2021-09-24steemCreated with Sketch.

in #zpzaoa3 years ago

Lauren Southern said she had ADHD which means hyper-focused. Oh, me too.

A year after JFK died, in 1964, the CIA developed the term "CONSPIRACY THEORY" in order to discredit and shutdown people who are simply asking NICKI-MINAJ-QUESTIONS.

Bill Gates' mom was on IBM's board and his dad was the head of Planned Parenthood. IBM worked with a man with a mustache back in the 1940s to help find and gather a certain group of people. Facebook and other corporations do similar things in gathering personal information from users, that is why the matter of privacy is a matter of life and death.

America was seen as too free at the end of World War 2, that is in 1945, she had most of the inventions, the highest IQ on average. The United States was 4% of the total population of all the humans on the planet but with half the wealth. Some of these statistics were used since then to guilt Americans down a slippery slope decade after decade since then, a psychological degradation off a cliff. We were taught we were bad and that we must submit in order to pay for our crimes. That is part of the reason we started adding fluoride into the drinking water, in order lower IQ. They believed they had to do the polar opposite of the survival of the fittest. It became the survival of a dumbed-down equality as a cover story for a Prison Planet.

In that one county in Arizona in 2020, 9,041 mail-in voters show returning more ballots (EV33) than they were sent (EV32).

Are some of the links not working?
If some of my links don't work, it's probably because I've not written or published those pages, posts, etc. Think of it like a website that is under construction. But a really big website. I literally include links to future articles and much more, to be continued as always.

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
ABOUT | SOCIAL | HOW-TO FIND-ME ONLINE | GOOGLE | BING | DUCK | YAHOO | AOL | Ask | Baidu | Facebook | Twitter | Yandex | YouTube | BLOGS: | Blurt | Dream | Ecency | Hive | Peakd | Read | Serey | Steemit

Let me tell you why I would not ban incitement to violence at some places, here is a rather long rant

Boring rant on some of the things I may have stolen or have failed to return in my life and stuff like that.


September | 2021
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She is a cartoon

Oatmeal Daily - 2021-09-24 - Friday | Published in September of 2021

Published by Oatmeal Joey Arnold
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Bill Gates' mom was on IBM's board and his dad was the head of Planned Parenthood. IBM worked with a man with a mustache back in the 1940s to help find and gather a certain group of people. Facebook and other corporations do similar things in gathering personal information from users, that is why the matter of privacy is a matter of life and death.

America was seen as too free at the end of World War 2, that is in 1945, she had most of the inventions, the highest IQ on average. The United States was 4% of the total population of all the humans on the planet but with half the wealth. Some of these statistics were used since then to guilt Americans down a slippery slope decade after decade since then, a psychological degradation off a cliff.

We were taught we were bad and that we must submit in order to pay for our crimes. That is part of the reason we started adding fluoride into the drinking water, in order to lower IQ. They believed they had to do the polar opposite of the survival of the fittest. It became the survival of a dumbed-down equality as a cover story for a Prison Planet.

All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

Drinking Water Attack

2021-09-24 - Friday - 12:46 PM - Globalism Log | Gab | Alex Jones - Hour 1

America was seen as too free at the end of World War 2, that is in 1945, she had most of the inventions, the highest IQ on average. The United States was 4% of the total population of all the humans on the planet but with half the wealth. Some of these statistics were used since then to guilt Americans down a slippery slope decade after decade since then, a psychological degradation off a cliff.

We were taught we were bad and that we must submit in order to pay for our crimes. That is part of the reason we started adding fluoride into the drinking water, in order to lower IQ. They believed they had to do the polar opposite of the survival of the fittest. It became the survival of a dumbed-down equality as a cover story for a Prison Planet.

Covid Log

Forbidden News | Forbidden Videos | Forbidden Links

Covid Vaccines are killing people. Covid can be killed easily.

My Autobiography

History | Future | 1900s | 2000s | 0000s | 1000s | 2000s


List of my Favorite Websites

Find Me on social media networks: | Facebook | Instagram | Tik Tok | Twitter | YouTube | Bitchute | Gab | Minds | and other places too.

How do we grow from hard times?

12:22 PM - Ecency

I was so surprised to hear your story too, I've known you here for what feels like years. So, I feel like I know you and that soft cute voice. So, yeah, there is so much we can learn from our own childhood both good and bad.

I like what you are saying. It reminds me that people not only have IQ or intelligence quota but also EQ relating to the mastery over emotions, feelings, moods, communication, relationships, dialog, interpersonal conflict resolution skills, things crossing between emotional and spiritual matters. Oh, that reminds me, Yoda mentioned attachment in Star Wars.

