yanju (46)in #cn • 3 years ago旅行在尼羅河郵輪上的愜意尼羅河海軍上將(MS Nile AdmiralNile Cruise)號遊輪緩緩地離開阿斯旺碼頭,駛向尼羅河的下游,目的地是盧克索。…yanju (46)in #enterprisethe • 4 years agoThree kinds of people are never suitable to be bosses!It is not surprising that the poor have poor thinking, but I have seen many bosses also have poor thinking. What…yanju (46)in #cause • 4 years agoIf you have a big picture, you will live a small life!Regarding the pattern, a netizen explained it very well: Those with a lower pattern only care about themselves…yanju (46)in #management • 4 years agoLet the system manage, not youThe management of people is exhausting, and managers know this truth. So how can I become an efficient and calm…yanju (46)in #life • 4 years ago做人,贵在醒悟!生活给我们每一个人的东西,其实都是一样的。谁的脚下也不会平坦,谁的生活也不会无波。 坎坎坷坷才是原貌,跌跌撞撞才能前行。 做人,贵在醒悟,看清之后有所取舍,才能不断的超越自我。 01、看错的人,要知放手…yanju (46)in #steem • 4 years ago好心情,好心态,才有好人生!人生在世,拥有好心情,是人生最幸福的事。因为人活一世,不可再生,每一时每一秒都是向终点靠近,不可预测。 生命从无到有,物质从有到无,包括荣辱、名利、心情、最终全都会烟消云散,只有保持一颗平常心,珍惜亲情善待友人,用爱心回报社会;…yanju (46)in #steem • 5 years ago5号发工资和25号发工资,就能看出一个公司是否靠谱?对很多工薪族来说,发工资这一天基本上是脱贫致富的重要日子,也是很多人的还款日子,交房租,还信用卡……想到接下来的日子又得靠拆东墙补西墙过。 即使发薪日就是还款日,但这个美好的日子还是值得每个职场人期待的!…yanju (46)in #mindset • 5 years ago为何只有靠跳槽才能加薪,老实待在一个公司,反而薪资原地踏步?现在应该正是春季招聘的高峰期,当然也是跳槽的高峰期,虽然这次疫情把春招延后了,但我认为这影响并不大,甚至会让大家跳槽频率更高,毕竟在这次事件中,很多企业不但没被影响,反而逆势崛起了,比如在线教育、无人领域、远程办公等等......…yanju (46)in #work • 5 years ago最让老板满意的工作到位是这样的!(附思维导图)导读: 1、汇报工作说结果; 2、请示工作说方案; 3、总结工作说流程; 4、布置工作说标准; 5、关心下级问过程; 6、交接工作讲道德; 7、回忆工作说感受。…yanju (46)in #work • 5 years ago什么样的领导才是值得追随的职场贵人?职场打怪升级,除了自身努力,离不开贵人提携;而要升职加薪,除了内部晋升和跳槽这条捷径,追随一位领导,随着他的发展而共进退,更是能够大大缩短奋斗的周期。 那什么样的领导才是值得你追随的职场贵人? 01…yanju (46)in #mindset • 6 years agoDon't be someone else, be a person who envy yourself! I believe that life is very beautiful!Unconsciously, a beautiful day opens again, dear friend, are you ready? Put down all the unpleasantness of yesterday…yanju (46)in #mindset • 6 years agoFind someone who understands you and have a drink togetherA person who likes to drink alcohol is actually lonely. No one understands it. There is nowhere to talk. Only use…yanju (46)in #emotional • 6 years agoOne's best life stateA person Best living condition What is it like? Do these 5 points Is the best way of life 1,Something to…yanju (46)in #emotional • 6 years agoYou can be strong, but you don't have to be stubborn!Strong or acknowledgment, no one can help you, but you have to slowly, no matter how strong and stubborn, you have to…yanju (46)in #confidence • 6 years agoTwo ants (the story is short, meaning very deep!)Two ants were very unfortunate and strayed into the Glass cup. They panicked around the bottom of the glass and…yanju (46)in #management • 6 years agoEmployees join because of the company, but leave because of middle managementIf your company's employees are lost a lot, it must be your management, your middle management has a problem. Do not…yanju (46)in #management • 6 years agoExecution is not in place, everything is equal to zero!1 has work, but no effort equals zero For every marketer, you must learn to cherish and learn to be grateful.…yanju (46)in #mindset • 6 years agoMy team would rather push back,Also firmly refuse to allow these people to exist!First, people with defects in moral quality cannot use it. (small people can't use) In today's society, when we…yanju (46)in #photofeed • 6 years agoIs this the case in Thailand in your eyes?Thailand in my mind is this image: poor country, chaotic politics, epidemic diseases, people's hopeless eyes, simple…yanju (46)in #photography • 6 years agoThai life, Chiang Rai.The picture taken above is here at the Royal University of Chiang Rai. It is beautiful. Chiang Rai is the capital of…