self introduction (perkenalan diri)
Hello friend steemian all ... !!
Introduce my name to a primal priest. My current profession is one of the students at Malikussaleh University in Aceh. I am not my aceh person from Mandailing Natal, North Sumatra. And I'm in aceh it's like migrants who want to gain knowledge and further my study and experience that I have ever got before. I really like to exercise and adventure some of the sports that I often do and is my hobby that is playing
football, futsal, and volly and often go adventure
My friend @triandi @hafizul introduced me a platform called steemit where in the steemit we can see and share experiences, videos and photos. And we are paid with appreciation for it. That's why I'm interested in becoming a member of this platform.
At first I entered and listed in steemit there are some things I do not understand from some of the features that exist in this steemit. And this post is still in my friend's direction. So here I hope to all the steemians who have already mastered Steemit, Please help and cooperation
Thank you to the Indonesian curator
@levycore @aiqabrago
And very grateful to my friend steemians everything I have known and have not hope soon know, Amin.
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