So, some of the elements from our childhood can be left subconscious, subliminal, unaware, and especially unresolved. So, I do put some effort in analyzing my life and especially my childhood in order to analyze and break down the story but this time from an outside perspective.

The hard part can be in looking at things from an external paradigm or point of view while minimizing excessive bias governed by subjectivity within the realm and path towards insanity.

How do you do math?

12:51 PM -Facebook

I added 20 plus 40 or 2 plus 4, add the zero. That equals to 60. I then added 8 plus 7 which is 15. So, then I said 60 plus 15 is 75. Or in other words, 2+4=6, 7+8=15, then add a zero to the first set to equal 60, and then 60+15=75.

Christina Louise but i sometimes find counting and subtracting some things to be hard. Like, it might be hard to explain but like for example, in 3 days, what day will it be? Do you count today or start counting the day after today? Same thing with counting backwards. Well, going backwards might be harder sometimes. Today is Friday, in 3 days it will be Monday. So, we know the rules, You start counting the next day or the next number. But it can sometimes be confusing.

For example, 9+3=12. Because after nine, you count 10, 11, 12. But inside my brain, I sometimes think 9, 10, 11. So, then I think the answer is 11. But it is not. But it is just one of those things. Well, i have not asked other people if they have this same dilemma.

New Idea:

Start with 47 and subtract 2 from it to create 45. And then put that 2 on that first number, 28, to make 30. 47-2=45. 28+2=30.

Now you got 2 new numbers, 30 and 45 instead of 28 and 47. Then you simply put those 2 numbers together, 30+45=3+4, add zero, then plus 5. You can do all of that math stuff inside your head or with your fingers and toes.

I know all of this because I hate math, so I try very hard to make it simple and dumb ahahahhaa.

Round it up to a higher number, to the nearest ten or whatever they call it math. So, 28=30 and 47=50. Then 3+5=8. Add a zero. You get 80. Then go back and subtract 30-28=2 and 50-47-3. Then add those 2 numbers, 2+3=5. Then subtract 80-5=75.

01:24 PM
I found my Halloween Pumpkin. Face of girl smiling through a phone camera photo filter, big smile.

03:09 PM
My Facebook Patriot Chat
People can add people to this chat. But this chat has no delete button apart from each user who posts here. That means a crazy person could post crazy things on here and other people cannot remove it from this chat.

2021-09-24 - Friday - 07:07 PM - Dictionary Log
Abbey = church building that was part of a monastery or convent. Perhaps supervised by an abbot or abbess.

Learning English With Oatmeal
This community is about learning and teaching the English language.

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

Here is a photo of me with at an English club in Vietnam in 2013.

Can you find love?

12:54 AM - Ecency

Mary, my heart goes out to you, I am sorry and I am happy to hear your story. I have so much I want to say, I like your story. My favorite part of this post is when you wrote, "In order to give love you have to be love."

Some people can run into the wrong kinds of people in life, some of that can be toxic. The hard part is in getting away from the wrong kinds of people. I could briefly tell you one girl I met wanted to marry me when I was in Vietnam, she wanted me to take her to America and she broke up with me when I refused to give her all of my money.

So, I'm not going to exactly compare some of the heartbreak I've experience in my life to the pain you've experienced. But I will tell you I was homeless for 2 years when I was in Vietnam, long story. But I got out of that and things improved. I'm ok now.

I also like it when you wrote this, "I have a special relationship with this one and he is a rockstar." Oh, sounds like an ending to a modern fairytale.

Once upon time lived a princess. The evil beast cheated on the Drawing Body Art Snow White Chick. She escaped. She wandered in the woods for a while. Suddenly, a rock star came and swept her off her feet and onto a white horse. They rode off past the castle and into a beautiful logged cabin out in the woods by the lake and lived happily ever after, the end.

History of England

01:20 AM - According to Archive.org

The history of England and Europe in general may go back to the time of King David and Solomon which goes back to around 1,200 BC roughly speaking, over a thousand years before the modern era or the time of Christ, here is what was written on Archive from the The Passing of the Cymry as follows, "Of Britain, prior to the landing of Caesar, we know nothing of certainty. The island was inhabited by a number of valiant but half-savage woad-tattooed tribes 1 , and was occasionally visited by traders from the continent.

That period extending from the Roman invasion, back to the reign of a
certain British Princeling, Brute by name, a period variously
estimated at eleven to thirteen hundred years B. C, is known
in history as " the doubtful age." Even the ancient Welsh
Bards did not attempt, for all those centuries, a further record
than the bare genealogy of their Kings. With the invasion
of Caesar, therefore, in the year 55 B. C, commences the
authentic history of Britain and of the Welsh.

