Driving Cross Country Day 14 & 15: Onward to Utah

in #zzan5 years ago

So after the Saturday drive Sunday was kind of a rest day for me. I had a big drive the next day and just wanted to rest up. Originally I was going to stop in Red Mesa, AZ but when I went back to Orbtiz.com to book it I realized it was trying to send me to Mesa, AZ which is nowhere near where I needed to go. I looked around and couldn't find any hotels in Red Mesa. The closest I found when I looked was the Desert Rose Inn in Bluff, UT. This was about $50 more than I wanted to spend but I was in a bind. It was only about 30 minutes further from where I originally wanted to stop anyway so I said to hell with it and booked it.

I got up pretty early Monday morning and headed out. I think it was around 8 am though it could've been a little later. I left Elephant Butte a different direction than I came in so I noticed some scenery I never noticed before.




I got up the road a little ways and took this one in Socorro, NM oddly enough at a gas station


I'm guessing the M up there is for the New Mexico Mining Institute which is located there. The rest of the photos I took were directly over the steering wheel and some didn't come out to well so I chose to leave a few out of this post because I had so many anyway. The below photo was taken at the Arizona state line and the photos following it are from the Navajo Nation area of Arizona.

![20191104_132327.jpg] ()







Then finally after hitting was seemed like a bunch of back roads I hit the Utah state line. Unlike Arizona this one didn't have a big ass pole in the way to screw up my shot!



At this point I just wanted to get to my hotel. Utah is a beautiful state trust me there will be plenty of photos from there in the next post. Keep in mind these are really more blog posts that happen to have a lot of photos, not the other way around. So I got to the Desert Rose in and it was really nice. Upon further inspection though it seemed kind of like a trendy hipster place. There was no alcohol anywhere on premises, not even in the restaurant. There weren't even any vending machines. The place was beautiful and the people were really nice. I took some photos of the room which you will see in the next post. Nothing against the place at all I can see why some would love it. It seemed more though for people on family vacations and not for someone like me who was just traveling though looking for a place to crash.

Thanks for stopping by and have a great night!


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