Some pro-choice people have .. odd.. logic.
I'm pro-choice, but I find many other pro-choice people pretty obnoxious because they don't seem to understand the issue.
One common rhetorical trick is to argue as follows: Republicans say they are pro-life! But they don't support various welfare programs I support, so they must not really be pro-life!
There's some plausibility to this: Perhaps more generous welfare programs would marginally reduce abortions. But that's a complicated empirical question. There's also some evidence that generous welfare programs increase unwanted pregnancies.
But regardless, you can be against killing X without thinking you should support X yourself. I am against Russians killing Ukrainians but I might for all sorts of reasons oppose US government aid to Ukraine. I don't think my neighbour should murder his kids and yet that doesn't mean I believe I'm obligated to feed his kids.
(Keep in mind, I don't myself think abortion is murder, but this is the relevant analogy from the pro-life side.)