The Romans found the land subdivided amongst tribes,
consisting each of many communities. Each tribe was ruled
by a Prince or so called King, and each hamlet or community
by a Lord or Chief, whilst the whole nation was occasionally
united in times of war, under the doubtful authority of an Over-
King or elected ruler.

The ancient Britons were always, it is claimed, a religious
people. Long before the Roman invasion there existed their
Druid Priests, the exponents of a religious belief which, al-
though not perfect, had as its fundamental principles great
truths analogous to those of the Christian creed. The basis
of this religion of barbarian Britain was a strict adherence to
truth, a spirit of exact justice, and a policy, perhaps we may
say love, of peace. They recognized one Supreme Being only,
whom they worshipped in the open air, under the great spread-
ing oaks of the forest, and they venerated the ever surviving
mistletoe as a symbol of eternal life.

'In ancient times Europe was inhabited by the Keltic nation, until they
were driven, by the hardier tribes of Teutonic origin, to the extreme west, where
the ranges of rugged hills guarding the Atlantic has protected this race from ex-
tinction. Cym or Cyn, meaning in their language " first, " was the root of their
name of Cymry, the name by which the inhabitants of Wales, claiming descent
from the first tribe of these Kelts, still call themselves. The name " Welsh" is
the Teuton word " Welsch," or the stranger. These Britons who were driven to
the west coast were so called — hence, Wales."

Some or all of the Saxons were like or were actually in fact Vikings and/or sea rovers or pirates.
Heretofore means up to present time.
Eventide or evening.
Panoply is like armor.

This community is all about wholistic medicine, natural remedies, cures, prevention, etc.

Being healthy is like living life with common sense because if you got none, then you'll probably fall off a cliff. If you got none, you'll lose your mind and your oatmeal.

09:44 PM
Facebook Patriot Hub Chat
This is the Patriot Hub chat. I wonder if I should also make a Patriot Hub group and also a Patriot Hub page.

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

02:14 AM
Viva Frei - Sidebar with Lauren Southern! Viva & Barnes LIVE!

Lauren Southern said she had ADHD which means hyper-focused. Oh, me too.

Foundation 101: The Emperor's Peace

2021-09-24 - Friday - 03:48 AM - 04:18 AM - Apple TV - Foundation 101: The Emperor's Peace

Big intro like The Expanse. Terminus. Animals. So far out there. Go to space. Weird robots or hybrid women. Centralization. space elevator from space to planet, 14 hours to travel through. Emperor has a man pop his painter like a balloon.

11:19 AM
Viva Frei - Sidebar with Alex Jones - Viva & Barnes LIVE!

Bio tanks have been pigs or cows in that they did not have artifical wombs and instead would have human animal hybrids grow out of the animals.

Robert Barnes said Alex Jones is a historian populist and if you study populism, then you'll understand all of the movements towards freedom during the past thousand years.

The etymology of lunatic is related to the moon, as in lunar. The brain interacts with the environment in good and bad ways to electromagnetic waves, fields, pulses, a variety of things from the moon and other forces.

Bill Gates' mom was on IBM's board and his dad was the head of Planned Parenthood. IBM worked with a man with a mustache back in the 1940s to help find and gather a certain group of people. Facebook and other corporations do similar things in gathering personal information from users, that is why the matter of privacy is a matter of life and death.

A year after JFK died, in 1964, the CIA developed the term "CONSPIRACY THEORY" in order to discredit and shutdown people who are simply asking NICKI-MINAJ-QUESTIONS.

12:38 PM

America was seen as too free at the end of World War 2, that is in 1945, she had most of the inventions, the highest IQ on average. The United States was 4% of the total population of all the humans on the planet but with half the wealth. Some of these statistics were used since then to guilt Americans down a slippery slope decade after decade since then, a psychological degradation off a cliff. We were taught we were bad and that we must submit in order to pay for our crimes. That is part of the reason we started adding fluoride into the drinking water, in order lower IQ. They believed they had to do the polar opposite of the survival of the fittest. It became the survival of a dumbed-down equality as a cover story for a Prison Planet.

The United Nations, the United Kingdoms, etc, announced they're increasing the fluoridation levels in drinking water globally to make people even dumberer.

What, dumberer is not a word? Sorry, I am too dumb to understand what you are telling me you dumberer person.

02:55 PM
RSBN - LIVE: Audit Report Released To AZ Senate in Phoenix, AZ 9/24/21

Biden fake won, stole it, by how many votes there?

