wenhui (25)in #blockchain • 6 years ago算力智库:务实的创始人,深谙资本市场的研究部2019年 2月14日 上海 天气晴 作者:梁文辉 今天,结束在算力智库的实习,三个月的实习可以浓缩为四个关键词:区块链,数字经济,人工智能,科创板。 区块链:实地的调研与深度的访谈,覆盖国内外优质项目…wenhui (25)in #aassio • 6 years ago【通证经济/Token Economics】The game changer for real estate? 下一个改变房地产行业格局的商业模式?导言:上一篇文章中我分享了对初创项目FunnyChain的看法,这次我想讨论一下佐佑(aassio) 【什么是佐佑?】 根据佐佑的白皮书:…wenhui (25)in #blockchain • 6 years agoA Nutshell Video of Funnychain--Making Fun & Earning Money on Token Economics / 短视频分享一个有趣的区块链新创项目-FunnychainI just created a Video about a new blockchain project called Funnychain : The goal of this video is to share my…wenhui (25)in #neoplace • 6 years ago【Token估值】关于Token估值的浅谈!浅谈NeoPlace代币的估值/How to value the token? NeoPlace as a case【导言:上一篇文章中分享了我对加密资产估值的看法,就为什么需要对加密资产进行估值,以及估值方法的选择运用等进行了探讨。】…wenhui (25)in #ico • 7 years ago【估值问题】关于加密资产估值的浅谈!How to value crypto asset? Keywords: ICO, Token, Crypto, Valuation Hello, my friends at Steemit. Today I would like to share the summaries of…wenhui (25)in #life • 7 years ago刚刚加入Steemit大家庭,文辉的自我介绍 (Just joint Steemit. An introduction of myself)大家好, 我是文辉,很高兴大家来到我的主页,近期加入了Steemit,刚刚加入就迫不及待的和大家分享了关于区块链未来投资方向方面的个人看法。文辉在这里也简单的做一个自我介绍(以下是文辉的照片): Hello Everyone…wenhui (25)in #blockchain • 7 years agoA summary of blockchain investment opportunities based on my recent researchDearest Steemit Friends, I believe blockchain is going to be an important driver for the evolution of economics and…