wenjiewu (34)in #busy • 5 years agoIn order to promote this in Beijing, the provincial toll stations of expressways will be cancelled by the end of the yearBy the end of this year, 8 provincial toll stations in Beijing will be completely cancelled. Without etc, the toll…wenjiewu (34)in #food • 5 years agoTry this: I can eat 10 at a timeRaw materials: 500g of common flour, 150g of boiled water, 150g of cold water, 70g of butter (20g of which is added…wenjiewu (34)in #busy • 5 years agoReluctant to eat morning: milk cerealThis method is the quickest and most delicious way I try to make cereal milk! Choose sugar free instant cereal, two…wenjiewu (34)in #busy • 5 years ago我坐火车了从一个城市到另一个城市,只有靠自己努力,学会长大,学会承受,学会哭过之后,还可以微笑地拥抱爸爸妈妈,拥抱自己。…wenjiewu (34)in #game • 5 years agoThis 10-year long life game finally has a mobile game, and Shanghai holds an appointment activity.It has been ten years since the launch of USV in October 2009. Today, fist game company held the celebration of the…wenjiewu (34)in #nba • 5 years agoNBA Xiao Hua arrived in Shanghai overnight: Looking at 30 years of emotional understanding of netizens: anxious?NBA President Xiao Hua arrived in Shanghai to meet in private with his partner Yao Ming, who said Yao was very angry…wenjiewu (34)in #busy • 5 years ago98 years old gets 15 years. The old man in Hainan Province was suspected of killing his wife with poison and killed his wife with a sharp knife. The Hainan court sentenced the old man to 15 years in prison.wenjiewu (34)in #busy • 5 years agoHe paid me to paint, but I didn't want to.For a while, in order to prevent playing games after work, I tried to learn how to draw by hand. At first, I could…wenjiewu (34)in #busy • 5 years agoA mother gave birth to quadruplets on National Day. The name has more meaning.国庆一妈妈生下四胞胎,名字更有含义 On 1 October, A mother in Jiangsu, China, ushered in her "National Day baby", or a rare…wenjiewu (34)in #steem • 5 years ago听说这一动物能治疗癌症 It is said that this animal can cure cancer.它最大可长45尺(20米),是海洋中的顶级捕食者,一生中需要换1万颗牙齿,传说它能治疗癌症,风湿痛,消炎,降血脂,在中国,每年超过2万条鲨背鳍被食用,但事实上它的背鳍营养价值和一碗粉丝差不多,还不如一个鸡蛋,现在已经禁止食用背鳍。它就是鲨鱼wenjiewu (34)in #steem • 5 years ago这里是孩子们天然的游乐场 This is the children's natural playground.烟台市一处不为人知的沙滩,沙滩上布满了成千上万个形形色色的贝壳,有粉红色的,有浅紫色,沙滩上沙子非常细腻,不络脚,赤脚踩着很舒服,是周末游玩的好去处,孩子们非常喜欢,海也挺浅的 适合各种玩耍,如果你要来,一定要在退潮的时候去!!!…wenjiewu (34)in #steem • 5 years ago这里是孩子们天然的游乐场 This is the children's natural playground.烟台市一处不为人知的沙滩,沙滩上布满了成千上万个形形色色的贝壳,有粉红色的,有浅紫色,沙滩上沙子非常细腻,不络脚,赤脚踩着很舒服,是周末游玩的好去处,孩子们非常喜欢,海也挺浅的 适合各种玩耍,如果你要来,一定要在退潮的时候去!!!…wenjiewu (34)in #steem • 5 years agoThere's a mysterious town, called the Gate of God by the local people.Every year to September Autumn will come quietly to Lake Baikal This place that fascinates Mr. Li Jian Many people…wenjiewu (34)in #life • 5 years ago我去了一次阴山 I went to Yinshan once.曲指算来,离渐凉的秋天还有一个礼拜,国庆过后就要慢慢找出长袖衣服,马上体验窝床的乐趣了,想到这里,我去爬了一躺竹山,阴径通幽,山风阵阵,吹得我一身凉意,像是已经过上的深秋。 In my opinion, there is still…wenjiewu (34)in #dtube • 5 years agoWhite Sussex,An aristocrat growing out of a wild animalWhite Sussex, an aristocratic chicken native to England, originated in the Roman period and has tender meat similar to…wenjiewu (34)in #dtube • 5 years ago這種烏龜,平均壽命會超過200歲,背二個成年人可爬6千米。巨型的阿爾達布拉烏龜,比普通人類的壽命要長的多,平均壽命會超過200歲,但是這是難以驗證,因為他們往往活得比他們的觀察員長久,走路都是慢條斯理的,即使兩個人站到龜背上,它照樣能每天爬行6千米,難道這就是長壽的原因?? ▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFSwenjiewu (34)in #cn • 5 years ago這位媽媽把早餐做成詩,簡直太魔幻了壹個熱愛生活的人,總能用心感知生活,把日子過成詩。 詩意不在遠方,就在我們瑣碎的日常生活裏。柴米油鹽也能成就詩情畫意。…wenjiewu (34)in #dtube • 5 years ago世界上唯一把鳄鱼当孩子养的男人世界上唯一把鳄鱼当宠物养的男人 ▶️ DTube ▶️ IPFSwenjiewu (34)in #cn • 5 years ago快手早餐 | 你盡管學,吃不上早餐算我輸自從夏天過去,立秋那天開始,感覺春困、夏倦、秋乏、冬睡不醒一窩蜂席卷而來,總結就是每天都睡不醒,老板以為早起上班趕地鐵的我,應該是這樣的。 而只能看著地鐵一趟一趟從面前開過,卻怎麽都追不上的我,是這樣的。…wenjiewu (34)in #cn • 6 years ago我就愿意这样一个人在这里孤单。。。一直以来对大海有种无限的向往,尤其是在天气晴朗时,那一眼望不到边的碧蓝,海风轻抚过脸颊,深呼吸,一切烦恼,不安,都会抛之脑后。如果我有一大把的时间,真的愿意就那样漫无目的,赤裸着脚,踩踏白沙,踏海浪。。。。