03:13 PM
AZ Central - Arizona Audit report presentation, Cyber Ninjas share their results of election audit

What is the final result?
Ports, as in Internet?
They said not connected to INTERNET. Are you saying it is normal for it to be online?
But they said it was not connected to the Internet. But you said it is normal for it to be online?
There are good sheriffs in America in some states, some counties.
In that one county in Arizona in 2020, 9,041 mail-in voters show returning more ballots (EV33) than they were sent (EV32).

03:59 PM
Nerdrotic - X-Men CANCELED | Woke Bond | #RIPDoctorWho - Friday Night Tights with It'sAGundam and Chrissie Mayr

05:06 PM
Mario Kart 64, I am an expert in that game.
I could probably play Mario Kart 64 with my eyes closed.
I will have to challenge everyone on Mario Kart 64 Online.

06:25 PM

10:07 PM
Let me tell you the super ultra secret plan of the globalists and then let me explain how we can counter it. First, they're involves taking control of largest cities all around the world by buying up the police, the military, and others. They've been dumbing us down in a variety of ways for decades because dumb people are less likely to fight back.

They're forcing people to live in those larger cities. They're making it harder and harder for people to survive outside of the smart cities which they're building. They're attacking us on several levels simultaneously. It's rather complex and also pretty simple what they're doing. We should continue to expose what they're doing. Try to focus on the puppet-masters who are working behind the scenes and less so on the puppets themselves. Boycott them. Don't fund them. Speak up at school board meetings, town halls, city councils. Vote. Promote ballot audits. Write research papers and email them to your best friend. Make a small little video and show your best friend your little video. Pass something on. Help people connect the dots.

I can write all day about thousands of things that are happening. It is good to do that. But it is also good to take things one step at a time, one day at a time. Help somebody near you see the bigger picture. And we all are helping each other see all the different things happening. So, I don't have time right now to list all the different ways they're taking over the world. We could sit here all day discussing what they're doing. And we should do that. But we should also cut that steak of truth into bite sizes so more people can chew on them and pass them around. Let's have a truth potluck.

11:13 PM
Don't attack the cops. That is what they want you to do. The United Nations is controlling police departments all around the world. Officers are paid to beat up patriots in multiple countries. In the mist of so much evil, we can see truth rising.


My advice is two-folded, generally speaking. Be strategic in life. Be careful in this information war. But at the same time, you must be willing to die. You must be willing to go to prison for good. I've struggled with this for years. But I'm on the winning side of history. I'm William Wallace in Brave Heart, "They shall take our lives, but they shall never take our freedom."


So, my advice is that you continue to share truth unashamed and be that truth. I will not wear a mask or be poked for example. Those are 2 hills I will die on if need be. If you don't hear from me in the future, I was probably imprisoned or murdered, that is me, Oatmeal Joey Arnold. I've been writing about some of this for years. I've been making videos. I've been sharing other patriots and what they're doing. I started the Patriot Hub which you should join.


I will continue to do what I do to change the world. The clock is ticking as they take more and more people to prison all around the world. You can watch thousands of videos of police throwing people onto the ground. They're beating people up. Well, here is what I say to that and to them, "Through my dead body." You will have to kill me to get to them.


See part of the way they win is in your fear of death and everything else. As long as you are afraid of dying or whatever else, you will continue to walk backwards right into a corner. They are pushing you back into the corner. You must say to them, "You can kill my body but you cannot kill my soul."


Don't get up and demand that they arrest you right now. But you should prepare yourself for that day. It can happen at any time and without notice. It is happening and has been happening to thousands of people all around the world. Get together with like-minded individuals while you still can. They may ban me from social media very soon. You'll have to find elsewhere someday. They may murder me and then lie about my death. I'm ok with that. I will continue to put out truth as much as I can each day and I encourage you to do the same. Peace, Love, & Oatmeal.

11:47 PM
Amy Sheesh, one of the biggest things is they are teaching the general public to kill sick people without thinking about it.... many will start to become sick from the poke and will look like zombies.... there are cures..... but in the walking dead.... in movies..... all over, they emphasize on no cure.... for like 1 second in I Am Legend, will smith says the zombies came from the poke..... but most people miss that part, like it happened so fast so people don't think about it

11:59 PM
TSA training kids that pedos can rape them.
Fake thing on View. Pretended they got Covid. Took them off the show to train the general public to accept it when they do that to everyone.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

