quoted you to Pura, “Sweed just said:”

Your adventures, and the fact that you have been so forthright with all that has gone on over the past months has been refreshing.

Then your next sentence just goes to show we’re on the same page. I sure do appreciate your sincerity, sir, thank you! <—big font.

Thanks for being so cool all the time Sweed, to both Pura and myself, ya’all are the coolest people we’ve never met. Speaking of that... Thailand in November (echo) ember.. ber.. er... To have a senior of mine describe me with the wOrd honorable is, well, honorable!

Thanks for stopping by @thebigsweed! Your real with a side of humor and a splash of enlightening comments always make my day.

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I'm a Costa Rican, local, native I live here. I can garantee that everything stated here is 100% true and there are many Costa ricans taking advantage and being rude. I'm really sorry that it is part of my country and in fact I would say that I'm like the third kind of people who try to be welcoming and nice because I'm genuinely interested in getting to know more excited English speaking pals but that as well could be like taking advantage because I'm the most benefited así can get to practice more and everything. I wished I could change this reality and revert that experience to many of the affected persons. About the economy I truly believe but there will be an economic recession pretty soon and the tourist sector must change for good in order to survive. Anyway I really wish you guys the best for whatever you decide to do. I'll always love reading your posts and there are other options to check out that are close and share many of the advantages.

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First things first:

@raserrano. Though we haven’t met in person, since we’ve been here you’ve been nothing but kind and forthcoming. You even offered me the use of your personal computer, I honestly believe you’re the one native Costa Rican who goes against the grain—please accept this virtual hand shake! You’re always going to be an ally in my book, I hope the feeling’s mutual.

Thank you so much for sharing your personal opinion on my page like this, I really can’t thank you enough because otherwise it’s just me saying this—an expat. I’ve written two articles along these lines now and I’ve had you on my mind both times. You’re obviously different and proud of your mirror and, prior to clicking the post button, I’m worried I’m going to personally hurt your feelings—I’m so glad that’s not the case man!

Thank you for backing me up on this one and I hope you’re having the time of your life in Austin. Anything you need, sir, reach out to me and, if I can help, you’ll have my undivided attention. God bless you and yours, sir!

Thanks for stopping by @raserrano.

No problem and who knows maybe some day we will meet in person. I really appreciate your words. I really wished that you would have met more cool and kind Costa ricans instead of the blood sucking bast***, truth is that it can be an similar in other countries and generally there would be some natives swimming against the flow.

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Love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What? Too many exclamations? LOVVVVEEE ITTTTT.

“Say what you think”

It was only 17, I read somewhere 23 exclamations is considered too many so you’re good. 😉 “Say what you think,” it’s not an art or something that needs to be practiced, it’s just something not enough people do.

Like giving every kid on the team an award, it never used to be like that when I was a kid—it doesn’t make sense. Even parents, teachers, coaches, etc. are encouraged to lie—vomit.

iheartu all the time beautifulest!

For most of us it’s hard to say what we think, bluntly, without being rude or offensive. Something you were born with is something I must work at. Heart you all the time Coke Zero fetcher :)

I'm so sorry to hear that! You and @puravidaville were so excited 😞 Here in Mexico, we have immersed ourselves in "real" not "tourist" Mexico, and find the exact opposite...but I know there's a lot of rip-off artists here as well. Unfortunately, a lot of tourists give other tourists a bad name with shitty, im-better-than-you demeanor...not that you guys would ever do that!!! In the end, I'm just sorry that your experience wasn't a good one.

When I read your title I thought this was going to be about PayPal lol

So, England? Gonna stay there?

Am I the luckiest guy I know or what?! Two Lynn sightings in as many as two weeks—someone find me a lottery ticket! Good morning my dearest virtual homegirl—knucks to Brian! ❤️

A big lol at the PayPal comment, yeah suffice it to say I’ve been dealt a handful of obstacles lately, man.. that PayPal fiasco took 7 days to get sorted out, can you believe that? They held my funds hostage for 7 days—crazy.

I know exactly what tourists you’re talking about, Lynn. I call’em “the white guy on the hill.” They’re punks and they’re part of the problem, liars. They roll to restaurants in the 30k dune buggies that are used strictly for bar hopping all day—old gray haired fat white men with front row seats to watch all of the bikinis and think they’re good for the community because they have house cleaners and gardeners on payroll—can you tell they make me want to vomit?

(dang, it’s pretty early to be ranting like that....) “Breathe.” ....c’mon Sunday. 😉

England, well, check it out. Pura is leaning toward teaching in Spain—that’s most likely our next parking spot. Her contracts usually last anywhere between 6 months and a year. Well, it’s all EU and her dad is from England—he’s no longer with us. So, I think it’s about dang time to take her to the place her dad comes from and get a front row seat of how and why she is who she is. Give it a go at least, I’m assuming it’ll just be a quick visit but who knows? We’ll find out when we get there and I’ll keep you posted. 😉

Thanks a lot for stopping by @lynncoyle1, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you.

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If you talk to @abh12345, he'll tell you Spain over England any day!

