sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years ago'Stealth' material hides hot objects from infrared eyesInfrared cameras are the heat-sensing eyes that help drones find their targets even in the dead of night or through…sakib-khan (43)in #science-news • 7 years agoMagnetic 3D-printed structures crawl, roll, and jumpNew printing technique could be used to develop remotely controlled biomedical devices. The menagerie of structures…sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years agoA new kind of vaccine based on spider silkTo fight cancer, researchers increasingly use vaccines that stimulate the immune system to identify and destroy tumour…sakib-khan resteemedacidyo (80)in #dlive • 7 years ago[Acid Streams] Realm Royal with @strawhatInstalled Realm Royal today, not a big fan of Battle Royal in general but I enjoyed the game Paladins so gonna give…sakib-khan resteemedilovemylife (78)in #bookreview • 7 years ago징비록Book Reviewer @ilovemylife 입니다. 임진왜란때 재상을 지낸 서애 유성룡선생이 전쟁이 끝나고 남아있는 사람들과 후세에게 경계를 주고, 교훈으로 삼기 위해 집필한 책입니다. 징비록 원본은 국보…sakib-khan (43)in #health • 7 years ago'Surgery in a pill' a potential treatment for diabetesOver the last decade, bariatric surgeons have made strides in performing weight loss surgery that not only reverses…sakib-khan resteemedilovemylife (78)in #bookreview • 7 years ago1894년, 경복궁을 점령하라Book Reviewer @ilovemylife 입니다. 청일전쟁이 한반도에서 발생한 해가 1894년입니다. 일제는 조선정부의 요청으로 동학군을 토벌하기 위해 조선으로 출병했다고 주장합니다. 이러한 주장은…sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years agoFirst tetrapods of Africa lived within the Devonian Antarctic CircleTwo new species are Africa's earliest known four-legged vertebrates. The first African fossils of Devonian tetrapods…sakib-khan resteemedisaaclab (77)in #steemhunt • 7 years agoSALt - Sustainable and cost effective ecologically designed lanternSALt Sustainable and cost effective ecologically designed lantern Screenshots Hunter's…sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years agoResearchers reverse cognitive impairments in mice with dementiaReversing memory deficits and impairments in spatial learning is a major goal in the field of dementia research. A…sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years agoIn ancient boulders, new clues about the story of human migration to the AmericasGeologic evidence supports a coastal theory of early settlement. When and how did the first people come to the…sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years agoScientists introduce cosmochemical model for Pluto formationNew Horizons, Rosetta data fusion points to new theory. Southwest Research Institute scientists integrated NASA's…sakib-khan resteemedilovemylife (78)in #bookreview • 7 years ago중국 동북지역과 한민족Book Reviewer @ilovemylife 입니다. 한미정상회담이 나름 성공적이었다는 평가를 받고, 북한이 남측 취재진의 방북을 받아들였습니다. 북한은 자신들이 듣고 싶은 이야기를 한미정상으로부터…sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years agoEarly life trauma in men associated with reduced levels of sperm microRNAsIn mice, the same changes to sperm miRNAs occur and are transmitted to the next generation. Exposure to early life…sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years agoHurricanes: Stronger, slower, wetter in the future?New analysis compares 22 named storms with possible hurricanes of the future. Scientists have developed a detailed…sakib-khan resteemedilovemylife (78)in #esteem • 7 years ago고팍스(@gopaxkr)를 만났습니다. 고팍스의 성공은 스팀잇 발전오늘 모처럼 촌놈이 서울 나들이를 했습니다. 프로젝트관련 미팅이 있어서 남부터미널역으로 갔습니다. 남부터미널역 5번 출구를 나오다보니 낯익은 광고판이 보입니다. 무심코 지나가려다 자세히 보니 스팀잇…sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years agoRobotic assembly of the world's smallest house -- Even a mite doesn't fit through the door!Nanorobotics team demonstrates their new capability to manufacture optical nanotechnologies. A French nanorobotics…sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years agoEvidence for stars forming just 250 million years after Big BangMost distant oxygen ever detected in the universe. An international team of astronomers used ALMA to observe a…sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years agoWhere hominid brains are concerned, size doesn't matterThe human-like features of Homo nalei's brain surprise research team that examined fossil's brain imprints. The…sakib-khan (43)in #sciencenews • 7 years agoResearchers question conservation community's acceptance of trophy huntingResearchers at Oregon State University are challenging the premise that trophy hunting is an acceptable and effective…