11:00 PM

Dear diary, got up at 11:00 AM. Weird dream which I sort of forget. Sunny day. Trash out. Boat back or a boat back by grapes. Truck over there too behind trailer. Dishes around 01:00 PM to 02:40 PM. Something like that. Well, also, during that time or closer to the first part of that period, talking to mom about how to pronounce Saxon. I asked if it was an s or sh sound. Neither. I asked for the syllables. She instead wanted to focus on sounds. I asked if the x split between the 2 syllables. The answer is probably not or it depends on how you say it. But mostly the answer is no I say. She didn't have an answer. But it turns out as we talked that x make an K + S sound. Well, I knew that and forgot. But you say Saxon by saying Sak-son. Like Michael Jackson. This conversation started with me asking her if Saxon means pirate or Viking or what. Scroll up to see why I was talking about that. I was reading something as I was studying the history of Alex Jones and his family tree going back to the Welsh and whoever else he may be related to. There was a book from the late 1800s talking about history which talked about the Saxon as noted above. So, we talked about. 70's show. Home Improvement. A doctor show. 2 adult twins are connected so much to each other. They try to trick doctors on operating on the wrong girl to take out a kidney or something. It was the wrong girl. So, the one doctor found out and ran off to stop the operation. Lunch, 02:47 PM. Dishes a few times today. Shower, 05:25 PM for like 30 minutes. Was feeling too dirty. Saw a fly. Last shower was last Saturday. Don't be too clean but also don't be too dirty. Some people are too clean. Some are too dirty. I seek balance.

Food log
Breakfast: oatmeal, coffee, 11:14 AM.
Lunch: soup on beef, 02:47 PM.
Dinner: soup on potatoes, 04:00 PM, 06:00 PM.

You can find my blogs on different websites.
Google my display name, Oatmeal Joey Arnold, lookup my username, Joeyarnoldvn, type in random keywords like 1985 Oregon, etc, in order to find out where you can find me on different websites, social media networks, blockchains, other links, other sites across the Internet, or click here.
The web address or URL for my blogs is/are generally domain-name / @joeyarnoldvn. Just replace domain-name with the name of the website. It might be Peakd . com or Ecency . com or Steemit . com or Hive . Blog, etc, etc. My main official username or display-name for most social media apps, blockchain networks, websites, email addresses, forums, message boards, bulletins, sites, etc, is JOEYARNOLDVN or joeyarnoldvn, as in @joeyarnoldvn. It is a hashtag or tag as well. That is my username. It is simply my name, Joey Arnold, plus VN meaning Vietnam. It is generally not case-sensitive. You can find me on many different places online and offline. I'm going to present some of the places you might find my blog in case you can't find it someday, this will help you know where to look. Some websites may automatically edit the following links below meaning you would have to manually correct the URLs. For example, if you're viewing this on PeakD, then Ecency and Hive Blog links are automatically turned into PeakD links meaning you will not see actual links to Ecency or Hive Blog via PeakD. Oh, Ecency does this too. But Hive Blog does not.
Click here to see a more complete and thorough list of the different places where you may find my blogs, diary, journals, articles, posts, etc.

The following is only a sneak preview of a few examples of where you might find my daily posts.
Ausbit . Dev: https://hive.ausbit.dev/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurt Blog: https://blurt.blog/@joeyarnoldvn
Blurtter . com: https://blurtter.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Dream-Real . com: https://dream-real.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Ecency . com: https://ecency.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Esteem . App: https://www.esteem.app/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive Blocks . com: https://hiveblocks.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Hive . Blog: https://hive.blog/@joeyarnoldvn | https://hiveblog.c0ff33a.uk/@joeyarnoldvn
Leo Finance . IO: https://leofinance.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Online Buzz . com: https://onlinebuzz.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Staging-Blog Hive . IO: https://staging-blog.hive.io/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem . Open Hive . Network: https://stem.openhive.network/#!/@joeyarnoldvn
Peakd . com: https://peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn | https://beta.peakd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Personal . Community: https://personal.community/?hive=joeyarnoldvn
Read . Cash: https://read.cash/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemd . com: https://steemd.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem KR . com: https://steemkr.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steemit . com: https://steemit.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Steem World . Org: https://steemworld.org/@joeyarnoldvn
Stem Geeks.net: https://stemgeeks.net/@joeyarnoldvn
Sub Stack . com: https://joeyarnoldvn.substack.com
Waivio . com: https://www.waivio.com/@joeyarnoldvn
Weed Cash . Network: https://weedcash.network/@joeyarnoldvn
Google Search: https://www.google.com/search?q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn
Duck Duck Go Search: https://duckduckgo.com/?t=ffab&q=hive+blog+joeyarnoldvn&ia=web
And feel free to add to this list or to make your own, have fun and good luck.

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