short story-28

in #zzanlast year

Once upon a time, in a small village on the edge of a vast, dark forest, there lived a young boy named Jack. Jack was a curious and adventurous child, always eager to explore the world around him.

One day, while wandering through the forest, Jack stumbled upon a clearing he had never seen before. In the center of the clearing stood a tall, slender tree, its trunk as smooth as silk and its leaves as green as emeralds.

As Jack approached the tree, he noticed that its branches were heavy with ripe, juicy fruit. Without a second thought, he plucked one of the fruits and took a bite. It was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted, sweet and tangy all at once.

Over the next few days, Jack returned to the tree every chance he got, gobbling up the fruit as fast as he could. But no matter how much he ate, the tree never seemed to run out of fruit.

One night, as Jack lay in bed, his stomach full and his heart happy, he heard a strange sound outside his window. It was a soft, musical melody, like nothing he had ever heard before.

Curious, Jack climbed out of bed and followed the sound to the forest. There, he saw something he could scarcely believe: the tree was glowing with a soft, golden light, and from its branches hung a shimmering harp.

Without hesitation, Jack reached up and plucked the harp from the tree. As his fingers touched the strings, he felt a surge of joy and wonder. The harp played the sweetest music he had ever heard, and he knew that he had found something truly magical.

Over the next few weeks, Jack spent every spare moment playing the harp under the tree, surrounded by the sweet scent of the fruit and the soft glow of the golden light. And as he played, he felt his worries and fears melt away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment.

But one day, when Jack returned to the clearing, he found that the tree was gone, and the harp with it. In its place stood a simple wooden sign, bearing a single word: "Gratitude."

Although Jack was sad to see the tree and the harp gone, he knew that he had learned a valuable lesson. He realized that the true magic of the tree had not been the fruit or the harp, but the sense of gratitude and joy that they had brought him.

From that day on, Jack made it his mission to seek out the small joys in life, and to be grateful for every moment he was given. And though he never forgot the magic of the tree, he knew that the true magic lay within himself, and the world around him.

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