I love the "white guy on the hill" too! You're so right ... having a local as your cook or gardener does not make you a hero or good for the local economy ... dumbass

Good luck with wherever you guys end up!

Are you sure you're not working for the Costa Rican Tourism Association?

That was certainly an eye opening read

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Eh, what’s up @sparkesy43, what a pleasant surprise. Thanks for checking this article out, I’m glad you liked it—happy Wednesday my favorite Aussie!

Ha! Yeah, I’m the president of the association actually, can’t you tell? I’ve been on them for awhile now—I think I need a raise danget!

Check out raserrano’s comment on this one, sir, he’s a Costa Rican native, his comment put a big ol’ smile on my grill.

Thanks for stopping by @sparkesy43.

I spent a couple of months working in India a few years back, and there were certainly similarities with that, though I was fortunate enough to make some great friends there who guided me a fair bit - I think @raserrano and @lynncoyle1 both raise excellent points.

1 - There are a handful of locals that really are genuine and welcoming

2 - A lot of tourists are disrespectful asshats that leave a pretty nasty taste in the mouth of anyone who interacts with them.

I agree, they both raise excellent points. Sorry, I can’t help myself...

  1. I’m sure you’re right, perhaps we’d meet one if we stayed here for a seventh month—0 in 6 months (except for a virtual raserrano) is plenty for me sir. I know where I can find one in Australia, though! 👍🏿
  2. Disrespectful is something I can get plenty of in Los Angeles, it comes natural there, the difference is they weren’t bred to prey on me.

Ever since we started chatting I keep meaning to tell you.. ok, the world I made a living in between age 18 and 41, Union Electrician, right? Well, on the job, each trade has a nickname—iron workers are iron heads, pipe fitters are pipe fighters, etc. Well, we are known in the construction world as “Sparky’s.” Since the first time I began chatting with you I thought “hey is this dude a Wireman?” Ha!! Always nice to hear from you, sir! We miss your messy kid finger food fights. 👍🏿

You know when you first moved down there and were telling me about that place, I thought.... “maybe I was wrong? Or whoever told me those awful things are wrong” I guess all it takes is a little time and the truth comes out. Just like a person, they can only lie for so long before they get caught it in one. Then the truth comes out. It’s times like this I wonder what it would be like is people were just um.... what’s that word???? Oh ya Honest.... Just being honest can change the world.

Dude thanks for taking us along on your journeys, and look forward to see what kind of eye opening things you guys will show us next!! Man I have got to get @sivehead’s email address. That think couldn’t have just disappeared??!!! Or could it???

My brother! Eh, good morning @jlsplatts, thanks a lot for the Resteem on this one man, I really appreciate that.

The wiser we get the more we realize the truth always comes out, huh? As kids we could stretch the truth and flat out lie and pretend nothing happened but even then, the truth always comes to light. The older I get, the more I practice to tell it like it is without regard to anyone’s feelings because if I can’t look at myself in the mirror—the feelings I’m surrounded by are useless.

Even the dude who came down here to buy the truck, he’s moving his family down here and said he’s going to do this, that and the other. I told him don’t! You got a vehicle, that’s a necessity, do not go blowing your wad on property and toys—give yourself 6 months. You’ll not only save yourself from possible regret but you’ll also keep that money target hidden for a little bit because everyone knows who’s purchasing what around here and you don’t want to be the guy they think has money. The natural target on your back is bad enough.

Thanks for the kinds words, Splatts, I’m really glad you appreciate following our adventures brother, our pleasure! Stay tuned...

Thanks for stopping by @jlsplatts.

I guarantee that guy will always have those words in the back of his mind. Even if he doesn’t choose to listen he will always remember. Then possibly kick himself in the a$$ when he realizes you were right. Lol.
Like this lady the other day. Out of no where she was talking about moving in with her boyfriend and selling her house but she wasn’t sure. This lady is close to 60. So I told her my experience when we put in all the underground power in her the neighborhood.... that place is built on a swamp. They had to bring in 2 feet of gravel to get compaction on the road. I said, “I am just a Lineman, but I honestly would never live in this neighborhood because of what I saw” She said, “Wow!! thanks for the info, you might have just pushed me in a direction” then she winked. I really hope the wink wasn’t her hitting on me HAHAHA

That was a good read. All I can say, is that you are describing a situation that exists all around the world, so you will find hate, and people stealing and taking advantage of you everywhere you go. Sometimes you gotta dig deeper, but it can take years, and sometimes you can just never find what you were looking for. It's like finding love, you just know when she is the one. As the big weed says, thanks for your honesty, that's refreshing!
cheers :)

What a pleasant surprise. The brand new father of three took time out of his schedule to read what I think—wassup my man?! Congratulations—again.

I’m already imagining the world is just as you describe it, Ed, I’m down to continue giving it a go, however, I don’t know how much I can take. My goal, as you know, was 10 countries in 10 years but I’m not gonna make it if I continue being treated like this. I give it two years max—wish me luck!

...thanks for your honesty, that's refreshing!

My pleasure! See you in France?

Thanks for stopping by @edprivat, it’s always a pleasure to hear from you. I’m glad you liked this one.

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