Aceh Traditional House Museum | Museum Rumah Adat Aceh

in #zzan5 years ago (edited)


Museum rumah adat aceh berada di tengah kota lhokseunawe, rumah dengan tekstur kayu dan beratap daun rumbia ini adalah replika Rumah Adat Aceh tempo dulu, seiring perkembangan zaman Rumah dengan model ini yang terbuat dari kayu sudah lama ditinggalkan oleh masyarakat Aceh, namun demikian bukan berarti sudah melupakan sejarah.

Aceh Traditional House Museum is located in the middle of Lhokseunawe, this House with wood texture and roofed with thatched leaves is a replica of traditional house of Aceh, as long ago, as the era of house with this model made of wood has been left by People of ACEH, but that doesn't mean forgetting history.

Rumah adat Aceh atau dalam bahasa Aceh nya disebut dengan "Rumoh Manyang" yang terbuat dari kayu dan beratap rumbia ini sangat indah dengan pahatan dan ukiran dinding sepenuhnya dilakukan manual tanpa bantuan mesin. Bahan kayunya yang berkualitas tinggi membuat rumah ini layak dihuni puluhan tahun.

The traditional house of Aceh or in ACEH language is called "Rumoh Manyang" made of wood and thatched roof is very beautiful with carved and wall carving fully done manually without the help of the machine. Its high-quality wood materials make this house worthy of decades.

Masih banyak cerita tentang Rumah Adat Aceh yang belum saya ceritakan disini ya mungkin dilain waktu semoga masih ada waktu dan umur panjang.

There are still many stories about the Aceh traditional house that I have not told here yes maybe some time, hopefully there is still time and longevity


Foto ini saya ambil menggunakan smartphone Xiaomi Redmi Note 5.

This photo I took using the Xiaomi REDMI Note 5 smartphone

Thanks for @zzan.co19 , @zzan.co20 , @zzan.co7 , @zzan.co8 and @zzan.co2


I wish I can visit Indonesia some day!

I will wait for your arrival to enjoy the nature and what is in Aceh

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